No more Locke's in MT5? [о_0] - page 7

Mischek >> :

I was offering to trade.

>> and bartering for money is buying a sale.

>>) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :

then I'll trade you a barrel of jam and a box of biscuits :)))

alexx_v >> :


I'll trade you for a barrel of jam and a box of biscuits :)))


The game's gone off the rails.

There's nowhere to put it.

gap, though )


Oh, man...

Told me my mother:

- don't leave any trades open before the news and over the weekend!

that's the hard reality of tailgating...

I should have put a limit on the jam and biscuits right away...


alexx_v >> :

Oh, shit...

should have put a limit on the biscuit jam...


By the way jam and biscuit futures should be going up with this goddamn winter goddamn

and the keg is down

kombat писал(а) >>

and are you a dad or a mum?

Not for nothing the avatar is from Warrant Officer Shmatko, you even think characteristically!)))

Somebody's been talking about futures here, buy some coffee, it's not available this year!

The task set for MQ by DT "To make a quality merchant" has been promptly solved, lots have been removed, and the refill has been ruined. All brokerage companies will try to quickly switch to mt5, it's a grail for them. I think that the good part of those who make at least a little money on forex through mt4 will never switch to mt5 if order accounting remains unchanged.
storm >> :
I will try to change to mt5 as soon as possible, it's a grail for them. All brokerage companies will try to switch to mt5 as soon as possible, it's a grail for them. I think that the good part of those who make at least a little money on forex through mt4 will never switch to mt5 if order accounting remains unchanged.

I can't accept this categorical attitude.

I've been using it for almost two months now. Unusual. Yes!

But the "slushiness" depends on something else...

And the requirement of "no flotsam" was introduced, by the way, so that the trader could more clearly see the depth of his risks. ;)

Login : 1597

Investor : zda1kft (read only password)
Sorento >> :

I can't accept this categorical attitude.

I've been using it for almost two months now. Unusual. Yes!

But the "slushiness" depends on something else...

And the requirement of "no lock" has been introduced, by the way, so that the trader can more clearly see the depth of his risks. ;)

Login: 1597

Investor : zda1kft (read only password)

I emphasise - I do not speak for everyone, just for myself and my colleagues

storm >> :
The task set for MQ from DC "to make a quality slivot" has been solved quickly, lots of lots have been removed, the dolly has been spoiled. All brokerage companies will try to switch to mt5 as soon as possible, it's the grail for them. I think that a good part of those who make at least some profit on forex through mt4 will never switch to mt5 if their order bookkeeping stays unchanged.

Two traders, a beginner and a more experienced one, are talking.

- I often hear about locking positions. Can you explain me, but clearly, what it is?

-How to explain... and also understandable... The most understandable example, perhaps, is this:

I was once invited to a birthday party. I sit at the table to the left of the birthday girl, and Pavlik to the right. Imagine the embarrassment when my hands met Pavlik's... You know, where...
- And then I had to deal with it...
sanctus >> :

Two traders, a beginner and a more experienced one, are talking.

- I often hear about locking positions. Can you explain me, but clearly, what it is?

-How to explain... and also understandable... The most understandable example, perhaps, is this:

I was invited to a birthday party. I sit at the table to the left of the birthday girl, and Pavlik to the right. Imagine the embarrassment when my hands met Pavlik's... You know, where...
- And then I had to sort it all out...


But totally wrong, nonsense in general.

Although it's a very good "experienced explanation" for netting:

when you're down or up, you stick this into this...

:))) like a dolly... and in between...