What will happen to the indicators from MT4 - page 7

Mathemat >> :

Goose, don't go to MT5 if you're happy with all the visual platforms. Or is it not everything?

Does the broker give you a choice?



You know what this all reminds me of? Bazaars when upgrading to a new version of Windows.

There is a choice there though. I, for example, still use XP. But here... Yeah, I got married without me.

All right, we'll get through this! We are... and we are getting stronger! (Everything that doesn't kill us makes us stronger. - F. Nietzsche)

Goose >> :

So does the broker give you a choice?

Ah, there you go. There aren't many brokers left with visual platforms and all the standard and so convenient gimmicks - is that it? Well then that speaks for itself in favour of the direction chosen by Metacquotes.

Goose >> :

Well, it's even boring to talk about a variety of charts. Take Ninja Trader or xtick. Choice of any TF, which in MT5 is given as a huge win, has long been implemented, not to mention that there are 5-7 more chart types not tied to time - and not a hint of such in MT5. The xtick has the technology to create a signal without the need for programming. Moving the alarm with the mouse is a bad thing? With five digits of quotes and several traded currencies it's a piece of cake to make a mistake, which can be very expensive. And these are just the most obvious things. OK, you can't do everything at once, you need priorities. But in the fifth, there doesn't even seem to be a desire to move in that direction. That's what's incendiary. There is a substitution of trade for programming.

A few words in defence of MetaQuotes:

1. Cramming all known methods and techniques and charts into the terminal - all at once - is difficult. Give it time.

2. the terminal is free for you. Instead of you, the complex of programs (the terminal with compiler and optimizer) is paid by the bank which gives you the leverage and provides you with deals (or brokerage companies). So, there is little reason for traders to complain to MetaQuotes. But MetaQuotes accepts comments and complaints from traders and programmers DIRECTLY, without an intermediate bank (the company's client) - here on the forum. This is quite a new business model of MetaQuotes' work, which distinguishes it from the world's software trading giants.

3. The company has its own plan of developing the program complex, which does not always and/or not in all directions coincides with the sometimes exotic demands of some traders. For example, the company can position or plan to expand the use of MQL5 - for stock trading in the Russian market (like the QUICK program).

4. Nowadays it is not a secret that ALL traders in the world use at least some mathematical methods of Tech Analysis. Any bank spends a huge amount of money on an armada of mathematicians and programmers. Nowadays, successful professional trading can be done with a PROFESSIONAL MATHEMATICAL TOOL. Such tool is MetaTrader. It is not surprising or abnormal that the company MetaQuotes develops a professional programming tool, which can provide a serious mathematical approach to trading.

5. If a trader's suggestions or claims or demands are reasonable, it is obvious that MetaQuotes will ALWAYS meet these requirements, as you can see from the kilometer-long discussion of MQL5 requirements on this forum. It is also quite natural that the company itself decides which suggestions to implement and which to leave for later.

Mathemat >> :

Ah, there you go. There are few brokers left with visual platforms and all the standard and so convenient gimmicks - is that it? Well then that speaks for itself in favour of the right direction taken by Metacquotes.

I remember walking with my mum when I was a kid, there's a banner on the wall - all to the polls! And one face. I say - Mom, how come, elections, and how to choose, if he is the only one here? My mum says: "Whoever you don't want, won't be elected.

That's how the USSR collapsed.

Notice your logic.

The number of tails raised doesn't mean anything. We went to the polls for compote. What do DCs go for when choosing platforms?

AlexEro >> :

A few words in defence of MetaQuotes:

1. Cramming all known methods and techniques and charts into the terminal - all at once - is difficult. Give me some time.

2) the terminal is free of charge for you. Instead, you pay for a set of programs (a terminal with a compiler and optimizer) paid by the bank, which gives you the leverage and provides you with deals (or brokerage companies). So, there are not many reasons for traders to complain about MetaQuotes. But MetaQuotes accepts comments and complaints from traders and programmers DIRECTLY, without an intermediate bank (the company's client) - here on the forum. This is quite a new business model of MetaQuotes' work, which distinguishes it from the world's software trading giants.

3. The company has its own plan of developing the program complex, which does not always and/or not in all directions coincides with the sometimes exotic demands of some traders. For example, the company may position or plan to expand the use of MQL5 - for stock trading in the Russian market (like QUICK program).

4. Nowadays it is not a secret that ALL traders in the world use at least some mathematical methods of Tech Analysis. Any bank spends a huge amount of money on an armada of mathematicians and programmers. Nowadays, successful professional trading can be done with a PROFESSIONAL MATHEMATICAL TOOL. Such tool is MetaTrader. It is not surprising or abnormal that the company MetaQuotes develops a professional programming tool, which can provide a serious mathematical approach to trading.

5. If the proposals or claims or demands of a trader-programmer are well grounded, it is obvious that MetaQuotes will ALWAYS meet these requests, as it can be seen, for example, in the discussion of wishes for MQL5 here on the forum.

About point one - difficult, I wrote here that I understand and need priorities. However, writing a language from scratch must be much more difficult. I know you'll refer me to point 3. But I haven't mentioned anything esoteric, casual sex, no whips or handcuffs.

Other than that, I get it. I sit and I don't star. :)

Goose >> :

The number of raised tails does not mean anything.

I don't understand about the tails, sorry.

What do DCs go after when choosing platforms?

Right, the client who likes that platform. Or is it not so?


Again about the bells and whistles...

Personally, for example, the only thing I expect from MT5 in real life is the horror of returning to net metering.

Some see the horror in MT accounting system, others on the contrary, clear and understandable...


Come on! In MT and in MT there are enough tools to work.

Except perhaps for the lack of a standard t-f-f H6 sometimes used to build channels.

However, you can create any multiple of 1 minute with M45 and call to class...


If there's one or two in others, there's not a dozen or two in MT.

So not all yoghurts are healthy...

Mathemat >> :

I didn't understand about the tails, sorry.

Right, for the client who likes that platform. Or is it?

My grandmother-neighbours all go to the shop where groats are on sale at a discount and bread is almost half the price. By your logic, they could go to Slavyansky, but apparently they don't want to, because the commissary is better. And only silly expats buy maple syrup in Slovianskoye, patting Russian girlfriends on the ass.

About tails it's simple - quantitative voting tells you nothing. The crowd always lends itself to manipulation.

The trader is above all interested in trading conditions. Even if you have to put up with an imperfect terminal.

AlexEro >> :

A few words in defence of MetaQuotes:

1. It is difficult to cram all known methods and techniques and charts into the terminal - all at once. Give it time.

5. ... It is also quite natural that the company itself decides which suggestions to implement and which to leave for later.

I disagree with only 1. Not difficult, not expedient (these are the old methods)