First sacred cow: "If the trend started, it will continue" - page 16


As they say all elementary simple, there is no need to look for the beginning and the end of the trend :)

I was looking for a good strategy for half a year. At first I managed to do it, but then I got to the point of losing a lot of money.

I read a lot of literature :) But then I noticed some peculiarity by accident, it was always why we did not pay attention to it. I managed to earn about 100-200$ per day with this peculiarity. In general, this EA is still working, and the point was that, as you say, you can not leave the EA unattended. I was interested in a fully autonomous version. I had to tweak and polish it for two months. I noticed something else during testing and made the Expert Advisor even easier than the first one, but now it is fully autonomous and I want to confirm that it is fully autonomous! No kidding!

Everything is elementary simple. My computer is on 24 hours a day, I am always on the top, I bought my car in two months, now I have earned my own flat, and I am already dreaming about travelling around the world :) I travel and my advisor earns money. ! And you know, I found a lot of people who have created councillors on this ELEMENTARY principle, and you think why your neighbour does nothing but drives a Lexus and renovates his flat.

I am still amazed at how I could not see this elementary thing before, how I always let it pass by, and why I got into the wilds of strategies that are already losing.

I should warn you right away that I'm not going to share any information and especially I'm not going to share the Expert Advisor code.

But this elementary feature is there, believe me, it's right in front of my eyes, good luck!

voleg2 >>:

Как говорят все элементарное просто, не зачем искать начало и конец тренда :)

Я на протяжении полу года искал нармальную стратегию, сначала получалось, но всегда всплывал такой момент графика когда можно было слить много.

Сколько было прочитано литературы :) Но потом чито случайно я заметил некую особенность, она всегда была почему мы не обращаем внимание на нее, с помощью этой особенности получалось зарабатывать от 100-200 у.е. в день. В принципе этот советник до сих пор рабочий, а смысл был в том что как вы говорите нельзя оставлять советника без присмотра. Меня же интересовал полность автономный вариант. Пришлось в течении двух месяцев дорабатывать, оттачивать его. На моментах тестирования я заметил кое что еще при этом получилось сделать советника еще проще чем первого но теперь полностью автономного, причем поддтверждаю - полностью автономного! Без Шуток!

Все элементарное просто. Компьютер включен круглосуточно, всегда в плюсе, за два месяца купил себе машину, теперь зарабатываю на квартиру, и уже в мечтах я совершаю кругосветку по земному шару :) Я путешествую а советник зарабатывает. ! И вы знаете я нашел многих людей у которых созданы советники по этому ЭЛЕМЕНТАРНОМУ принципу, а вы думаете почему ваш сосед ничего не делает а ездит на лексусе и в квартире эвро ремонт.

Я до сих пор поражен как я не мог заметить элементарного раньше, как я всегда пропускал его мимо, а лез зачемто в дебри стратегий которые уже изначально проигрышны.

Сразу оговорюсь никакой информацией и тем более кодом советника делиться не буду, просто жалко столько потраченых усилий.

Но эта элементарная особенность есть, поверьте, лежит перед глазами, удачи!

at least tell me which direction to look


voleg2, it's like a fairy tale, really. You regretted half a year, and there are many who have already spent several years looking for it.

I wish you the fairy tale continues. It's great to hear about the people who have succeeded here from themselves.

This kind of information about complete machines that you don't even have to keep track of is extremely rare, even here.

voleg2 писал(а) >>

As they say all elementary simple, there is no need to look for the beginning and the end of the trend :)

I was looking for a good strategy for half a year. At first I managed to do it, but then I got to the point of losing a lot of money.

I read a lot of literature :) But then I noticed some peculiarity by accident, it was always why we did not pay attention to it. I managed to earn about 100-200$ per day with this peculiarity. In general, this EA is still working, and the point was that, as you say, you can not leave the EA unattended. I was interested in a fully autonomous version. I had to tweak and polish it for two months. I noticed something else during testing and made the Expert Advisor even easier than the first one, but now it is fully autonomous and I want to confirm that it is fully autonomous! No kidding!

Everything is elementary simple. My computer is on 24 hours a day, I am always on the top, I bought my car in two months, now I have earned my own flat, and I am already dreaming about travelling around the world :) I travel and my advisor earns money. ! And you know, I found a lot of people who have created councillors on this ELEMENTARY principle, and you think why your neighbour does nothing but drives a Lexus and renovates his flat.

I am still amazed at how I could not see this elementary thing before, how I always let it pass by, and why I got into the wilds of strategies that are already losing.

I should warn you right away that I'm not going to share any information and especially I'm not going to share the Expert Advisor code.

But this elementary feature is there, believe me, it's in front of my eyes, good luck!

And then he woke up ....

Risk писал(а) >>

And then he woke up ....

Looks like he hasn't yet.

goldtrader >>:

Похоже что ещё нет.

Probably fell asleep again :))

Run >>:

скажи хотя бы в каком направлении смотреть

I will say that I am now looking at the currency windows and in every chart I see this feature.

It really lies on the surface, I am even now smiling and cannot believe how I missed it, really ALL is so elementary, it makes me laugh!

As I was writing this, the Expert Advisor has closed another positive deal.

just like in the bible "watch and ye shall see" and those who will see.................

What else can I say, poke? I won't. Nothing for the freeloaders. All I can say is, it's in front of you!

Open your eyes at last!

Neutron >>:

Привет, Юра !

Рад тому, что ты принял участие в обсуждении и конечно согласен с твоей точкой зрения по данному вопросу. Конечно, тема поднятая Mathemat-om, носит провакационный характер и скорее является шуточной. Действительно, тема многократно обсуждаемая тут и я ещё раз скажу, что наиболее коррекное определение состояния рынка дано в работе Пастухова и поределяется по величине отличия Н-волотильности от равновесного уровня (это и есть показатель трендовости/флетовости). Данная оценка является стационарной характеристикой конкретного инструмента и для подавляющего большенства меньше 2Н? что говорит в пользу флетовости котровочных ВР. Именно по этой причине, я говорю о провакационном характере вступления автора топика.

Тренд скорее развернётся, чем продолжится! Это закон для рыночных цен.

And can you go into more detail here (where to find work to read, what is Pastukhov, more precisely the definition of H and 2H volatilities) ?????
voleg2 писал(а) >>

I will say that I now look at the currency windows and in every chart I see this feature.

It really lies on the surface, I am even now smiling and cannot believe how I missed it, indeed ALL is so elementary, it makes me laugh!

As I was writing this, the Expert Advisor has closed another positive deal.

just like in the bible "watch and ye shall see" and those who will see.................

What else can I say, poke? I won't. Nothing for the freeloaders. All I can say is, it's in front of you!

Open your eyes!

Why are you suddenly so concerned about us, dummies, freeloaders and lazybones?

Send every forum member 100WMZ or else I will not understand your position.


"A trend is a long-term development trend" (C) I don't remember if it's Kendall or Box-Jenkins;


If a flat is defined as the absence of a trend, then

it can be assumed and shown that if at any intervals,

the mathematical expectations(M) of these intervals are equal to a constant(C) and

are equal with probability (P), then we may say that we are dealing with a flat

probability (P). Breaking of this condition, is q=1-P probability of the start of the flat.