pricing - page 18

gip >> :

What's that got to do with it? If I bought something in a shop, it doesn't mean that I have a debit-credit with the shop.

My debit and credit is separate, the shop's is separate.

I could just as well say that a customer's debit, is a bank's credit. But what is the point of that and your statement? The only antisense is that these statements are false.

The shop isn't a bank.

you gave 100 rubles to the shop, in return you got a baby horse toy,

at which point your money became the shop's money.

You could have given it to Mum ("Mamabank") which has your own account as well as the accounts of your brothers and sisters.

It's someone else's money for Mum and she has to give it back eventually.


In addition to what I said, so that no one has any illusions. That's a textbook quote. The real differences are three times greater:

V.R.Bank, S.K.Semenov "Organization and Accounting of Banking Operations".

1.1.4 Features of accounting

in a credit institution
The accounting of credit institutions differs significantly from accounting of other business entities.
In the post-
era, even the special term "bank accounting" is used more and more often.

In accounting of all subjects of economics there are
many common things: everybody is covered by the Federal law from 21.11.96 "About accounting", the similarities
object, objects, main objectives of accounting, some
elements of accounting with some peculiarities: principle of documents, stocktaking
, balance, double entry on accounts; other elements - the accounts and reporting are different
The accounting plans
and the documents regulating their application are in force accordingly. For
banks - approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation "Regulations on the rules of accounting
in credit organizations located
13 in the Russian Federation" from 05.12.02 ¹ 205-P with
the included Plan of accounts of accounting in credit
organizations of the Russian Federation. For organisations - not
many times smaller in volume - Plan of accounts of accounting
of financial and economic activity of organisations and
Instruction on its application, approved by the order of the Ministry
of Russia from 31.10.2000 № 94-n.

One of the main features of banking accounting is the use of memorial journal system, as opposed to journal-
in organisations, as well as other documentation.
The accounts of banks and organisations are completely different - not
the numbering and number of characters. For example, balance sheet accounts
- cash of banks -20202, cash of organizations - 50. Most of
accounts also have different names due to
peculiarities of activity.
Banks also have separate sections -
- for trust management accounts, term transactions, custody accounts, which organizations do not have.
There are also differences in accounting and operational documentation.

Accounting of property, liabilities and business-
operations is allowed for organisations to keep amounts rounded up to whole roubles, for banks - only full amounts, with
There are peculiarities of accounting in the banking community itself
In the Chart of Accounts of credit organisations
there are accounts marked "SB" which are used
only by Sberbank of Russia due to the specifics of its activities.

For example, balance sheet accounts 47419, 47420 "Cash settlements with organisations
" used, in particular, for
accounting of settlements with post offices on amounts of cash received by agencies and branches
of Savings Bank of Russia located in settlements
where there are no branches of Savings Bank of Russia.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation uses its Accounting Rules of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)
and its Chart of Accounts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)
. However, there are a lot of accounts in this Plan
that are operated by commercial
For example, accounts 47422 "Liabilities from other transactions" and 47423 "Receivables from other transactions".
14 The Chart of Accounts of the CBR also has
its own specific accounts. For example, off-balance sheet accounts -
section 1 (901-905) "Banknotes and coins in reserve funds",
where printed (less frequently - formerly in circulation),
but not put into circulation cash is recorded. Cash
put into circulation is reflected in special accounts on
liabilities of the balance sheet of the Bank of Russia (monetary aggregate of the MOE and bank cash balances
), which makes the CBR one of the largest
banks in the country in terms of balance sheet currency. The bank also has cash on hand as an asset of the issuance
- in revolving
cash accounts.

There are antipode accounts: on the balance sheet of commercial banks
active balance sheet account 30102 "Correspondent accounts of credit organizations with the Bank of Russia", on the balance sheet of Settlement and Cash Centres of the CBR - passive account 30101.

In accounting of financial and economic activity of organisations: active, passive and active-passive-
accounts are opened: active, passive and active-passive.
Active-passive accounts are accounts that may have debit
or credit balance, or both balances simultaneously.
One-way balances have, for example, the 99 'Profits and Losses' account
. If income exceeds expenses, the difference
between them means profit, so the account balance will be credit-
as profits are shown in the liabilities as a source of formation of assets
. If the difference between income and expenditure
shows a loss, the account balance is debit.
For example,
76 'Settlements with different debtors and creditors' account has a double-sided (expanded) balance. The balance at
the debit of this account reflects receivables and the balance at
the credit side reflects payables. One of the main reasons for combining
these settlements in one account is that organisations may have different debtors and creditors at
Entries in account 76 can have two meanings: on the debit side - increasing debt receivable
or decreasing debt payable; on the credit side - increasing debt payable
or decreasing debt receivable
In bank accounting there are only active or only
passive accounts.
Before January 1, 1998 active - passive accounts existed and
in accounting of banks, that confirmed unity of accounting
of Russia as a whole.
They were liquidated with introduction of the new Chart of Accounts and Rules of Bank of Russia-
as of 18.06.97 #61.

This intensified essential features and
differences in accounting lines - bank accounting and accounting of financial-economic activity of enterprises
, that, it seems, in spite of common principles
allows to speak about separation of the above mentioned areas of accounting.

But accounting cannot exist without active and passive accounts (or
their surrogate), that's why a large group of accounts fulfilling functions of active and passive accounts was introduced into the new chart of accounts
. Two such accounts (active-
and passive) work as if instead of one active-
passive account and often have the same name. These accounts
as a whole are not given any name but their specific part
(a subgroup) is called paired accounts.
Paired accounts are opened in the analytical accounting on the accounts
of the second order given in the Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of 05.12.

№ 205-П as "The list of paired accounts on which balances may be reversed
"; for example, account 60322 "Settlements with other creditors" (passive), and account 60323 "Settlements with other debtors" (active), which to some extent
correspond to active-and passive account 76 of the Plan of accounts of financial-
economic activities of organizations, or accounts 60301,
60302 - account 68 "Settlements on taxes and duties".
A special mode of operation is foreseen for paired accounts. Bal-
to is allowed only on one personal account of an open pair:
active or passive.
At the beginning of the business day, transactions begin in the personal account with a balance, and if
there is no balance in both accounts - in the account corresponding to
nature of the transaction.

If at the end of the business day a balance is formed on the paired personal account opposite to the account sign,
i.e. a debit balance on the passive account or a credit balance on the active account
, the balance is transferred to the corresponding paired personal account by an accounting entry.
When there are balances
in both of the paired personal accounts, at the end of the business day the smaller balance must be transferred to the
account with the larger balance, as at the end of the business day there must
be only one balance: a debit or credit balance in one of the
paired personal accounts.

Another subgroup differs from the pair accounts only in that one of the two accounts (active or passive) should not necessarily be closed every working day, but rather on the terms
at the discretion of the credit institution, usually monthly
or quarterly, but also possibly daily; for instance accounts
ZOZO1, 30302 "Settlements with branches located in Russian Federation
Banks close one of these accounts (active or passive) in different ways, including daily.
The existence of balances on both active and passive
accounts allows for an artificial increase in the assets-passives of a credit institution.

The difference in the use of active and passive accounts is thought
to have complicated the functions of accountants of organizations, somehow
related to banking accounting, and especially accountants of
banks - increasing the number of accounts and postings on them, special mode of operation of paired accounts and work with financial-
economic reports of organizations. The elimination of
active-passive accounts of banks can be compared to the transition
from two dialects of one language to two languages of the same linguistic group
On the plus side of the elimination of active and passive accounts
in the accounting of banks is the greater "transparency" of bank accounting in this

We believe that the relevant authorities, first of all
the Ministry of Finance of Russia, as the coordinator of accounting
in the country, should consider the necessity
and validity of the existence of a different set of accounting accounts of organizations and banks and the possibility of their unification
Mischek писал(а) >>

the shop is not a bank.

you gave 100 roubles to the shop, in return you received a children's horse toy,

At that moment, your money became the shop's money.

You could have given it to Mum ("Mamabank") which has your current account as well as your brothers' and sisters' accounts.

It's someone else's money to Mom and she has to give it back eventually.

Well, if this is not about that, let me put in my five cents.

The shop will have at least 2 operations: an expenditure of inventory (horse), the receipt of funds. The postings will involve accounts such as "cash," "goods," "sales," "profits/losses" + taxes/ excise duties. In this case, the simple transaction of selling a horse, will easily lead to a shop payable (to pay VAT).

If a legal entity bought the horse, its accounting department would also make several entries and one of the accounts would show a debit and the other a credit.


You could learn the whole bookkeeping thing that way. And with a banking bias. Imagine, when you come to apply for a job, you show at the job interview that you have an outstanding knowledge of accounting and banking details.

They ask you: "Young man, where did you learn so much?"

And you tell them: "Yes, on the Metatrader forum - AlexEro told us everything!

PapaYozh >> :

Well, if this is not what we're talking about, let me put in my five cents.

The shop will have at least two transactions: the expenditure of material goods (horses) and the receipt of cash. The postings will involve accounts such as "cash," "goods," "sales," "profits/losses" + taxes/ excise duties. In this case, the simple transaction of selling a horse, will easily lead to a shop payable (to pay VAT).

If a legal entity bought the horse, its accounting department would also make several entries and one of the accounts would show a debit and the other a credit.

The aggregate (whole) of these postings is called a transaction.

PapaYozh >> :

Well, if this is not what we're talking about, let me put in my five cents.

The shop will have at least two transactions: the expenditure of material goods (horses) and the receipt of cash. The postings will involve accounts such as "cash," "goods," "sales," "profits/losses" + taxes/ excise duties. In this case, the simple transaction of selling a horse, will easily lead to a shop payable (to pay VAT).

If a legal entity bought the horse, its accounting department would also make several entries and one of the accounts would show a debit and the other a credit.


AlexEro >> :

They ask you: "Young man, where did you learn so much?"

And you answer them: "Yes, on the Metatrader forum - AlexEro told us all about it!

You are really bursting at the seams.

By the way, within the city (St. Petersburg) all bankers know each other either directly or through one person.

except for small employees

AlexEro писал(а) >>

The aggregate (whole) of these entries is called a transaction.

In Russian, this totality is called a "business transaction".


Mischek >> :

>> you're all so fucking hot.

(sobbing) I just thought I'd talk to somebody on the case (pricing in currency interbank trading), set snares, set bait, sketched out banking questions - to catch at least somebody who understands what it's about, with whom we can talk on the case.

(sobbing) but there's... nobody ..... NOOOOOOOOOOOOO !

PapaYozh >> :

In Russian, this totality is called a "business transaction".


No shit. It may be called a "business transaction" in the courts and the Civil Code - that is, the transfer of ownership. In accounting and SQL it is called a transaction.