_Market description - page 16

LProgrammer писал(а) >>

Prival, you're a smart guy... Go ahead and work in that direction... Now think around this indicator and what I said... And don't say, more BREAD, ok?

I am working and have been for a long time, compare the zigzag chart, with the one I developed (Kai-Kai). Blue going to the sky (buying), red going to hell (selling).

Z.U. You have a lot of fog and no specifics. To think, but on what? I did not see any idea, except philosophical reasoning.

Prival писал(а) >>

I am working and have been for a long time, compare the zigzag chart, with the one I developed (Kai-Kai). Blue going to the sky (buying), red going to hell (selling).

Z.U. You have a lot of fog and no specifics. To think, but on what? Not a single idea I saw, except for philosophical reasoning.

Take your time. We are not late for anything.

Vinsent_Vega писал(а) >>

Sergey, could you elaborate on this, please... The task is childish, of course, but there are not many people from the radio department... so give advice :) for me personally (and I think for many) it can save a lot of time... so what's your side of the equation?

Damn and we're already on the air... Quit, I told you so.... :O(
Vinsent_Vega писал(а) >>

Fibonacci does matter (IMHO. can't prove it mathematically) :)

Fibo, the geometry of the universe?) Well, we don't need any proof, it's not a trial or an exam, but why should the price notice or "obey" them? It was interesting to hear it in your own words.

I used it quite a lot, may be it was the first time when I managed to take profit from trading, but later I got disappointed in it, and then I gave it up, but if I think about it maybe these levels are still some reference points. Ok, let's add fibs, hope we will come to testing, and then we will see what really matters...


Figar0 >> :

why would the price have to notice them or "listen" to them ? in your own words it was interesting to hear.

I don't know why it notices them... but I'm using it on the real and haven't lost it yet... just working with my hands... I haven't been able to program it yet... but if Prival can tell me... maybe something will come up... :)

Figar0 >> :

>> it was interesting to hear in your own words.

it's very simple - a man is as organic as his decisions in the aftermath - that's why it builds

LProgrammer >>: By the way do you know the line along which some heavy object will move in the quickest way from a high point to a low point, provided those points do not lie vertically on the same line?

We know, we know. Brachistochrone. Don't worry, I haven't googled it, I've remembered the word by heart since the 9th grade. The first solved problem of calculus of variations (solved by the same Euler, my idol).

There you go, LP, you've finally started making a point instead of making jokes. Let's go over some points:

1. Yes, you have to start from the very basics. So much so that you really have to dig into the most important concepts of TA - including "trend" and "flat". None of the definitions of these concepts that I have seen on various forums work, because they contain arbitrary parameters - and therefore do not work. The definitions of these concepts should be non-para-metric - only then they will work.

2. Yes, LP, the market doesn't change, it stays the same. It's just the frantic non-stationarity inherent in its nature, and what seems to many to be its change is really just a disaster of a system trying to cream it off.


The market is a system in a permanent state of instability. The image is like, "There is a lead ball with a long needle stuck in it on a very flat surface, and it is poised on this needle...". It seems to be constantly falling down, but it can not fall as the plane on which it stands oscillates with a large amplitude and different frequency. :)

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know the thread about stochastic resonance? If you haven't seen it, read it again, you won't get deja vu there. One of the most informative threads on this forum, by the way. And in this thread there was a fierce dispute about the trend and the flat. (By the way, just recently I came across a link where it was said that one of our Soviet scientists had proved the theorem that a superposition of random processes can produce a periodic motion.)


As it turns out, the reasoning of pundits about the elephant that none of them can see entirely. http://www.recont.ru/page76.html

In the same way participants of this forum (and not only this one) discuss trend and flat, supposing that these notions are definite. But they only see the elephant's tail. One should look at the elephant as a whole! Look at what the "primitivist" Figar0 says:

- if it's forex, try to identify which currency or suddenly both are driving the momentum;

Yes, sic! Both unlikely, but very likely one of them (if it's a true trend). Now try to guess where I'm going with this? To a trend with a flat! And there's the key concept (and there's Semenych's articles on cluster inducators, which have this thought at the heart of it):

There is a trend only in a currency, not in a pair.

Flat should probably be on both currencies of the pair, but again not on the pair.

And from there we can dance to a non-parametric definition of these concepts. Who has any thoughts?

Vinsent_Vega писал(а) >>

Sergey, could you elaborate on this, please... The task is childish, of course, but there are not many people from the radio department... so give advice :) for me personally (and I think for many) it can save a lot of time... so what's your side of the equation?

Always start with something simple and straightforward. Here's a program I sketched out for you. It builds the optimal filter for 1 sine wave. You need to work with it. Just look how spectrum will change (we will consider 1 sine wave yet) and if model frequency will change, if model frequency will change, and phase will change from 0 to another. Add some noise. And every time try to build optimal filter, i.e. such filter that collects all energy of signal. In my example, all of the signal was collected in the 10 filter. (you can see such a big column in the 2nd picture).

File attached, you should always try to do (program) yourself. It is like driving a car. You can read 1000 times how to do it (to twist a wheel) and just network and 1 time to go.

opt_filtr.rar  46 kb
Mathemat писал(а) >>

We know, we know. Brachistochrone. Don't worry, I haven't googled it, I've remembered the word by heart since the 9th grade. The first solved problem in calculus of variations (solved by the same Euler, my idol).

There you go, LP, you've finally started making a point instead of joking around. Let's go over some points:

M, hmmm... hats off to.... Didn't expect that from you... especially lately, to be honest... But yes... She is... but it's not Eiler, I think... it's also your favourite Bernoulli family... :)


The rest, below... This is the hundredth time I've tried to declare in this forum... And it's like I'm finally being heard!

LProgrammer писал(а) >>

I'll add, I don't want to answer your long post here straight away, I'll think it over, I'll write...