What will happen to the indicators from MT4 - page 3

Urain >> :

I think you're wrong. I was introduced to MT-2 in 2004 and it was the height of perfection. Now 2009 and on the threshold of MT-5.

Plus time is shrinking, even people around are talking faster.

I think we should wait for MT-5 switch of many brokerage companies from about the new year. (My prediction, place your bets :o).

But I don't want it, I am satisfied with 4 (for want of another choice). What, will they claw my hands, bastards? I will go to xtick or ninja, the charts there have always been better, and the metatrader is designed not so much for trading and making money as for fun for programmers. Where is the flexibility in choosing the chart type? Where is the ability to create signals that follow indicator conditions, without any programming and without paying bribes to programmers, like in XPaint? And since when is trading synonymous with programming?

I think this is a deliberate shift of emphasis - instead of making a handy trading tool, they create some kind of software monster that only people understand. What for?

Will any one person really get more money from the fact that the language of the terminal has changed?

Or is the Forex market not for making money, but for the creation of MTS and their optimization?

Empty trinkets, with water splashed out by a child. And he has blue eyes, and when he smiles, any heart will melt. Except that he is destined to die in the cold in terrible agony.

Goose >> :

Will a single person really make more money from the fact that the language of the terminal has changed?

Or is forex not about making money but about brainwashing and optimising it?

))) I, on the other hand, have the opposite story. From "user-friendly" trading platforms to MTs. Such is the case...

I.e. leaving all sorts of (politcorr. I won't name it) to MT was a conscious move, as there wasn't enough capacity to implement my ideas. If in reality MT5 will be faster (at least that!), I don't know what else is needed.

Goose >> :

Will a single person really make more money because the language of the terminal has changed?

No, well, it's not just the language that's changed. In MT-5, the tumbler was introduced, a cumulative position was introduced.

But in general, of course, it's a matter of taste. As they say, taste is a matter of opinion.

We are all victims of consumer goods, you don't complain when you come to the market because there are only jeans and no decent suit for 2000 quid.

It's the same here. It's a joke. Order id tailoring from the programmers and they'll sew whatever you want for your big money.

Urain >> :

No, well, it's not just the language that has changed. In MT-5 they introduced the tumbler, they introduced the aggregate position.

So it's not a move in the right direction, locks should be banned, a restriction on profit withdrawals should be introduced, a trader should be made to wear a jester's cap in front of the monitor... This case develops...

Here, just from the classics:

- Now, that, fellow peasants... They build gyroplanes and fly afterwards. In the air, that is. Well, one of them, of course, won't hold on and bang down. Like that pilot, comrade Yermilkin. He takes off, but then he bangs his guts out...
- Not a bird, - said the men.
- I say so", - Kosonosov rejoiced at the support, - "you know - not a bird. A bird falls down, it gives a damn - it shakes itself off and goes on... But here, bite it... Another pilot too, comrade Mikhail Ivanovich Popkov. He flew, all honour, bam, engine's broken... It goes off...
- Well? - the men asked.
- By golly... One of them fell into the trees. And he's hanging there like a little boy. Scared, blasé, hilarious... All kinds of things happen... Once a cow got under a propeller. One, one, chop, chop, and in pieces. It's impossible to tell where the horns are and where the belly is... Dogs get hit, too.
- And horses? - the men asked. - Horses too, my dear, do they hit?
- And horses, - said Kosonosov. - Very easily.
- Oh, the devils, harm in their ear," said one of them. - What have they thought of! Crumbling horses... And what, my dear, does it develop?
- 'That's what I say,' said Kosonosov, 'it's developing, fellow peasants... You, this one, get together in peace and donate.
- What on what, my dear, to donate? - the peasants asked.
- For a ferry-plane, - said Kosonosov.
The peasants, chuckling grimly, began to disperse.


We are all victims of consumerism, you do not go to the market and complain why there are only jeans and not a decent suit for 2000 dollars.

It's the same here. It's a joke. Order ID tailoring from programmers and for your big money you will sew everything you want.

And as for locos, I think they're evil, IMHO.

Svinozavr >> :

))) I, on the other hand, have the opposite story. From 'trade-friendly' platforms to MTs. Such is the case...

I.e. leaving all sorts of (politcorr. I won't name) to MT was a conscious move, as there wasn't enough capacity to implement my ideas. If in reality MT5 will be faster (at least that!), then I don't know what else is needed.

If so, soon there will be only programmers trading. It's a shift in focus. How many people have gone bankrupt on MTS? If you are a profitable trader, I think you will be profitable on your knees too.


Goose , what's the problem?

The forum is thematic, what else is there to talk about but coding...

Urain >> :

>> about locs, I think they're evil, IMHO.

So don't use them! However, we have a diktat - I also think something there, only your opinion counts and mine does not. It is undemocratic and totalitarian.

kombat >> :

Goose, what's the problem?

The forum is thematic, what else is there to talk about but coding...

I mean the trend in the development of the terminal. It's obviously evolving in terms of coding. Where are the charts by volume? by range? So the priority of the terminal is purely programming. And this, although important, is a minor part of trading. And, as history shows, it is not even a necessary one (in the past century there were no computers until the 70s).

Shift of emphasis.

With all due respect to the bright minds who are testing their ideas on MT. But that's not the purpose of trading after all.

Goose >> :

So don't use them! However, we have a diktat - I am also counting something there, only your opinion counts and mine does not. It's undemocratic and totalitarian.

It's not my opinion that counts, it's the opinion of the DCs those potential customers.

And my opinion is just the same, and my motives are quite different (than DC's),

and I think if people look from different belfries at the same question and come to the same opinion,

it's probably the right one.