Building MTS on price chart analysis is UTOPE!!! - page 6

begemot61 писал(а) >>

It is not so important which method. Although some will work a bit better, but they are all comparable in terms of the quality of results obtained if applied wisely. You just want to get the current spectrum (that's what it isn't, because it can't be calculated), but you get an averaged spectrum of something (prices) in the past. So the analysis parameters must be selected accordingly. And interpret the results.

There is no spectrum in our taimseries. Or rather, there is, but it is no more useful than a game of roulette. I mean zero. Do not waste your time. Although useful to study - with some simplification it will take a couple of months. >> not long.

Please give me a zero strategy, but a series of reds or blacks more often, that's enough for me.
I'll try putting my mm in - I wonder what will happen
SProgrammer >> :

I mean, Sabluk, you were there talking about "with criticism", remember? But you don't know shit? Like, I don't know, but it fucking works. it makes my mouth water. Sabluk, don't talk about what you don't know. That's funny.

You asked me what's the best or least acceptable method.

I said I don't know.

I mean, I don't know the extreme options, I have one method and I'm fine with it.

I had more important things to research than trying to figure out how to do spectral analysis.

funny it's your rough experimental oscillator that you posted and didn't know how it was interpreted.

SProgrammer >> :

There is no spectrum in our taimseries. Or rather, there is, but it is no more useful than a game of roulette. I mean zero. Do not waste your time. Although useful to study - with some simplification it will take a couple of months. It won't be long.

But what about those who have a use for it?

shoot themselves, drink yada or trade only on news?

sab1uk писал(а) >>

You asked which is the best or least acceptable method

I said I don't know.

I mean, I don't know the extremes, I have one method and it suits me fine.

I had more important things to research than trying to figure out how to do spectral analysis.

What's funny is your rough experimental oscillator that you posted and didn't know how it was interpreted.

So at least tell me a method that fits. :)

I'm afraid to ask you about that one of yours. Tell me what I want to see.

Funny Sabluk, it's not that, it's that you say it works without understanding how the spectrum works. And you've got a friend in there, too. :) So what are the REAL methods of getting the spectrum?

For our timeseries. Sabluk - go ahead and tell me, I'm tired of trying to persuade you. In order to talk :

and i'm telling you it's the basics.

Just because someone doesn't know where to stick their dirty pussy doesn't mean the pussy doesn't work.

>> let's make it clear you got something to stick.

gip >> :

Yeah, what I mean is, you could do better filters for your method.

>> the current filters are fine because I know how to use them properly.


I wish I had been part of the discussion today... As the internet and computer were unavailable...

Read a lot of words today about the spectrum... It's a topic I've been trying to get into for a long time, but haven't been able to finish. Can anyone enlighten me as to what it is all about? Because I could misinterpret it and make it my own...

Thank you all.

Spectrum in physics is the distribution of values of a physical quantity (usually energy, frequency or mass) and a graphical representation of that distribution. Usually, spectrum refers to the spectrum of frequencies
sab1uk >> :
A spectrum in physics is the distribution of values of a physical quantity (usually energy, frequency or mass) and a graphical representation of that distribution. Usually, a spectrum is understood as a spectrum of frequencies.

And what does this have to do with FOREX?

No, I'm quite serious...

I also think it makes sense, but I haven't figured it out yet :(