SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 4

Rosh >> :
>> cascad became a reader for a month.

Comrade moderator, what about the special thread for information on bans? >> Again we are scattering information over squares?


))) In the old underground rules that hung on the walls of the carriage, under "Prohibited" there was a clause: "Appearing in a manner degrading to human dignity and insulting public morals." Or something similar - it was a long time ago.

!!! Make a "call the police" button.

(No, I can't... It makes me laugh...))


Товарищ модератор, а как же специальная ветка для информации о банах? Опять распыляем информацию по площадям?

+1. It would be useful and informative. I think something similar was about to start up.
granit77 >> :

Comrade moderator, what about the special branch for information on bans? Are we spraying information over areas again?

What a joy, more banning threads to skip. The flat structure of the forum is already annoying, so is this...

No need for a thread. It should be marked next to the nickname and a link to the message that led to the ban. If it ain't been banned.

sayfuji >> :
+1. It would be useful and informative. I think something similar was about to start.

The thread would have been more than informative, the spammer-flooders would have instantly stuck their posts in it: those in favour of the alienated who are against those in this forum. As a result, the whole Sabluk family would be banned and let's hoe it there! For insults and remarks addressed to them!))) You can not! Need to give the floor to all banned, allowing them to justify themselves and give their facts and evidence in the branch created under the "Last Ban (like the" last hero ")" Opinion Chamber "Guilty without Guilt"! That's the kind of branch we need!


Ветка была бы более чем информативна, товарищи флудеры-спамеры вмиг бы понатыкали в ней своих постов: кто в защиту отчужденных кто против сих на этом форуме. В итоге забанили бы всем семейство Саблука, и давай его там мотыжить! За колкие обиды отпущенные в их адресс!))) Так нельзя! нужно дать право слово всем забаненым, разрешив им оправдываться и приводить свои факты и доказательства в созданной при ветке "Последний Бан(по типу "последний герой")" палате опиляций "Без вины виноватые"! Вот такой ветки нам не хватает!

I think contact with the administration can always be found, and those who are under suspicion will make excuses. The public (and I as a part of it) don't care about these excuses, as long as there is less advertising, rudeness and rudeness on the forum.

As for Sabluk, he's quite a normal forum person in my opinion. Yeah, sometimes he posts funny pictures, sometimes he's a little rude (he used to be;)), but I specifically pointed out that he's not unreasonable. Each person is guided by his own logic, some are more reserved than others.


Dear moderators! Please take down this thread ( completely. It's always hanging in the top. I'm sick and tired of opening it and seeing filthy curses, the level of communication worthy only of teenagers seeking to assert themselves by all possible means.

P.S. No need to look for someone to blame, but it's obvious that sab1uk isn't the only one to blame.


What I will write below is not spam but words of gratitude:

Mathemat писал(а) >>

Dear moderators! Please take down this thread ( completely. It's always hanging in the top. I'm sick and tired of opening it and seeing filthy curses, the level of communication worthy only of teenagers seeking to assert themselves by all possible means.

P.S. No need to look for someone to blame, but it is obvious that the fault is clearly not just one sab1uk.

Many thanks. And of course, thanks to the moderators.

What have you barbarians done?)