Paper "AMERO" will replace the dollar by spring!? - page 41

VladislavVG >> :

can i get your address? will you come over? I was in the SAS when you were a foot soldier and I had a few assholes like you in my platoon. The question is whether you lived in the USSR, boy, or whether you just watched a movie about it. Come and see if it's as easy for you as for your tongue.

I lived in the USSR as a schoolboy and despised (and still despise) that system.

you must still be living in the USSR.

as a teenager, i loved american culture, but growing up, it all fell into place in my value system.

>> you and Timba are both in the teenage phase.

sab1uk >> :

I lived in the USSR as a schoolboy, I despised (and still despise) that system.

you must still be living in the USSR.

as a teenager i loved american culture, but growing up it all fell into place in my value system.

You and Timba are in the adolescent phase.

So you're not coming... okay... forget it.

And about how it all fell into place - it's unlikely - learn to critically evaluate not only your own experience but also that of others. As you get older, your values may change again.... To despise that system - I lived through it - is wrong, IMHO: those were different conditions, a different mentality of people and not everything was bad there.

I do not need the Western media about Georgia. About Sevastopol: I used to go there often on business and saw it for myself ;). Unlike many who only read about it.

Good luck.

And, that's not a good way to talk to strangers - they may have as much experience as you do....

timbo писал(а) >>

Academics in the West have traditionally held left-wing views and often support socialists/communists, nationalisations and high benefits for all. High salaries and a certain detachment from real life relax them and make them unnecessarily kind.

Truly, the imagination of a Neanderthal. The same academics, representatives of which, like Krugman, you have been defending at the drop of a hat as particularly intelligent, respected and not worthy of skepticism, you now reproach the same people for "softening of the brain". And to imagine that these people see much further than petty hustlers like Geithner and Kudrin is beyond you. Maybe you can explain then why Keynes and the Austrian school and a bunch of other deep economists who made economics a science criticised capitalism, private enterprise freedom, sympathised with many aspects of socialism and insisted on an essential role of the state?

timbo wrote >>

The dollar will disappear and the yuan will become a real strong currency. At the same time, the competitiveness of European and American manufacturers would rise sharply and the competitiveness of Chinese manufacturers would fall. Who will buy Chinese goods when European goods are half the price? China will lose its markets, and will become like any other, a normal country, no 10-15% GDP growth for several years in a row, no economic superpower, it will be like Belarus, but bigger.

Ttimbo, my dear, where did you get this nonsense from? Is it only the existence of the dollar that weakens the yuan ? Chinese industry and finances, government policies, the standard of living in the country and a dozen other factors do not play a role? Just snap of the fingers and the yuan is strong? And European stuff is half the price of Chinese?

Well, brother, you surprise me. I am not going to argue with you about bonds, but in economics and finance you should have an education before making such statements.

VladislavVG >> :

You should read less political literature ;). And Tymoshenko has her own approach - she defends the interests of Ukraine in this case they do not coincide with the interests of Russia - but do they have to?

Good luck.

Ukraine's interests = Russia's interests!!! Just not to be confused with the interests of corrupt and venal politicians.

We, almost all of us, have relatives there who can no longer live with thieves in power with salaries from the US.

Russia is no better... The same thieves and corrupt skanks in power. Quite possibly bought too... Otherwise, it is impossible to explain this economic mess in the country.

True, there is another option. The government is full of fools, idiots and total incompetence.

Reshetov >> :

And we don't read it. We are Chukchi writers, not readers. At best, we can share a link to a politician's book.

В. Pozdner said that he was told on an American TV channel before he was kicked out: "In the USA, freedom of speech is on the street, not on TV. We will not allow the truth about our advertisers to be publicly reported." After these admonitions, Vovochka was grabbed by the scruff of the neck by huge uncles and thrown out into the street, to spread freedom of speech. And what country is this Yankee of origin now? Can you guess three times?

Why, I'm not interested in the situation in the states - I don't live there.

They have a lot of positive things - we must look up to it - and they are not the only ones in Europe and Asia.

IMHO - this will be the strongest position ...

And look for faults in others to prove to yourself that there is something bad there and not just us - this is the position of the weak. IMHO this position has no future.

>> Good luck with that.

VladislavVG >> :

So you're not coming... OK... forget it.

And as for getting back on track - that's unlikely - learn to critically assess not only your own experience but also that of others. As you get older, your values may change again.... To despise that system - I lived through it - is wrong, IMHO: those were different conditions, a different mentality of people and not everything was bad there.

I do not need the Western media about Georgia. About Sevastopol: I used to go there often on business and saw it for myself ;). Unlike many who only read about it.

Good luck.

SZS and that - it is not good to talk to strangers like that - they might have as much experience as you do.....

I really have nothing to do to come somewhere? And a real address would tell you?

Why do you need Sevastopol? It is clear that our intelligence did not rule out upcoming events and Abkhazia spoke openly about it.

It was obvious to me without any intelligence whatsoever where this was headed

sab1uk >> :

I don't really have to go anywhere? You'd tell me the real address?

Of course I would, why not? I live in Kharkiv, I work in Kyiv - many people know - I do not hide... About the intelligence - of course, many people knew. That is what intelligence is for.....

Good luck.

>> I can tell you the exact address, that's all.

Zhunko писал(а) >>


True, there is another option. The government is full of fools, idiots and total incompetence.

There are many more options, only they all suck... And so long as the "servants of the people" live better than the people, which is actually the case everywhere. Oblige them to live like an average citizen, and everyone will live better.

Figar0 >> :

There are many more options, only they all suck... And so long as the "servants of the people" live better than the people, which is actually the case everywhere. Oblige them to live like an average citizen, everyone will live better.


VladislavVG >> :

>> I can tell you the exact address, that's all.

Better not say, that's enough. Sabluk pooped his pants and ran to change his ridiculous retorts.