MetaTrader does not reflect reality ! How can I fight this ? - page 9

sol >> :

We will be able to say that the terminal has been created for a trader when its source codes become publicly available.

And who, I wonder, needs megabytes of other people's code? What to do with this code? Look at it?

Or will you reverse-engineer it in Uml / requirements and then take it in parts

and write unit and function tests for some years to get an exact percentage of readiness

and so that you can refactor and correct it later?

And then invent different testing strategies to increase reliability,

and with a "paranoid" setting, e.g. checking hashes of each data block, etc.?

I've seen people work on big projects - one bug is fixed, two are introduced.

A month or two later - something is discovered.

Rosh >> :

I asked for a substantive response, not a "you know what I'm talking about" response. Try selling a platform to some brokerage company that's designed for them, not for the trader.

There is no need to propagate myths out of thin air on our forum. Either write on the merits or don't make such statements. If you are not fully satisfied with anything to begin with, that is no reason to accuse us.

You can search the internet for sources of opensource-projects, we do not invest a lot of effort and time to give them on a silver platter. All the experience in writing a stable and easy trading platform has been paid by our company, there are no preferences.

Roche, what you are saying is blatant protectionism and reflection.

I'm not a prosecutor and I'm not blaming anyone, I'm just pointing out objective factors that MUST be taken into account when trading, otherwise the likelihood of mistakes goes up a lot.

In essence I wrote that you should not expect the MT4 platform to be reliable when autotrading. And I didn't bring up the point that ANY other platform is better, they are worse. And the fact that the broker can set a personal spread, and requote, and send any candle to me personally, and stop automated trading - this has repeatedly been discussed on this forum.

And you moderators are very good at transferring the point of view, but in my case, expect an adequate response. My meeting with Kolya Morzhov was just because I was relying on the terminal, that it will trade and quotes will go. You are a fool and you are right. Now I'm not a fool, I've created a system that eliminates such cases and I'm telling you for FREE on the pages of this forum how I did it.

About the source code - your right. I don't need anything from you, believe me, except what you already provide. If MQL5 comes out, I will work with MQL5, but my main system will stay in external format in order to avoid differences in documentation and problems with code migration to MQL5.2 if it ever appears.

Figar0, it is a little known secret that MT4 is mostly used for manual trading. I think that MT4 is a very good terminal, one of the best, but to turn a blind eye to the obvious - BROKER HAS THE BREAD - is unfortunately just stupid. You have to pay for it with money.

sol писал(а) >> Essentially I wrote that you should not expect the MT4 platform to be reliable when autotrading. And I didn't bring up the point that ANY OTHER platform is better, they are worse. And the fact that the broker can set a personal spread, and requote, and send me personally any candle, and in general stop automatic trading - it has been repeatedly discussed on this forum. THE BROKER HAS THE ADVANTAGE ......

I think what you wrote can be done by any broker on any platform with any trader. It does not depend on the platform, but on the cleanliness of the broker himself. If you want to avoid all these problems, you need to go to the real market - the interbank market. But there it does not smell of autotrading and deposits of $1000, let alone $100. So if you want autotrading and a $1000 deposit, you have to sacrifice something, namely to work through a broker. A broker can do anything with a trader, up to and including non-payment of money. But this does not depend on the quality of the platform itself.....)))))

The broker has an advantage, it's true, because you are tied to him and you work through him - he is the middleman. Get rid of the middleman and all the problems will disappear, but then the truth is there will be other problems, I assure you, problems of a completely different level.....))))

sol писал(а) >> A BROKER HAS A PREFERENCE - unfortunately it's just silly. You have to pay for it with money.

- Here I am going to be a millionaire!!! - thought the trader.
- Here comes the lunch! - thought the broker...


A female telephone helpdesk operator is required to work in a brokerage firm. Requirements: the ability to calmly but politely tell everyone off, not to be provoked, and to be sympathetic to violations of morality and the laws of society by the employer. Girls with more than a year of experience at the American English Center will be admitted without competition.


An old lady walks down the street and sees several people punching one in the face and decides to stand up for her:
- What are you doing, punching a living man in the face?
- Go away, granny, we caught the broker!
- What are you doing with your hands? With your legs, with your legs!

sol >> :

Roche, what you are saying is blatant protectionism and reflexivity. Really, what can you expect from a man who is too lazy to learn the priorities of Boolean operations.

Moreover, I never learned the values of sines and cosines for standard angles in school, and just calculated using my simple system. I was too lazy to learn specific facts, I was always interested in general rules by which private results could be obtained.

And you, please, swear with clever words elsewhere, here bother to express yourself with transparent definitions.

Rosh >> :

Furthermore, I never learned the values of sines and cosines for standard angles in school, and just calculated using my simple system. I was too lazy to learn specific facts, I was always interested in general rules by which to get particular results.

And you, please, swear with clever words elsewhere, here bother to express in transportent definitions.

I don't swear. When I swear, servers go down and satellites fall out of the sky.

I am trying to show a methodology to support reliable trading using the MT4 terminal(s). This, and I am sure of it, is not at all to the advantage of all sorts of kitchens that buy and use your software.

Before I get to the point of the post, just in case, for our "vice police" :o) I have 2 machines, one perfectly licensed XP, the other perfectly licensed vista. All are tracking updates as they should be :o). One is connected to the internet through dedicated channel (very good connection), the second machine (laptop) works via radio modem from skylink. So - hangs happens in both, and the nature of "hanging" the same. So I figured out for myself - the network has nothing to do with it.

to sol
Then already open the contract with the brokerage company in which no lawyer will find obligations of the brokerage company to withdraw you to forex and from this point (not from the mastematic) you can say - "cheating! :о). But it's not cheating - it's a betting in its purest form, the mechanism is to satisfy everybody, the law, us and the others. Everybody knows it (or nearly everybody), and it is quite normal that such documents appear on Forex market (, they are already shrouded in mud for some reason). And you mean some Boolean operations - it's petty :o).

But in general you mustn't try to cheat brokerage companies - they have almost the same "security" mechanisms as insurance companies, i.e. "almost everybody loses, and if you stay in the market too long you just lose everything".) You don't even have to fuss and try to confuse you/us with a Boolean operation, everything will happen by itself. :о)

And what about all those subtleties - I think it's just saving money on a project, maybe they hired a student and he hadn't read through a textbook on C++ and wrote it exactly as he had seen it :o) Just kidding :o)

to Rosh
It would be less difficult for the colleagues to ask, if they could write a brief description of the second part of the system, something like a "specification" of the server part (architecture, functionality, supported protocols of some forex :o), screenshots). I think it would be interesting for many people. And a lot of questions would disappear by themselves ... or vice versa.

By the way, somewhere long ago I saw that some DC on its forum opened a branch in which started to show screenshots of screenshots, workplaces in the DC itself. I can't find it :o(
Rosh писал(а) >>


You can search the internet for source code of opensource projects, we do not invest a lot of time and effort to hand out on a silver platter. All the experience in writing a stable and easy-to-use trading platform has been paid by our company in full, no preferences.

Alien Besda, sorry to interfere but I couldn't resist.

Sorry but that is a misconception, MQ is not a charity or philanthropy but a commercial organisation. Yes at first like any business there was investment, but then it was time to make a profit. You get it by selling the platform to DC (or you give it to them for free?). Those in turn are not philanthropists, but hope to recoup their costs and turn a profit. Now a simple question. Who ultimately pays for this development ?

I think it is a big mistake to consider (sharpen) their development for the DC. First of all, we have to look at what traders need. The more convenient and comfortable it is for traders, the more people will use this platform. And the brokerage companies will not go anywhere, they will offer what is in real demand.

There will be 1000 real traders using, let's say, this platform

And 100 people, those who are just learning the MT platform - then the broker, bank, DC, etc. will invest in something that is in demand. That way he will recoup his investment faster and ensure his continued existence.

Knowing that MQ is developing version 5, could you answer whether it will be better than the one I linked above and in what way in your opinion ?

P.S. your platform gives too much power to the DC over the trader.

Prival писал(а) >> P.S. Your platform gives too much power to the VC over the trader.

How can't you understand? - Any brokerage company platform gives absolute power over the trader! Because this platform is the property of the brokerage company and only the brokerage company has the sole right to send (quotes), allow or disallow (trade) anything to this platform , because the servers from which the quotes are received also belong to the same brokerage company. In the end the brokerage company gives you the leverage and the brokerage company pays you the money. What do you want after that?

Prival >> :

Knowing that MQ is developing version 5, could you answer whether it will be better than the one I linked above and in what way in your opinion ?

Your question assumes that the platform you have mentioned is better than the current MetaTrader 4. Can you justify what is its advantage for an average trader (not for you personally)?

Also, you can look at how it was rated by the 9 participants of the survey -