"Trees don't grow to the sky" - page 13

LeoV писал(а) >>

Do you think it is possible to have a crazy and endless equity growth of the 100-1000-10000% per month type? Is it possible to go from $100 or $1000 to tens of millions, or is it just a dream? Are there any TPs that have been making insane amounts of money all the time? It is clear that we can get lucky sometimes, but is it possible to do it on a permanent basis?

Below I show charts of real pammers, which stuck and can not go higher.

Possible if the increase is progressive. ))


Возможен, если прирост поступательный. ))

That's for sure.

And with a retreat, it's impossible.

NYROBA писал(а) >> Possible if the increase is incremental. ))

>> Is that some kind of a snarky thing to say? ))
LeoV >>:

Это типа сумничал? ))

It's like there's not enough room in one branch for such "talent". :)
Lord_Shadows >>:

Это типа такому "таланту" в одной ветке места маловато. :)

He's having a loud "star!" moment.




When are you going to start working?

Tantrik писал(а) >>

Also copied... I don't know, can I monitor it all together with the history on the same day? I got a trade a month monitored for the viewers. Or only the current time is monitored?

you can. In this case, only the balance line has been monitored, while equity and margin have not. You may, for example, monitor a martin with huge drawdowns, but this will not be visible if monitored later.
Avals писал(а) >>

can. In this case only the balance line is monitored, but equity and margin are not. You can for example monitor a martin with huge drawdowns, but this will not be visible if it is monitored later.

Thank you. For example I do not want to show my trades to investors (they will give me TS for example a margin call there and then). In other words, we can only monitor the balance? I will not give them my own equity, I will not give them my own profit.
Tantrik писал(а) >>

>>Thank you. For example, I don't want to show my trades to investors (they will give me a TS for example a martin or something). In other words it is possible to monitor only the balance? Thanks in advance.

No, you cannot monitor the balance only - equity and drawdowns will be visible after you start monitoring. You can set the trades to be invisible (History). To avoid seeing the drawdown of equity, you can enable it for a time, until these drawdowns are not seen and then disable it, then enable it again, etc.
Avals писал(а) >>

No, balance only cannot be monitored - once you start monitoring, equity and drawdowns will be visible. The trades cannot be seen in the settings (History). To avoid seeing drawdowns on equity, it is possible to switch it on for a while, until there are no drawdowns, and then switch it off, then switch it on again, etc.

Thank you.
FreeLance >>:

У него Громкий "звёздный!" час.




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