Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 42

VladislavVG >> :

I live in Kharkov, I work in Kiev -

FOXXXi >> :

Don't tell me, that's enough. Sabluk pooped his pants and ran to change his ridiculous shoes.

What's your fantasy?

So if I said I would smack you in the face, does that mean I would drop everything and go?

You can get the addresses of the military who ran the SAM, so why come to everyone?

PS It is easier to sit at home and trash the web sites of those who misbehave.


Sevastopol protests against US frigate entering port

"Мы рады любым зарубежным гостям, которые приезжают как туристы. Американскую военщину мы в своем городе не потерпим. Это утонченный цинизм - зайти в город Севастополь в день 10-летия бомбардировки Югославии. Сначала они уничтожили балканских славян, а теперь пришли сеять межнациональный раздор в Крыму", - заявил один из организаторов акции, депутат горсовета Андрей Меркулов.


As far as the economic system is concerned. It is obvious that extremes are harmful - socialism breeds dictatorship and unbridled capitalism breeds colonialism. It is good that more and more leaders are beginning to understand that, but they cannot get rid of the latter, because they themselves have been the backstop of that circular bailout, so to speak.

Link for thought

timbo >> :

So are you only interested in arguments "in favour of your opinion" or in favour of the truth?

Although the question was not addressed to me, but still:

Everyone has their own TRUTH. It is based on one's worldview and stance on life.

From them, any facts are interpreted in one or another side that we observe.

The facts are the same, but the views on them are different.


You are arguing in vain, gentlemen. Every sandpiper praises his own swamp, though it is the stinkiest.

But unlike the sandpiper, we, the people, defend it. Some in word, some in deed.

There is no absolute truth and if a man's outlook has been formed for years,

it's naive to try to change it with a couple of forum posts.

goldtrader писал(а) >>

Even though the question was not addressed to me, but still:

Everyone has their own TRUTH. It is based on one's worldview and position in life.

They are used to interpret any facts in one direction or another, which is what we are observing.

The facts are the same, but the views on them are different.


You are arguing in vain, gentlemen. Every sandpiper praises his own swamp, though it is the stinkiest.

But unlike the sandpiper, we, the people, defend it. Some in words, some in deeds.

There's no absolute truth, and if a man's worldview has been formed over the years,

it's naive to try to change it with a couple of forum posts.

That is what prevents an objective analysis. Analysis requires objectivity, a set of facts and factors on the basis of which a prediction is made. Most have fallen into arguments about "who is worse" that have nothing to do with analysis. So what's all this about...

FION >> :

This is what prevents objective analysis. Analysis involves objectivity, a set of facts and factors on the basis of which a prediction is made. Most have fallen into arguments about "who is worse" which have nothing to do with analysis. All in all it is a flurry...

>> I agree.

After the Tesla, there's nothing left to talk about.

FION писал(а) >>

Most have fallen into arguments about "who is worse" that have nothing to do with analysis. All in all, a lot of flubbish...

goldtrader wrote >>

Everyone has their own TRUTH. It is based on one's world view and position in life.

Controversy is a trap for the shallow. To the credit of those posting in this thread, there are one or two of them here. Apart from Timbo, who treats any American fact as a plus, there are one or two more hurrah "patriots" and that is it. The rest criticize, but do not oppose. And there are none of those who idealize our people.

So, dear goldtrader and FION, be more careful.

For example, I am critical of American big capital, which has crushed the entire world, of the American government, which is set up by this capital and works its way up to 5+, and of the American cattle, who know nothing else and do not want to know. But besides that I see perfectly well the wonderful things in America, its achievements, and even the fact that it is America that is pulling the whole world towards a brighter future, although it is itself fighting back against it. And I am jealous in a good way.

At the same time I'm rooting for my country, I remember a lot of good things from the Soviet times, which we have now lost, and I see what we have gained with the collapse of the Union. But I cannot stand our stupid, narrow-minded and venal government, our own people's cattle that elected this government, our lumpen-bourgeoisie, which yesterday was an ordinary WHO and today is THE ALL.

Truth is truth. And if it depends on "outlook and life position", then it is not outlook and life position, but simply an excess of selfishness and selfishness, and lack of honesty and intelligence.

Yurixx >> :

Confrontation is a trap for the shallow. To the credit of those posting in this thread, there are very few of them here. Apart from Timbo, who treats every American fact as a plus, there are one or two more hurrah "patriots" and that is it. The rest criticize, but do not oppose. And there are none of those who idealize our people.

So, dear goldtrader and FION, be more careful.

For example, I am critical of American big capital, which has crushed the entire world, of the American government, which is set up by this capital and works its way up to 5+, and of the American cattle, who know nothing else and do not want to know. But besides that I see perfectly well the wonderful things in America, its achievements, and even the fact that it is this country that is pulling the whole world towards a bright future, although it is itself fighting back from it. And I am jealous in a good way.

At the same time I'm rooting for my country, I remember a lot of good things from the Soviet times, which we have now lost, and I see what we have gained with the collapse of the Union. But I cannot stand our stupid, narrow-minded and venal government, our own people's cattle that elected this government, our lumpen-bourgeoisie, which yesterday was an ordinary WHO and today is THE ALL.

The truth is the truth. And if it depends on "outlook and life position", then it is not an outlook or life position, but simply an excess of selfishness and selfishness, and a lack of honesty and intelligence.

Bravo Yurixx.

Listening and having a constructive and rational discussion is the key to making the right decision, at least for yourself.

And extremist one-sided attacks are typical mainly for small-minded fans of sensations, and the lion's share of Russian-language information resources is directed first of all to them. And here the experienced observer can easily see the old school of propaganda. The Russian leadership seems to enjoy being a badass and feeding badass ideas to fans to defuse their meagre analytical needs and distract them from the root causes of the problem. This may help solve short-term problems for now, but it is the death of a proper statehood in the long term. Russia is losing a net million people a year, and no program will change that, it's an irreversible process and that's a fact. And there are, in my opinion, three alternatives for 2050:

0. Be a scumbag all the way and end your existence with nuclear war.

1. most of the territory goes to China. Russia remains within the European part, and not for long.

2. Russia adopts an immigration policy based on selection of highly potential human resources, like in Canada, Australia, the USA. And catching the wind of globalization becomes a multi-national country, which has weight in the world. I do not mean the weight in military might, but in the might of the national mind.

Although the modern leadership is far from understanding this, on the contrary, it strengthens the already well-known xenophobia of the Russian people through propaganda.

Galaxy >> :

Bravo Yurixx.

The ability to listen and have a constructive and rational discussion is the key to making the right decision, at least for yourself.

And extremist, one-sided attacks are mostly reserved for the small-minded sensationalists, and the lion's share of Russian-language information resources is primarily aimed at them. And here the experienced observer can easily see the old school of propaganda. The Russian leadership seems to enjoy being a badass and feeding badass ideas to fans to defuse their meagre analytical needs and distract them from the root causes of the problem. This may help solve short-term problems for now, but it is the death of a proper statehood in the long term. Russia is losing a net million people a year, and no program will change that, it's an irreversible process and that's a fact. And there are, in my opinion, three alternatives for 2050:

0. Be a scumbag all the way and end your existence with nuclear war.

1. most of the territory goes to China. Russia remains within the European part, and not for long.

2. Russia adopts an immigration policy based on selection of highly potential human resources, like in Canada, Australia, the USA. And catching the wind of globalization becomes a multi-national country, which has weight in the world. I do not mean weight in military power, but in the power of the national mind.

Though the modern leadership is far from understanding it, on the contrary, it strengthens the already well-known xenophobia of the Russian people by means of propaganda.

With every post you continue to prove your dementia.

I seem to be the first to prove to you that you have been subjected to false propaganda from the west on the example of the gas industry