Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 51

FION >> :

1. Corruption is at the top of the list in the world.

2. Technological backwardness, with the economy sitting on an oil and gas needle.

3. Half of all consumption is imported.

It is precisely with the elimination of these points that one should begin. Only by getting rid of the first point will the individual begin to think creatively about society, and not only about himself. Only then will discussions about different models of societal development yield the right (balanced, as there is no such thing as an ideal) solutions.

Mischek писал(а) >>

I agree with everything that has been said except one thing. What subject area have you been referring to? If "how the crisis is affecting our not-so-small community", the discussion is doomed to a blame game or the generation

simple, ridiculous exit strategies that they can't get their heads around.

No, I just want to emphasize that our big club is 1) quite representative 2) can "figure out" anything, if it understands the task. And the subject area is forex and its evolution in the crisis.

Yurixx писал(а) >>

I agree on the merits. However, about finding fault - I think there is a misunderstanding here.

Finding someone to blame only makes sense when it is needed to identify the causes, the errors, to find the right solutions.

Modern agents of political and economic scene really don't have a model. More precisely, there is only one - the American one. And they insist on it, despite everything.

But my critique of both our own and Americans is not based on a feeling or on self-interest - who will make me feel better, but on an understanding of what these actions will lead to for the country and for humanity. And I make these assessments in terms of the model I, oddly enough, have. The US, of course, has only one chance to change its model - through revolution (not every revolution is socialist, don't get me wrong :-). But the probability of that is zero. Russia, on the other hand, really could. Russia is at a crossroads, and it does not have strong structures that would make it impossible. One has to move somewhere anyway. The only problem is that people think primitively: either socialism - then go back to the USSR, or capitalism - then go after America. Although in fact this "forward" is also backward.

On the other hand, Russia as a state is now strong enough to make a non-trivial choice. But unfortunately it is being turned into a pro-American zombie by flat-earthers like Kudrin and co. That's what it's a shame for. History always gives only one chance.

It is great that you have a model! I do not. But I do not understand what you mean by a revolution in the States. More precisely, what should happen after the revolution? And why can't the same result be achieved in an evolutionary way? What goal needs to be achieved, a model to be built? I also don't see the grounds for such an optimistic assessment of the Russian situation, and I don't understand what choice (and even non-trivial one) Russia has.

sab1uk писал(а) >>

I'm not going to delete anything.

You're trying to scare me into leaving forever in vain.

Your opinion weighs as much as mine.

The Russian people are disgraced by ignorant immigrants waiting abroad for us to die out from the defaults and drug trafficking.

There is no reason for anyone to naively try to discuss anything objectively with these immigrants.

Sabluk is good. That's what theyshould do, . They do not like the truth in the face. The only decent sentence of the last 20 pages.

Rats are always the first to jump ship. And these guys are spreading their fingers. The smartest )).

Aw BURN YOUR AMERICA in flames, jump ship while you still can ...

There is just one problem, it will not work like with the Indians 300 years ago. You can't shoot them. The entire history of America is a story of immigrants fleeing problems. And if they solved something, it wasn't with their minds, it was with guns.

FION писал(а) >>

Yurixx wrote :>>

I was talking about strengths. And nothing to say about weaknesses - too much space, the forum is not enough :-)

But if everything were all right, you wouldn't have to move anywhere. And there would be nothing to discuss.

Well, there are signs of analysis.

What kind of analysis is that? Where ? :-)))

Looks like everything I said before flew past you like plywood ?

What a pity. Not an analysis of course, but some of the arguments were there. And here it's just an interjection.

rsi писал(а) >>

It's great that you have a model! I don't. But it is not clear to me what you mean by a revolution in the States. More precisely, what is to come after the revolution? And why can't the same result be achieved in an evolutionary way? What goal needs to be achieved, a model to be built? I also don't see the basis for such an optimistic assessment of the Russian situation, and I don't understand what choice (and even non-trivial one) Russia has.

A revolution is a radical change of power or financial and economic model by leaps and bounds. It does not necessarily happen violently. Examples: the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Georgia.

Evolution is the same but as a result of small gradual changes over a long period of time. In the United States, evolution is impossible, because the establishment doesn't want any transformations, the current model suits them fine, and they're not going to give up power either.

The whole world is currently scrambling for another model that would not produce these kinds of crises and would be better balanced in terms of global order. Everybody is well aware that America has for a long time been a universal consumer of the world's product, which it bought with freshly printed dollars. And the whole world has been caught up in this game, because it is the domestic financial model of the states, and the US national currency has turned out to be part of the global model. America will never willingly give up its role, so the transition to a new model in America is only possible in a revolutionary way.

There is no need to fear the word revolution. Especially don't associate it with socialist or communist revolutions. There is a law of dialectics about the transition from quantitative to qualitative changes. This transition is revolution. And the process of the gradual accumulation of quantitative changes (which may be accompanied by the accumulation of quality) is evolution. One can't happen without the other.

In Russia, the revolution has already happened - the socialist order has given way to capitalism. Quite a revolutionary transition, which, by the way, was also accompanied by gunfire. Now it's just a question of the evolutionary stage of capitalism in the country. However, there are so many possibilities and models according to which capitalism can evolve. That is Russia's choice. And it will be made in any case - consciously or by fact (we wanted the best, but it turned out the same as always). It will only be non-trivial if it does not copy anyone else's experience and, at the same time, sets itself social objectives that the West has never set for itself.

The aim depends on the one who sets it. I would build a society for all people. Today's oligarchs do not want to build anything at all, only to plunder more, transfer capitals to the West, and then flee there too. Kudrin wants to build the States-2. I do not know what Putin or Medvedev wants. Putin seems to care about Russia, but does he have enough intelligence... And conscience...

Prival >> :

Sabluk has done well. That's how theyshould do it . They don't like the truth in the face. The only decent sentence of the last 20 pages.

Rats are always the first to jump ship. And these guys are spreading their fingers. The smartest )).

Aw BURN YOUR AMERICA in flames, jump ship while you still can ...

There is just one problem, it will not work like with the Indians 300 years ago. You can't shoot them. The entire history of America is a story of immigrants fleeing problems. And if they solved something, they did it not with their minds, but with guns.

It's the other way around, people who have experience of other countries' societies from the inside trying to tell the truth straight to their faces. And you put a Schwonderian label around their necks.

By the way, does possessing passports of two countries automatically makes a person a "rat leaving a sinking ship"?

Cheap tribune slogans will keep interfering with your understanding of the world for a long time to come.

And you look at the history one-sidedly: the Russian Empire during the colonization of the Urals and Siberia killed no less (and maybe more) than the local population, remember Ermak, for example.

Even history you are accustomed to buy.


Emigrants are adventurous people, they have the courage to face the unknown, the moral strength, the ability to adapt, all this is impossible without the intellectual capacity. And people who emigrate are mainly those who have thinking as a profession, if you have noticed. These abilities only get better over the generations (competition). Yes, in the beginning everything was solved with 9 grams of lead, when everybody got tired of it, they created a society with strong laws and an unsinkable economy, true it sometimes storms, but this is natural.

Prival >> :

Sabluk has done well. That's how theyshould do it . They don't like the truth in the face. The only decent sentence of the last 20 pages.

Rats are always the first to jump ship. And these guys are spreading their fingers. The smartest )).

Aw BURN YOUR AMERICA in flames, jump ship while you still can ...

There is just one problem, it will not work like with the Indians 300 years ago. You can't shoot them. The entire history of America is a story of immigrants fleeing problems. And if they solved something, it wasn't with their minds, but with guns.

>> this is stupid...mankind has been migrating all through history. otherwise, we'd all be living in Africa somewhere now.

You're just jealous that you're not wanted there


Two more smart guys have turned up.

Yermak conquered, killed everyone, and his hands are covered in blood. You should at least read history, you clever people, maybe.... as much.

There was a link about 30 pages ago about how much blood America spilled. maybe you have not heard about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or there were 5 or more bodies there.

envy ))booguahaha

Prival >> :


Galaxy at least read history, smart people maybe.... as much.

Which history to read? The Russian one, which is rewritten every 10 years?

Your reaction exactly reflects your world view. You may be a good engineer but you see the world in black and white.

Also, I'm not sure Stalin wouldn't have tried out the bomb under combat conditions, under martial law, if the USSR had invented it first.