A list of programmers who are great at writing pay-for-performance codes and don't screw around - page 30

four2one >> :

1. I don't need you to remember, that's your responsibility.

2. I ain't taking your penny, you can buy your own sausage with it.

You're a pussy. He's being sarcastic, contradicting himself. Must have run out of vocabulary.

How hard it is to find an intelligent, witty interlocutor these days!

But the attempt counts, at least it was a twitch...

Mischek >> :

I don't get it, you can't ask questions about external graphics cards or what ? It doesn't matter.

>> you better tell me why you're messing up the thread?

I guess for the fifth time, this thread is bullshit!

Well, not everyone has seen my code, I'm on .....

30 years doing all this, I can tell you who's a programmer and who's not.

On the forum, many people including me have said: Doing code on the "cheap" is disrespect for the profession.

I blacklisted Moleta, but why?

And why others to this list too?

Who said that one is good and that one is bad?

Here I am the code of the above-mentioned ones - good code, and believe me or not, it is not my business.

Who is the "judge" Svetlana? Who took pieces of code from one or the other and made a monster?

>> and so on.

granit77 >> :

The little fella's gone soft. He's being sarcastic, contradicting himself. Must have run out of vocabulary.

How hard it is to find an intelligent, witty interlocutor these days!

But it's worth a try. At least I got a twitch.

You got him! You got another one.

Go learn MQL.

grasn >> :

Colleagues, let me give you some useful advice. If you can't get complicated, start with the simplest one - make a list of ALL programmers in alphabetical order who are willing to provide the relevant services. Take away all the crap like "notes", prospect assessment, etc. From there, it'll just take care of itself.

Absolutely correct approach, that's what I was going for (in different ways), but it gets to everyone, everyone is "literate", "educated", not like me.

Paha >> :

If a person is a professional in other fields, has his own business, but no time to learn the language and no opportunity to delve into these mazes, can you call him lazy and dumb? Nonsense.

What the heck is a forex business then? Every business requires maximum returns. Is forex an exception?

four2one >> :

I've done it! I got another one.

Go learn MQL.

I was having fun with you, then you got monotonous and I got bored. Besides, you lost your style, you started poking... Young people have short breaths.

And to get me... "You need three guys like you for a hat" (c). :))

laanaa0708 >> :

Why the hell would you go into forex then? Every business requires maximum returns. Is forex an exception?

They think: come, see, win. You don't have to use your brain.

grasn >> :

Colleagues, let me give you some useful advice. If you can't get complicated, start with the simplest one - make a list of ALL programmers in alphabetical order who are willing to provide the relevant services. Take away all the crap like "notes", prospect assessment, etc. From there - it will form itself.

That's the point is that a mole will appear in it at once, and with a reserve for the future under dozens of nicknames.

it's not just about the quality of the code, it all started with how to avoid being scammed for money

Paha >> :

If peasants were not too lazy to plough, they wouldn't have invented the tractor.

You are so dashing to get everyone under the same rug..... I think you got it a little wrong.

When you smell REAL money, you'll learn the programming language, not that ......

And while you do not smell it, the order in the writing is nothing but an attempt to get something without doing anything. And no one really wants to pay.

And what is a strategy that a developer does not want to pay for programming? One word: laziness and stupidity.

By the way: the tractor wasn't invented by peasants and certainly not out of laziness.

granit77 >> :

I was having fun with you, then you became monotonous and I got bored. Besides, you lost your style, you started poking... Young people have short breaths, after all.

And to get me... "You need three guys like you for a hat" (c). :))

You must be either really illiterate or blind. Read EVERYTHING in order and see who was the first to become rude.

Read it again, under a microscope if you can't see it that way, you must have a 5 inch monitor and then maybe you'll guess my age.

"And to bring me on" - you fell for it straight away, you're literate and educated, there were others like that too. You have education and so on and so forth with them, but you don't have the brains. Thinking does not come with education, you are born with it.