Building MTS on price chart analysis is UTOPE!!! - page 2


A graph is a reflection, a display, a visualisation. To continue the analogy, it's silly to build a strategy in Russian. :) The chart is what you see, that's all. There is nothing mystical about it. Is the information in it complete? I think... :) Or rather, I haven't thought much about it personally... Well, I think it's all there.

Chart can be represented as a text in an unknown language, for example in an alien language, does it have all the information? Well try to answer the same question about the Russian. Absolutely all information ONLY in some text ? Well, it's probably even obvious that, no, not all. There's also pre-knowledge, a pre-table of conventions. Try to think :) I give you an idea (I've just thought of it) - about a graph as an encrypted message - look at it like cryptographers in counter-intelligence look at an encrypted message.

They decipher ancient texts.

What have you been smoking?
esmaster писал(а) >>
What have you been smoking?

Are you talking to me? :)

Absorb the logic.

It's the only source for you so far ( until you start living off forex ). :)


Personally, I prefer to limit GA, and make do with a maximum of a billion options, or no GA at all, and if you analyse more left-hand pair, it will be very difficult to find working options "unfitting". Before analyzing multiple

pairs it is necessary to create a similar system, sharpening it for this case without doing it (just by scraping the analysis already available,

from the main pair to the additional pair/s) will get bullshit.

SProgrammer писал(а) >>

A graph is a reflection, a display, a visualisation. If you continue the analogy, it's stupid to build a strategy in Russian. :) The chart is what you see and that's it. There is nothing mystical about it. Is the information in it complete? I think... :) Or rather, I haven't thought much about it personally... Well, I think it's all there.

By the way, the robotrading site is alive. Haven't checked it out in a while.


I wrote there about all sorts of spectral analyses. And about how it doesn't really work.

storm >> :

Personally, I prefer to limit GA, and make do with a maximum of a billion options, or none at all

Or. ;)

but not at all, but for example to orient the analysis towards "reference points".

If we trade the EuroJPY intraday, on M30, then we have to look through all components of the pair

there is no point in a graphical analysis,

it is enough to create a kind of "picture" of the market..:

- look at the relative values of the pairs containing euro and yen from the beginning of the day, week, month, etc...

At longer intervals than a month and at small timeframes, such as M15, M30...

you may run into lack of it and get wrong results compared to the beginning of the year.


price_ current / price_open * 100 - 100 = % (and sign: rise or fall)

and so for all related pairs, we obtain de facto two points of what was and what is now.

You won't need a supercomp for these calculations... ;)))

Although setting up all the required pairs in the marketwatch slightly and puts a load on the average machine.


That's it in a nutshell...

SProgrammer >> :

Are you talking to me? :)

Soak up the logic.

It's the only source for you so far ( until you start living off forex ). :)

:) I have read your posts to absorb the logic beyond my comprehension. And? I see another guru has appeared. With programming skills, minimal experience, but a great desire to fuck around even when you do not know what to say. And to be as "profoundly scientific" as possible. That's understandable. You're not the first, not the last who will say, "I'm here, everyone listen to HERE ... :) I'm not interested in a pissing contest with you.

Don't flaunt it, just talk about the essence of the issue.

esmaster писал(а) >>

:) I read your posts to absorb the logic beyond my comprehension. And? I see another guru has appeared. With programming skills, minimal experience, but a great desire to fuck around even when you do not know what to say. And to be as "profoundly scientific" as possible. That's understandable. You're not the first, not the last who will say, "I'm here, everyone listen to HERE ... :) I'm not interested in a pissing contest with you.

Don't flaunt it, just say something straight.

I already told you. I live on what I earn.

I won't even teach you for money. Understand that. Consciously. Because (the reason is clear to many) it's going to cost me. :)

I don't teach, I sometimes try to say the most obvious things while on holiday. And it's none of your business if you listen to me or not. :)


MMM... Even like this... for the money - I won't (Say, everyone's so bursting to learn - boring) :) Maybe you can give an investor as a "tangible" confirmation of your _great_ experience?

esmaster писал(а) >>

MMM... Even like this... for the money - I won't (Say, everyone's so bursting to learn - boring) :) Maybe you can give an investor as a "tangible" confirmation of your _great_ experience?

Why? Give me at least one reason for me to do this - both to teach and to demonstrate something. At least one.

To learn :) No one's breaking in. As no one is offering.