_Market description - page 17

Prival писал(а) >>

Always start with something simple and straightforward. Here's a program I sketched out for you. It builds an optimal filter for 1 sine wave. Take Matcad, this file, and work with it, see how spectrum will change (we will consider 1 sine wave yet), if it changes frequency of dithering a little, or frequency of the model, if phase changes, it will be different than 0. Add some noise. And every time try to build optimal filter, i.e. such filter that collects all energy of signal. In my example, all of the signal was collected in the 10 filter. (you can see such a big column in the 2nd picture).

File attached, you should always try to do (program) yourself. It is like driving a car. You can read 1000 times how to do it (turn the wheel) and just network and drive it once.

Prival, sorry, but it's an INCREDIBLE task, about the same as finding which numbers I added up to get a "5"... It's not possible.

Prival писал(а) >>.

Thank you Sergei... I'll look into it... I'm not so good with MathCAD that's why it will probably take me a long time to figure it out and I won't appear on the forum soon...

to Mathemat

thank you too for your thoughts... keep an eye on this thread... :)

LProgrammer писал(а) >>

Prisoner, I'm sorry, but it's an INCREDIBLE task, about the same as finding which numbers I added up to get a "5"... It's not possible.

Specify which problem you're talking about. Impossible what? Or you don't believe your eyes that I modeled a sine wave and put all its energy into one filter?

Look at the picture carefully.

The amplitude of the signal is 5 volts, the output of the filter is 5 volts. The frequency is 10 hertz, and the signal is collected in a filter tuned to 10 hertz. Or do you think I drew this in photoshop. Take the file and check it, it's simple Fourier transform maths.

Prival писал(а) >>

Specify what task you are talking about. Impossible to do what? Or don't you believe your eyes that I modelled a sine wave and put all its energy into one filter?

Look at the picture carefully

:( ...

I did, but unfortunately the problem I formulated cannot be solved... Fourier decomposition is a perfect filter. If you have a filter then you will find the sine waves which sum generate the same curve in a given (known) section... To make it clearer, imagine that the periods of sine waves tend to infinity, they are nearly continuous components, and the constants are just the numbers from which I added up the number five. In a word, it doesn't work. It's a pity, because if THIS worked, I'd have been a millionaire five years ago... :))

Figar0 писал(а) >>


- when it comes to forex, try to identify which currency ... is the driving force behind the momentum;


I have an idea, from my point of view correct and physical. I kind of talked about it here somewhere, but I haven't got around to checking it. The idea is simple, the flux density should be watched, but it is a headache to program it in MT, so I have not investigated this issue. If it is interesting I can tell you all in private how it (density) to calculate.

Prival >> :

If you are interested, I can tell you in person how to calculate the density.

>> I'd like a description of it... might come in handy...

LProgrammer писал(а) >>

:( ...

I looked it up, but unfortunately the problem I formulated cannot be solved... Fourier decomposition is a perfect filter. Using a filter (Fourier decomposition) you can find the sine waves which sum to give the same curve in a given (known) region... To make it clearer, imagine that the periods of sine waves tend to infinity, they are nearly continuous components, and the constants are just the numbers from which I added up the number five. In a word, it doesn't work. It's a pity, because if THIS worked, I'd have been a millionaire five years ago... :))

Just the way you state it is solved, there are 3 conditions, about which you do not say a word, because you do not consider (or) do not know that they are important.

Here is the sum of your sine waves, I could go on and on.

And here is their spectrum.

Notice the 4 sine waves 4 sticks in the spectrum, each stick corresponds exactly to the input sine wave, amplitude, frequency and phase.

I'll say it again, you need to have a good understanding of the subject to be able to make that claim. I don't see deep knowledge in this field yet.

And the three conditions are as follows.

Amplitude, frequency and phase are not constant but are functions of time. They change. But this is not a problem. It can be dealt with. The other two conditions are worse.

2. The frequency of dicretization is not constant, this is the problem that makes everything fall apart.

3. Kotelnikov's theorem often fails (gaps).

Prival писал(а) >>

Z.U. I repeat, you need to have a good understanding of this question in order to be able to make that claim. I don't see any in-depth knowledge in this area yet.


3. Kotelnikov's theorem often fails (gaps).



Y=P0+K0*sin(T0+F0)+P1+K1*sin(T1+F1) ....

Here is the formula. and the one you gave, once again I repeat it is solved only in boundary conditions... That's it, I see no point in discussing it further. Consider that you're right.

I'd better have some more vodka... :)

LProgrammer писал(а) >>



Y=P0+K0*sin(T0+F0)+P1+K1*sin(T1+F1) ....

Here is the formula. and the one you gave, once again I repeat it is solved only in boundary conditions... That's it, I see no point in discussing it further. Consider that you're right.

I'd better have some more vodka... :)

Better read a good book. And your letters translate to my digits, I start from left to right, what will be in spectrum P0 - stick at 0 frequency (P0 amplitude), K0 - I have five, T0 - 2*pi*10, F0 - phase, etc. second, third ..... sinusoid.

Only your phrase "once again", very interesting, and where did you talk about boundary conditions? I didn't see it in your post. Until it was spelt out and put in your mouth you have not even remembered about it. Shall I ask you what boundary conditions are?

Prival писал(а) >>

Better read a good book. And your letters translate into my digits, I start from left to right, what will be in the spectrum P0 - stick at 0 frequency (P0 amplitude), K0 - I have it five, T0 - 2*pi*10, F0 - phase, etc. second, third..... sine wave.

Only your phrase "once again", very interesting, and where did you talk about boundary conditions? I didn't see it in your post. Until it was spelt out and put in your mouth you have not even remembered about it. Shall I ask you what boundary conditions are?

Apparently you have not tried to solve it, would you be satisfied with an argument that encryption is based on this principle? You don't have phases at all. If you do not understand what in the context of this problem is a boundary condition, you are probably just reasoning about something you have not tried. Once again, take a formula, you can even drop the phase from there (I don't seem to remember it now - it all happened long ago) and get your feckin' spectrum and generate a continuation beyond the boundary conditions... By the way... haha ... better not throw away the phase... the disappointment will be quicker, I remember...

Prival, what are you trying to say anyway - that you're cool and I'm shit... OK, but I already told you... You're right, I'm not... How else can I make it clear to you? I leaked (in troll slang) ... And you'll probably get a maths diploma soon. Goodbye. >> let's talk about the market.)