Those who trade CFDs, i ... and want to learn how to choose instruments - page 14

wise >>:
Ого, активизировались лохотронщики-то. Видать, кончилась лафа у Герчика, закономерно перешел в те самые 95% (если он вообще когда-то был в 5%).

I don't believe he was trading seriously at all...PR and fees. who but him and his acolytes know his worth?

Well, yeah. All the "proof" of his profitable trading is a posted excel file with a year-to-month percentage chart and the text "I, mega cool broker, confirm those numbers". It's so funny. =)

and I'm sad...

They do.



Offices in Kharkiv, Sevastopol, Vinnitsa, Simferopol will soon close ...

The Herczyk phenomenon can't be taken at face value

people learned to work on the nyse, and for free and on their own since nobody taught them anything except how to choose the instruments

and managed real other people's money

It is still unclear what was the purpose of creating branches that do not have specialists in stock trading.


How could it be free if all the trading was then done through Gerchik's network of brokers? Gerchik's broker made a lot of money out of all this, I think.

ps It is still incomprehensible why many banks set up their "branches" (without banking specialists) in practically every entranceway of an apartment building and scattered their credit cards practically with helicopter bags. =)


IMHO: Gerchik is a member of naiji, so he does not pay commissions and he charges a commission when you trade through his broker.


Why do they close the Vinnitsa office?

wise >>:

Как же бесплатно, если вся торговля потом велась через сеть брокеров Герчика? Герчиковский брокер на всем этом гешефте поимел некислый оборотец, я думаю.

ps До сих пор непонятно, почему многие банки создавали свои "отделения" (без банковских специалистов) практически в каждом подъезде многоквартирного дома и рассыпали свои кредитные карты практически чуть ли не мешками с вертолетов. =)

Once again

the people who work for him don't pay for anything, they manage his money

and on Nyse it is not necessary to work through him for those who trade with their own money

And why do they close the Vinnitsa office?

Offices are closed if they are useless

and since the leaders cannot teach anything, nothing works for the others.

they have no system either in trade, or in training, or in the organization of the process.


They told us that if we do not make 3,000 in Gros, they will close the office.

офисы закрывают если с них толку нет

а поскольку руководители научить ничему не могут, то и у остальных ничего не получается

ну нет у них системы ни в торговле, ни в обучении, ни в организации процесса

They told us that if you do not get 3,000, the office will close.

dmmikl86 >>:

нам сказали что если не наберем гросом 3000, офис закроют. а по поводу

в этом есть правда. я у них учился - толком мало что розказали, сел торговать на демо, тоже особо ни кто не смотрит. я почти целый месяц в минус закрылся, сказали что открываешься правильно, но рынок тебя вынес, бывает мол такое. и приходиться само искать инфу и грызть гранит науки. хотя жаль что закроються, хотелось бы через низ позже открыть счет.

The CIS daytrading without all the trading information, knowledge and systems is impossible, and that is what they are interested in,

when i tried to open a 50 000 account in their office in new york, but warned them i would trade swing trades they turned me down

Before the office is closed a guy appears who offers me to open a 50/50 laser account with him.

he offers to open a 50/50 laser account.

and yet it's a shame that the Ukrainian offices are gone.