What will happen to the indicators from MT4


I would like to convert 2 indicators for MT5

Already have such a possibility?

I'm sorry to part with it, I can't trade anymore :(

fozi >> :

I would like to convert 2 indicators for MT5

Already have such a possibility?

I feel sorry to part with it, I can't trade anymore :(

Here you go, or here:)

zxc >> :

>> You go here, or here:)

Send it straight away, without euphemisms :))

So you mean to tell me that all the indices will have to be rewritten or something????? for MT5????

There was a time when someone in heaven wrote that there would be no full compatibility between a five and a four. You can tell from the help on the five as well. No big deal, you'll figure it out, fozi.

nikelodeon >> :
So you mean to say that all the induks will have to be rewritten or something????? under MT5????

Looks like it :-)

Will the forum stay the same? I'm worried about preserving my favourite discussions

Mathemat >> :

There was a time when someone in heaven wrote that there would be no full compatibility between a five and a four. Yeah, you can tell from the five's help, too.

Yes. Unfortunately. I remember, somewhere in the second half of the 80s, when new Pisukes started to appear en masse (before that I had Bulgarian ones on 8086 and 88 - I forget what they were called already, but not many) and people began to switch en masse from Algol, Fortran and PL to Borland turbo Pascal and C, my MM was working on an automated conversion to the latter. Of course, it wasn't able to automate completely, but it worked on the base part. Although it's impossible to compare the size of programs for MT and those - several orders of magnitude difference.

In short, there is no sense to be engaged with it. I use not hundreds of homemade Expert Advisors and indulgences, but one-two-three. Well, maybe ten. Let's rewrite it on a crank - shit question!)))


An interesting question... did mql3.com exist?


Krrr beautiful... that... with the backpack...

She's probably got the mcl3 in it as a souvenir and she's teasing now.


kombat >> :

Krrr beautiful... that... with the backpack...

She probably stole the mcl3 in it as a souvenir and now she's teasing.


That pussy's 100%.

But I still don't understand about the indicators. Is everyone messing with the questions or what?

And here and here, it doesn't seem very clear...

Ладно проехали. Как то оно будет.