What will happen to the indicators from MT4 - page 9

Urain >> :

NFA bans locking from 15 May 2009 All behind the market.

>> ahem. I thought it was the other one(s) ;)

Goose >> :

I don't know anything about programming, but I dare say that's not true. Anything can be built from the tick history, so what does this have to do with the timeline?

If you don't check the time of tick's occurrence, you will not get the time coordinate by any manipulation.

But if you have a price coordinate and a time coordinate, then it can be easily converted into a format where only price changes are taken into account.

Urain >> :

NFA bans locking from 15 May 2009 All behind the market.

Is the NFA a market, or a regulator whose raison d'être is to keep an eye on the market so that it doesn't become a heavily market driven market? No, still contrary to...

kombat >> :

Ahem... I thought it was the other one(s) ;)

I'm not just referring to the market in you and me, but to the NFA as a pretty powerful market player.

Any barriers are also part of the system.

Urain >> :

If you don't know when a tick occurs, you can't get the time coordinate by any manipulation.

Why do you need a time coordinate? Just to build a timeline. I thought I was saying that there are more logical graphs. No one prevents you from getting the time parameter of a quote as well, and ignoring it by building a Renko for example. The abscissa axis has no meaning in a time chart. We are just used to thinking in such a way, and whatever the hell we program, everything will go the same way. And you have to think out of the box.

Goose >> :

- If you're in here, you've got some sins on you, brother, huh? We'll sweeten your life here, kid, just like we sweeten everyone else's. And our hands, brother, are not your lady's hands.
And to add weight to his words, he poked his wiry fist under Schweik's nose and said:
- "Smell that, you wretch!
The doorman sniffed it.
- I wouldn't like to get hit in the nose with such a fist. It smells like a grave," he remarked. >> "Smell a grave," he remarked. "Schweik's calm, measured speech pleased the Corps inspector.

Let it be as it will be. >> 'Cause it'll be somehow. For never has there been nothing, nothing at all...

Urain >> :

I am not just referring to the market in you and me, but to the NFA as a pretty powerful market player.

Any barriers are also part of the system.

Voluntarism has never been part of the market or any other free activity. Because it is unsystematic and unaccountable. It can even force a jester's cap to be worn.

Svinozavr >> :

Let it be as it is. Because somehow it will be. For never has it been like this, never has it been like this...

>> Respect! :)

Goose >> :

No one is stopping us from getting the time parameter of the quote, and ignoring it, by building a Renko, for example.

That's my point exactly. With the representation that is now implemented, we have more possibilities,

So this is a step forward against the old approach of only realising price as in a renko.

Goose >> For some reason, you are assuming that the DC is looking to benefit its clients. And that's not exactly true.

No, I didn't say that at all, God forbid. The DC is certainly looking to its own benefit - by choosing a platform that their potential clients have fallen for. I guess this is a case where clients think that platform gives them some advantages, but the brokerage companies see them in their turn.

The platform is free to the trader. Could Metacquotes be so successful if it didn't offer some sort of advantage to quote providers - since even some market makers like it better than others?