Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 52

Yurixx писал(а) >>

... What Putin or Medvedev wants, I don't know. Putin seems to care about Russia, but does he have enough intelligence ... And conscience ...

With all due respect, you don't have a model either, and that's a pity.

Well, if the regime in America changes quickly and bloodlessly, then what? For what purpose, what constructive purpose in the transformation of society is visible and clear to you, and by what means can it be achieved? The regime has been changed just recently, but it has not made the future any clearer. A change in power cannot be an end in itself: the one who comes to replace the dragon becomes the dragon himself.

Putin and Medvedev are trying to launch national programs (projects), but we see only declared good intentions, there are even resources for some forecast horizon. And then? The population decreases, and there is no clear programme or simply principles of guaranteed survival. Nor can we see the levers, the manageable parameters for the formation of the necessary trends.

Pardon the pessimistic tone. Nor does Medvedev have confidence in achieving the proclaimed goals - as about the fight against corruption: yes, we have not won, but if we do not fight, it will be even worse.


It's no use making models, you can't please everyone

Yurixx >> :

The goal depends on who sets it. I would build a society for all people. Today's oligarchs don't want to build anything at all, they just want to make a lot of money, take their capital to the West and then flee to the West themselves. Kudrin wants to build the States-2. I do not know what Putin or Medvedev wants. Putin seems to care about Russia, but does he have enough intelligence... And conscience ...

It seems to me that you've been a little "out of line".

The only thing that perhaps depends on "who puts" is the idea of some kind of goal. By the time Lenin finally figured it out, it was too late to drink the borjomi.

"Leading parties and classes,

the leaders never realized..,

that an idea thrown to the masses

is a wench thrown to the regiment."

Oh, man, I forgot who the author was.

Galaxy >> :

On the contrary, people with experience of social life in other countries "from the inside" are trying to tell the truth to their faces, without any denials. And you put a Schwonderian label around their necks.

By the way, does possessing passports of two countries automatically makes a person a "rat leaving a sinking ship"?

Cheap tribune slogans will keep interfering with your understanding of the world for a long time to come.

And you look at the history one-sidedly: the Russian Empire during the colonization of the Urals and Siberia killed no less (and maybe more) than the local population, remember Ermak, for example.

Even history you are accustomed to buy.


Emigrants are adventurous people, they have the courage to face the unknown, the moral strength, the ability to adapt, all this is impossible without the intellectual capacity. And people who emigrate are mainly those who have thinking as a profession, if you have noticed, these abilities only get better over the generations (competition). Yes, in the beginning everything was solved with the help of lead, when everybody got tired of it, they created a society with strong laws and an unsinkable economy, it is true that sometimes it is stormy, but it is natural.

I do not advocate a planned economy, but the situation is beyond anything, the entire unsinkable is that this "economy" should. It was funny to watch when Maddof was arrested, he must be out of his mind to make such a substitution of notions. You should worry about your children, I think they have nothing to fear there, but in the region bordering China, the worst-case scenario is that there may be fewer children.

ZS: I have to agree with the post-script that these are top-class adventurers, they are brilliant, I just cringe when I think about what kind of mindset the best ones at the helm have developed ... I don't agree with the moral strength, because you don't have the stomach for greed, or do you think the Soviets attacked Kennedy as Oswald did?

rsi >> :


Power change cannot be an end in itself: the one who replaces the dragon becomes the dragon.



I remember being taught at school about the preconditions of the October revolution: "The upper classes can't rule by the new, the lower classes don't want to live by the old".

But before you break it, you have to think: What are we giving in return?

Yourmindmy >> :


It was funny to watch when Maddof was arrested, it must have been a mind boggling to see such a switch in terms of concepts.


So it's the opposite of a good thing that he was arrested. So he couldn't buy anyone, which added positive points to the credibility of the system.

I wonder if you, Yourmindmy, would have added or taken away points of trust in Putin's system for Khodorkovsky?

Galaxy >> :

On the contrary, it is good that he was arrested. It means he could not buy anyone, which has added positive points to his trust in the system.

I wonder if you, Yourmindmy, would have added or taken away points of trust in Putin's system for Khodorkovsky?

Strange analogies of course, just like with Yarmak. One organised a pyramid scheme, the other tax evasion. I was just thinking about the positive points for the system, when Maddof was arrested, and in the light of what was happening, it amused me, and it absolutely does not mean that he could not buy anyone, he was able to create it. And why ask the question I do not understand at all, you could easily understand my attitude to the arrest of Khodorkovsky, positive of course, except that neither Putin nor Khodorkovsky has anything to do with the crisis of this Anglo-Saxon system.

Yourmindmy >> :

Strange analogies of course, just like with Yarmak. One organised a pyramid scheme, the other tax evasion. I was just thinking about the positive points for the system, when Maddof was arrested, and in the light of what was happening, it amused me, and it absolutely does not mean that he could not buy anyone, he was able to create it. And why ask the question I do not understand at all, you could easily understand my attitude to the arrest of Khodorkovsky, positive of course, except that neither Putin nor Khodorkovsky has anything to do with the crisis of this Anglo-Saxon system.

I will take the liberty of saying something here.

In my opinion, any evolution looks like in the way that a quality (set of qualities) developed during the evolution process becomes an obstacle for further evolution over time.

Thus, a system that has successfully evolved before, as a result of its predisposition (readiness) to develop a certain quality or set of qualities, faces a choice tomorrow: to evolve further or to recognize that which has helped it before and into whose development so much effort has been invested - a BREAD - for its further evolution.

I suppose those qualities of American cowboys, which they are so proud of, are the deterrents to their further evolution.

And there are only two qualities: the pseudo, no, better still the KWAZI steel balls, slightly covered by a colt holster and the childishly naïve trust in intelligence and technology as the means of solving every conceivable problem.

By the way, it is a historical fact that a society of imperial-minded individuals is incapable of further evolution.

And I also think that Buffett, knowing this, did not bet on yesterday's leader.

So, dear American friends, America is the leader... but yesterday's leader!

And the fact that you still haven't noticed it doesn't speak at all for your American intelligence, which you are so proud of!

>> With respect.

paralocus >>: In my view, all evolution looks like this: a quality (set of qualities) developed in the evolutionary process eventually becomes an obstacle to further evolution.

Here's a thought that came to mind: hence, the ability to think will eventually become an obstacle to further evolution. Yes. I don't believe it at all. Or the ability to think is not that quality which is developed in the evolutionary process...

rsi писал(а) >>

With all due respect, you don't seem to have a model either, which is a pity.

Where do you see it from?

Well, the change of power in America will be quick and bloodless - then what? For what purpose, what constructive purpose in the transformation of society is visible and clear to you and by what means is it achievable? The government has just recently been replaced, but this has not made the future any clearer. A change in power cannot be an end in itself: the one who comes to replace the dragon becomes the dragon himself.

Putin and Medvedev are trying to launch national programs (projects), but we see only declared good intentions, there are even resources for some forecast horizon. And then? The population decreases, and there is no clear programme or simply principles of guaranteed survival. Nor can we see the levers, the manageable parameters for shaping the necessary trends.

Pardon the pessimistic tone. Nor does Medvedev have confidence in the achievement of the proclaimed goals - as about the fight against corruption: yes, we have not won, but if we do not fight, it will be even worse.

Let us not lump everything together. Power will be replaced when a critical mass of dissatisfied with the current situation arises. It can be as many as 100 people, if they are strong enough, as many as 100 million. However, a change in power and a change in the socio-economic model are different things. The answer to the question "what next?" depends precisely on that.

The constructive aim in transforming society is linked to a change in priorities, i.e. a change in the social system of values. Capitalism assumes material wealth, property and entrepreneurial freedom at its core. However, in reality these values are not an end but a means. This has taken place because humanity has for so long been limited to the material provisioning of its physical existence and the last stage of this process required the removal of all restraints in order to develop more effectively. This is why property was proclaimed in 1789 as "sacred and inviolable" and human freedom was expressed primarily in the freedom of enterprise.

In fact, the internal, basic purpose of all civilizational progress was not the development of material production, or human wealth, but human evolution. The progress of science, technology and engineering, as well as the accumulation of material wealth, was merely the form that this evolution had at this stage.

Therefore, now that humanity's financial and economic problems, as well as the concentration of material wealth in the hands of a few, are becoming an obstacle to the free evolution of people, the constructive objective is to remove these obstacles and ensure all possibilities for the continuation of evolution.

This may seem too abstract to you, or unreasonable, but it is, after all, in an extremely concise form.

The means of achieving that goal is a much longer conversation, and has no place here.

I also understand your pessimism, I too am pessimistic when I look at the modern top management, both ours, as well as American, European.

There is, however, an optimistic note. Human civilization has been evolving for several tens of thousands of years. There was absolutely no need for people to realize this process, their own evolution, and even less so its purpose for this (until now!). The development proceeded irrespective of the presence or absence of such awareness or purposeful efforts on the part of man. It was rather conditioned by natural, objective laws of development of man and human society, than by any constructive purposes. Apparently, even at the present stage, if the correct path is not realised and realised, humanity will be led by the scruff of the neck to what it does not want to go voluntarily. Or it will cease to exist. :-)))