There is a terms of reference. We need a proger to implement it. - page 3

1Rakso >> :

>>This proger asks little, but he writes high-quality, if a profitable EA comes out, the money returns, go to him, you will not regret it.

>> thank you

I had Composter write EAs and indicators, no problems at all! Neither with maintenance nor with money!
please post your state
and put the expert out there too, and we'll torture him ;)
sonic >> :


I invite the cooperation of a programmer.

If you want asimple solution, learn the school mql language yourself - it will take you two or three months, take ready-made function blocks - there are tons of them on this site - all this will be cheaper!

Don't you understand that you're getting the TC algorithm for free?


When you give the algorithm, give false settings))))) And everyone, who will take it apart TC if it needs to be lived, apart from you it will be difficult to adjust it, so there is nothing in it that will steal it, but you can give TC to a good man just for his sincerity just to help I already gave one my strategy, when you find out that he is sincere then respectively, you will treat him the same way))))

1Rakso писал(а) >>

When you give an algorithm, give false settings))))) And everyone, who will take it apart TC if it needs to be lived, apart from you it will be difficult to tune it, so there is nothing in it that will steal it, but you can give TC to a good man just for his sincerity just to help I already gave one my strategy, when you find out that he is sincere then respectively, you will treat him the same way))))

progers are so mean and you are so kind, just like grown up girls))))

Korey >> :

You guys are so nice and mean, just like grown up girls))))

I did not say that I do not really care what he is, I need a proger to communicate, he sometimes leads to the right thoughts, just some have a fear of some progers that they steal the TC and so on I will give you the TC you do not set it anyway agree, so he can do the same thing just everybody has a different approach))))

don't take it personally it's bad for a programmer (just kidding)


you scared the programmer)))

- Trading ideas for manual work are usually not suitable for MTS, the computer sees everything differently, not as a customer((,
that's why there is no value in what "someone who cannot think like a computer" orders.
also there is no value in the TS settings, everyone who knows anything about the Strategy Tester knows that.
The same way there is no value in ready-made TS,
- no one uses ready-made prescriptions except for woeful (woefully mooing) beginners.
- In this article we will focus on the following phrases: "I have never tried to use a ready-made strategy", "I have never tried to use a ready-made strategy", "I have never tried to use a ready-made strategy", "I have never tried to use a ready-made strategy".

Korey >> :

You scared the programmer)))

- trading ideas for manual work are usually not suitable for MTS, the computer sees everything differently not as a customer((,
that's why there is no value in ordering "someone who can't think like a computer" = no value.
Also there is no value in the TC settings, everyone who is a strategist knows that.
The same way there is no value in someone else's ready-made TS,
- We should not worry about this, we cannot rely on any success or failure of our experience.
- We do not use ready-made prescriptions, they are based on personal psychophysical abilities, on community and calendar time, on market specifics.

I see very well how a digital mechanism is seen, uncle you are overdoing it in your importance as a programmer I am not the first year in the market))))

I don't know what you're ordering, but I have known for a long time that MTS reads indices different from the trader's visual perception, even though I'm not a programmer))))

As for the value of the settings, I'll show you the TS and set it up so that it works in the private area and I'll see how you do it)))) Don't be silly if you know about programming it does not mean you can identify the settings)))). I will laugh at it for a long time, no optimization will help you, my dear))).

Set up the TS I will give you, and I'll see how you managed to optimize it if you can i'll take my hat off to you)))))

Naivety is a vice of mankind)))))