First sacred cow: "If the trend started, it will continue" - page 23

2Magnats: Hardly a categorical tone here, unless of course you are Soros; )
Magnatis писал(а) >>

Your perception of reality is infected with a mathematical virus. Hence the preconceived notion of simple principles. Besides, even mathematics can be approached correctly. It is more likely to be due to some characteristics of the noise in question (yes, price movement should be considered exactly as noise).

For everyone:

Your problem is that you are trying to forecast. Ideally you should be able to say "OK, the price will go there" and take a position in the direction you want. But you will not be able to make predictions, because without some information about the banks' intentions, you are dealing with nothing more than a random movement. The message that you can determine real reversals by looking at the price (even if it's just a random movement), leaves you stumped: "how can we tell what's coming?!". Only it's not about looking into the future at all, it's about looking at the current moment.

That is, you are saying that you have the ability, without using any external factors, based only on the observation of one subject (process)... and then... I still don't get it, can you yourself predict the development of events? Or do you have a shamanistic technique of turning any event to your advantage?

Magnatis >>:

Ваше восприятие действительности заражено математическим вирусом. Отсюда предвзятое отношение к простым принципам. Кроме того, даже математикой можно подойти в этому вопросу правильно. Скорее всего это будет связано с какими-то характеристиками рассматриваемого шума (да, движение цены стоит рассматривать именно как шум).

Сообщение о том, что посмотрев на цену можно определять реальные развороты (да хоть на случайном блуждании), вас ввергает в ступор: "как же так? прям мы можем сказать что будет?!".

Sorry, Magnatis, your overly categorical attitude does not add weight to your words.

Ignorance of mathematics does not absolve you of responsibility. Your words from the point of view of a person infected with mathematical virus are, to put it mildly, unreasonable, especially the last paragraph with "at least on a random rambling".

TheVilkas >>:
2Magnats: Вряд ли категоричный тон здесь уместен, если вы конечно не Сорос; )

How do you think Soros and I (or any other "authority on the masses") differ?


Ah, now it all makes sense.

Magnatis >>:

Как вы думаете, чем мы с Соросом (да и с любым другим "авторитетом для масс") отличаемся?

Folks, don't feed the troll :)


No, "me and Soros" is an A! I don't know about Soros, but you certainly won't die of modesty! :)

Magnatis >>:

Как вы думаете, чем мы с Соросом (да и с любым другим "авторитетом для масс") отличаемся?


ChachaGames >>:

Т.е. Вы говорите, что вы имеете возможность, не пользуясь никакими внешними факторами, основываясь только на наблюдении за одним предметом (процессом)... а далеше... я так и не понял, вы сами-то можете предсказать развитие событий? Или у вас есть шаманская методика обращения любых событий в свою пользу?

No shamanism. You have already had one person tell you where to dig. Many here have listened to everything and are asking again "where to dig?", "what to dig with?" etc. I just said "dig, darlings, with a shovel".

I only wrote here because I realised I wasn't the only one who saw it. Also because it is very strange for me to see intelligent educated people in a "sandbox, making mud pies" (I mean the whole "trends" thread). A useful outburst caused - good. Worthy people will understand. I do not want to tell everyone - too many of those who "know everything" (yes, and at the same time are doomed to trample on the demo or micro-money).

Mathemat >>:

Извините, Magnatis, Ваша чрезмерная категоричность не прибавляет веса Вашим словам.

Незнание математики не освобождает от ответственности. Ваши слова с точки зрения человека, зараженного математическим вирусом, мягко говоря, неразумны, особенно последний абзац с "да хоть на случайном блуждании".

So? I have no motive to explain anything to you. So your narrow-mindedness does not upset me in any way.