_Market description - page 26

LeoV писал(а) >>
BARS wrote >>
What's with the puns?) Better try answering three simple questions from page 23.

1. - Are you and FOREX on a first-name basis or on a first-name basis?
- I'm "fuck you" with him.

2. - With age, a trader grows a belly and a diagonal monitor...
- And they should have experience and a bank account!

3. Two traders meet.
One says to the other: "I got money."
The other one says, "Don't worry, I had some too."

It's like this...

Figar0 писал(а) >>
Why are you making puns?) Better try answering the three simple questions from page 23.

In order to roughly answer this, you need to do a "multi-currency" analysis. For that you need to know the instrument and the TF. I can't tell you right away - I'm not an "extra-sex" ......)))))

Figar0 писал(а) >> Try answering the three simple questions from page 23.

The best minds in the financial community gather at a scientific conference to discuss the question: "What is two times two".
The technician trader wields a tape measure and a slide rule, and then confidently announces the result: "3.99".
The wave trader contacted the technical support, put a numerical experiment on the computer and reported: "between 3.98 and 4.02".
The analyst looked at the ceiling, thought and said that he didn't know the exact answer, but he could prove that it existed.
The trader-programmer asked for a more precise definition of "two times two".
The fundamentalist trader spent half an hour talking about how "two times two" can be understood in different ways.
The hacker trader suggested hacking into the Pentagon's secret network security and making all computers solve the problem.
Finally, the broker said: "Close all the doors and windows and now answer - how much do you want to get?"

Two aliens are having lunch. Suddenly one asks the other:
- Listen, this is some strange food today. What is it?
- It's just human meat.
- You're crazy! You're crazy! Intergalactic laws forbid you to eat sentient beings!
- Calm down. It's not a sentient being. He's spent so much money on indicators, there's no money left for the depot...

Who wants a sequel?
Figar0 >>: Better try to answer the three simple questions from page 23.

I agree with LeoV: not enough instruments, and for a more confident answer a multi-currency analysis is needed: guessing from a single chart is useless, because the concepts of trend and flat are meaningless when considering only one instrument.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

I agree with LeoV: there is a lack of instruments, and for a more confident answer we need a multi-currency analysis: guessing from a single chart is useless, because the concepts of trend and flat are meaningless when considering only one instrument.

Of course, multicurrency analysis is good, but if it is an "unrefined oats" futures, how will it help us?) Doesn't the TF matter? Absolute values are not needed, relative ones are enough?

Ok, let's simplify our task a bit, one of the dollar pairs, 4 hours, gives this something?


Figar0 Do you think we are all indigo children or terminators who can analyse a picture by eye?

let's have an array with sampling of at least 1000 bars per picture for easy analysis

or better yet 12~15 thousand bars for a better analysis

then i can give a probabilistic estimate of where the price is likely to go

Figar0 >> :

Multicurrency analysis is good, but if it's a futures on "unrefined oats", how does that help us?) Doesn't the TF matter? Absolute values are not needed, relative values are enough?

OK, let's simplify our task slightly, one of the dollar pairs, 4 hours, gives it something?

Absolutes aren't necessary. Relative is enough.

Oats it is.

Very short.

First we look for it in equities and futures, and then in commodities (except for food) and forex.

If in forex, we search in groups.

You can go for EURUSD and work only with it. But from the point of view of efficiency of depo use it is not rational.

sab1uk писал(а) >>

Figar0 Do you think we are all indigo children or terminators who can analyse a picture by eye?

let's have an array with sampling of at least 1000 bars per picture for easy analysis

or better yet 12~15 thousand bars for a better analysis

then i can give a probabilistic estimate of where the price is likely to go

We are not playing with money.) You're good to go. Probabilistic evaluation, ok, it's not multicurrency analysis, something new... And how do we make this estimate? Let's take the significant characteristics of the current movement/situation and go through the history and see what usually happens afterwards. And what characteristics should we take to describe the current moment with the maximum number of parameters?