Poll : Closed club of expert writers - who's in favour? - page 15

BARS >> :

What about?

Are you even talking about the left: 2. All the "expert writers" have already been asked. If your expert is really profitable - why aren't you making money yourself? The second question follows. If you sell it, it means it is not profitable or a scam?

Does it look like the winners of the PE are scammers?

You are a reasonable person, draw your own conclusions.

We all have our reasons... It's silly to think that everyone is a "scammer".
BARS >> :
Everyone has his own reasons... It's silly to think that everyone's a scam artist.

Are there any hungry mql "programmers" out there?

Or is there a hungry music producer (ex)?


You can never have too much money :)

But everyone has their own predilections for one trading tactic or another.

And you didn't answer the question: Do you consider those PE leaders who say they agree to sell their trading robots to be scams?

four2one >>: Or is there a hungry music producer (former)?

If I understood your hint correctly, a former music producer doesn't seem to be hungry at all and doesn't sell his creations...

Mathemat >> :

If I understood your hint correctly, a former music producer doesn't seem to be hungry at all and doesn't sell his creations...

1. are there hungry mathematicians who write in mql?

2. Again, WILL ANYONE SELL A PROFIT-BREAKING EXPERT with an understanding of percentages?

Well, they are selling with a PE :)
BARS >> :
Well they are selling with PE :)

Now let's laugh together.

Let's say we have a code (advisor) that earns well over 5% per day.

At a simple interest rate of 100% per month and 1200% per year. Having 1,000 coons at the end of the year will be 12,000 coons.

For compound interest, 265% per month and 11993600% per year.

On compounding pr. even 1% per day = 1200% per year.

Now who sells EAs?


Simply sharing experiences on defending EAs and monitoring grey sites together will not work. Free-lovers will still have an advantage, as there is a sword for every shield.

You'd better do this: Write a client-server system together. It works like this: a simple Expert Advisor that works on the client side and does not contain in its code any trading algorithm, connects to the server, logs in and gets instructions to buy, sell, rearrange stop, etc. In its turn, the server application is something like a universal cover for a real Expert Advisor with trading algorithm in its code, i.e. it is like an intermediate link sending signals of the Expert Advisor to the end-user Expert Advisor. The advantages are obvious. First, subscription can be arranged for a certain period with the subscription fee, depending on the size of the client's account. Second, like before, the client uses the Expert Advisor, which means that the Expert Advisor makes trading decisions very quickly. The code of the Expert Advisor is practically 100% secured, as the user does not even have the compiled code of the strategy algorithm. The brokerage services cost not much, the project is developing and improving, the EA writer gets a wide market and complete security, the client gets the additional security, because not all EA developers can connect to the system. In my opinion, this is a very profitable business.


Let's say I have a couple of bots on my disk... one working bot, one bot I'm polishing... so I'm not really interested in keeping the first one as there are no currencies to use.

So what do I do for example ? leave it sitting in the dust ... or sell it :)