Quantum trading system - page 31


Everything's cool, but there are a couple of questions.

1) How can you be so sure that finmarket quotes are similar to data produced by a quantum oscillator?

2) And even if they are similar, then why use similar data, which accordingly has some error in comparison with finmarket data and accordingly when transferring TC from quantum data to finmarket data the error will increase, when we can use real finmarket data, especially since there is no problem with that nowadays?


Oh, man, I finally made it to the end of the thread. Or rather, from the end to the beginning. Colleagues, we all need to exhale more often...

Medicine, as the main topic of this thread.

I know a doctor, a jack of all trades and he says that absolutely anyone can be suited for schizophrenia. There are no exceptions. If there is money and the person at all doesn't like it, it will be failed and scientifically will prove. True it costs a lot of money.


So, we should stay away from this branch. It is a peculiar branch,

to C4

Actually it is proved that computer and human can do many things except generation of random numbers. In science this is a serious problem when exactly random numbers are required (well this topic is not completely solved, people even defend their dissertations by adding anything, even NS). I also use generators, matkad's enough. maybe this man needs this generator for kagoyt experiment, it seems so and wrote. And what do you need it for? You have nowhere to plug it in? Do you want me to tell you where to stick it?


to C4

Вообще то доказано, что комп и человек умеют многое, кроме генерации случайных чисел. И в науке это серьезная проблема, когда требуются именно случайные числа (ну не решенная до конца эта тема, народ даже дисссссеры защищает прикручивая все что угодно, даже НС). Я так же использу генераторы, маткадовских хватает.Может человеку этот генератор нужен для каго нить эксперимента, он вроде так и пишет. А Вам он зачем понадобился? И некуда его воткнуть? Хотите подскажу в какое место Вам надо его воткнуть?

Why? After reading this thread, I seriously thought of implementing a quantum strategy for working in financial markets, especially since I already have instructions from this forum:

You take a Quantum random number generator as a transmitter modulator, impose an information signal and transmit it into the ether (light, radio waves).

All that's left is to get your own handheld quantum generator. There are only two problems, delivery (but I think with the help of DHL I will solve it) and the actual organization of broadcasting. I think here I need to use some kind of quantum flux media converter. According to specification of QRBG121 model the quantum flux is broadcasted directly into the network using electric discharge technology (the manual says "light, radio waves").

Doesn't anyone happen to know where I can buy a quantum flux medium converter inexpensively? Although, in principle, I have one idea! What if instead of a converter to use usual media converter from twisted pair to single-mode optical cable, because in this case the generator broadcasting is redirected to light - photon flux, which is what we need.

As for random number generation by computer means - you're right. These numbers are not random, they are "embedded", while we need not just generate random numbers, we need more that birth of a random number was a physical process. Only in this case we can achieve resonance of space-time continuum (although for resonance according to my calculations at least two generators, working far away from each other (at least 500 km), will be needed). All in all, new knowledge breeds new sadness...


Maybe this is enough for you?



Even assuming that random.org gets the numbers from the quantum stream, this is still not enough! In the main, it is not the number itself that matters, but the information describing the state of the quantum, which this number generates. With two oscillators we can create so called "entangled quanta" generating random events correlated with each other! If we connect one of these quantum generators with the market, we get a simple triangle of entangled quanta. Teleportation theory tells us that in this case one can predict the state of object A, by the state of object B! Since object A will be the market, and object B will be one of quantum oscillators, respectively we will be able to predict the future state of the market with a quantum random number generator!

(Read the first posts of this thread, this technology is described there).

C-4 >> :

...and we need not just to generate random numbers, we need also that the birth of a random number is a physical process. Only in this case it is possible to achieve resonance of space-time continuum (although for resonance according to my calculations at least two generators working remotely from each other (at least 500 km) will be needed). In general, new knowledge breeds new sadness...

Come on, dearie me! There are no "completely random" numbers... and there aren't any.


Nice turnout here, folks. It didn't take long for a reference to a quantum physics textbook.

In lectures, we got a kick out of the lecturer's phrase, "The electron is sprawled out all over space."

For those who don't know, it means that the probability of finding an electron anywhere in the universe is the same.

Let's think of what could be analogous to a smeared electron, Heisenberg uncertainty and a potential well

as applied to a currency pair?


to C-4

It is not necessary that the strategy is written in MQL. Few people mind using MathCAD, MathLaba, Mathematica, Statistica .... and all sorts of other sorts of other sorts of things. But who says you can't use hardware systems? There are many people on this forum who use NS, digital filters - it's all resource intensive, while such hardware systems work very - very fast, and have not weak configuration capabilities.

As for quantum approach, here is a very simple example, what is called on the fly - linear filter model. It is based on random pulses, normally distributed, with zero mean and some variance. The model converts these pulses into a process by simple summation with some weighting coefficients. What for example prevents me from using even a quantum oscillator for generation? And now try to prove, that I have not a mega-super quantum mechanical system! :о)

arnautov >> :

Nice turnout here, folks. It didn't take long for a reference to a quantum physics textbook.

In lectures, we got a kick out of the lecturer's phrase, "The electron is sprawled out all over space."

For those who don't know, it means that the probability of finding an electron anywhere in the universe is the same.

Let's think what could be analogous to a smeared electron, Heisenberg uncertainty and a potential well

as applied to a currency pair?

You just haven't broadened your mind enough - look at the picture. And as for

"The electron is smeared throughout space."

It's the same with price - smeared all over the place. Where there is access to quotes there is a chance of finding the price. And the diversity of DCs with their quotes adds uncertainty ... :о)