Quantum trading system - page 26

Mde.... This one smells like a clinic to me....
уважаю людей с чувством юмора 
Ais писал(а) >> Medical certificate No. 10164 dated 16.07.2008

A screenshot would be desirable to attach to be sure.......


Ais, ignore the attacks. It's no big deal who said what. Take it as a joke. If you have to put a note for every sneeze on the internet, you could end up in an institution for sure.

Shniperson писал(а) >>
.... This place smells like a clinic already....

>> so do I :)

I would also like to write in Ayrat's defence. The fact is that the forum is full of newcomers and old-timers who don't understand or don't want to get to the bottom of things. So I can only advise not to pay attention to trifles and concentrate on the main thing. You are a good specialist and know your business, so do not take someone else's silly jokes lying down.

Colleagues, is there something in it, I mean the essence of the topic and specifically Schrödinger equation. After all, the meaning of this equation is that the probability of a particle being in one or another state is nothing buta wave (just in case, not to confuse the terminology - Eliot has nothing to do with it :o) or artistically speaking, this probability has exactly "wave behaviour".

In my model, I calculate the probability field, and from it I proceed to the information entropy field (examples here https://forum.mql4.com/ru/20423/page16 and further down the page). But it is the field, not the wave. I have noticed curious peculiarities in the behaviour of probability. And I haven't looked at it from this angle yet. Quite, quite curious. Maybe this approach will complete the picture and explain some things? :о).

Another thing is that whether the Schrödinger equation will describe this behaviour - I don't know. That's something to look at. I suppose one can start by moving from "mechanics in the equation" to their analogues of digital signal processing.


Sergei, don't you have anyone to drink beer with? Then come to my place!

Or Schrodinger will roll over in his grave from such an application of his theory.)


I tried to understand what you were thinking, and as usual I got a lot of information off-topic (

Gentlemen, and ladies)

let's draw a line


who has any constructive ideas about the application of quanta?

who has tried applying the schrodinger equation to trading systems? what order and how?

Neutron >> :

Sergei, don't you have anyone to drink beer with? Then come to my place!

Schrodinger would turn over in his grave from such an application of his theory.)

When I'll be in Novosibirsk - we'll surely drink beer, if you invited me :o) Seryoga, why you are not surprised by application of linear "market models", but you can't "apply a wave model". Why Sergey? It was noticed long time ago that behaviour of various parameters of elementary particles in various magnetic fields is similar to price series. Absolutely analogous. One is not distinguishable from the other, neither mathematically nor like you. There was a whole "boom" on the subject not too long ago. You can't generate a price series, but the particle does it easily and unforced. I've argued with you many times already - you're not restricting Nature - you're restricting yourself.

Before you "spin" a respected scientist, prove that it doesn't make sense. Do you seriously think you can do that?