Specialised service for hosting automatic trading systems - page 11

RIV писал(а) >>
At least I took my PhD at 26...

"Those" - which ones? :)

>> gip

I'll add a little, not to accuse me of not answering the question ... :)

Naturally, that each client's machine is in its own small subnet ... there generally an elementary thing and each client can easily understand it looking at the mask in the settings ...

But, unfortunately, such a free method for VPNs does not work ... i.e. it is not enough for security ...

Describe in detail how our technology works I naturally do not plan.

>> beginner

If there is real interest, address to me on mail ... riv@expert-portal.ru ... Only write at first your e-mail to me in a private note that I knew a box and have not deleted with spam ...
What a clever forum! In similar threads to the barmy post shows the topic "Not exactly an honest programmer". The power of artificial intelligence in action. =)
RIV писал(а) >>
If there is real interest, then contact me on my email ... riv@expert-portal.ru ... just write your email first to me in my personal account so that I know the box and do not delete with spam ...

That's an odd phrase. Particularly strange in light of the fact that anti-spams are on sale in every shop. :) And every e-mail has a subj... Some mailers have a built-in spam filter. At least on Mac it is.

Or am I that illiterate?

P.S. Oh yes, I completely forgot. He thinks this forum is a kindergarten. I do not know why he's here with such an opinion about us.

RIV wrote >>
i dont mean a forum where its just a kindergarten, but that they try the project all the time ... we have already gone through several DDoS attacks and so on .... ...that doesn't stop us from moving forward ...

That's let him go to his "front" and walk. PhD.

>> Swetten
I'll explain to you personally in more detail ... and I'll do it only because the fair sex in the subject of auto-trading and programming in general is simply very few ...

Confirmation in my personal e-mail address is required only in order to be able to check whether this person contacts me by e-mail or not ... i.e. for example, some guy like wise decided to sneak into my service for free under the guise of this person, and the same wise I have no desire to provide service even for payment ...

>> wise
Who in the field of auto-trading says that communication is not so important ... and even argues on this subject ... only a complete moron can do this ...

For the Metatrader server, if it's on a normal server and is not overloaded, to work within 1 ms (this time does not include a delay on the way), such as opening or closing a position, just a completely normal thing ... in fact even this time is more than enough ...

if you surely estimate the server automaton, and not the option when your request goes to the dealer for processing or your broker finish you with requotes ... who knows how you got your broker there already ... :)

Moreover, the server has a request queue and the position of your request in this queue can have a big impact ... especially important when the server gets a big stream of requests, like the news, a lot of strategies that work on the news etc. . ...

By the time you get to the server with your 58 ms, my clients have already solved their problems ...

All the more, people are not only living in Forex ... for example futures, where speed of information is much more important than in Forex ... you need to track the market, which has different offers for different prices, which may differ very specifically ... and for every contract there can be a real fight ...

for example when the futures are coming to expiry and their liquidity is falling ... as they say in a hurry ... and you and your connection will be much more difficult and you are more likely to run into an arbitrage ...
RIV >> :
>> wise
Who argues that the connection is not so important in auto trading... and even argues on this topic... only a total moron can do that...
Yes, yes, that's you. Full and round is you =)
If the Metatrader server is on a normal server and is not overloaded, to work within 1 ms (this time does not include delay on the way), for example, opening or closing a position, is absolutely routine ... Moreover, even this time is more than enough ...

Don't bullshit! You're a theorist who hasn't even seen trading from afar. Back up your bullshit with logs. Run your mega server EA and open 9 trades in 5 seconds (I'm not going to ask to do it in 58 ms).

unless of course you're evaluating a server machine, and not the version where your request goes to the dealer for processing or your broker stops you with requotes ... who knows how you piss off your broker ... :)

Get in the demo, you fool! No one will requote you there. Go for it! Open 9 trades. Less talk, more action!

By the time you and your 58 msecs get to the server, my clients will have solved their problems...

You have no clients. Only VIP losers who overpay on the principle of "it's 1000 more expensive around the corner, you should have bought it there" and who don't understand a damn thing about IT, just like you.

Especially, that people do not live only by Forex ... for example futures, where the speed of information is much more important than in Forex ... you have to keep track of the stack, which has different bids at different prices that may differ very specifically ... and for every contract there may be a real fight ...

for example, when the futures are about to expire and their liquidity goes down ... as the saying goes ... and you and your connection will be much more difficult and you'll run into an arbitrator more often ...

Are you out of your mind? What's with the wiggle-eye?! You only have MT4 on your list of approved software. What futures?! Even the moron who has bought a candidate of "those" sciences has understood that he has made such a bullshit?

And don't forget to post the source code of your Trojan horse, by the way. People need to know what "more useful features" are made for their money and behind their backs.

RIV писал(а) >>
Confirmation in a private email I need only in order to be able to check whether the person to me addressed to the email or not ... ie for example, some guy like wise decided to sneak me into the service for free under the guise of this man, and the same wise I have no desire to provide services even for pay ...
I see. Do I have to bring medical certificates? And an extract from the landlord's office?
Got access to the service today, but only for two days, thanks for that, ask if you need anything.
Yeah yeah, so you report back, what's up, or you know the statistics, one smart, 99 fools. Not enough for everybody.
Last night I visited the test machine ... I could see you were there, but you didn't even set up a trading terminal ...

At this rate you won't be testing much before the weekend for sure ... past testers I've had installed a dozen terminals, performance testing software, network scanners, etc. on the machine in a few hours ... ...

I can extend you a bit ... until the end of Sunday ... to do the weekend ... usually a few hours are given for the test, so that one just gets some mass and oriented ...

Yes ... to make things easier for you ... if you find any real flaws, problems, etc... then as a bonus I promise you another month for free on the service, depending on what you can find ...

I.e. be more active, get in touch with "well-wishers" on the forum, maybe they can tell you something sensible ... as for "a month at least" for the test, as you write, it's not realistic ... I'm not Mother Teresa ...