Do they pay taxes on profits? - page 4


what goes to the bank is NOT net profit,

the tax is paid on the net profit, i.e. Profit-Loss=SUM, and if this sum is >0,

only then is tax paid!

budimir >> :

what goes to the bank is NOT net profit,

the tax is paid on the net profit, i.e. Profit-Loss=SUM, and if this sum is >0,

then the tax is paid!

And you in that case, you can prove that it is not a net profit? :)

Here's the paper came from the bank in the docs for the sum of about 600k.r.

The tax office grabs you and asks: Pay the tax.

And you tell them: Doves, this is not a net profit.

They'll take everything from you... and they'll see that it's a net profit.

And they will find a lot more.


We had some banks giving loans without a certificate of employment. They just asked for a certificate of income from the tax office. ;)

BARS >> :

Can you then prove that it is not net profit? :)

So you get a paper from the CD to the bank for the sum of 600 thousand rubles.

And the taxman grabs you and asks: Pay the tax.

And you tell them: Doves, this is not a net profit.

They'll take everything from you... and they'll see that it's a net profit.

And they will find a lot more.


We have had some banks give loans without references from work. They just asked for a tax statement. ;)

the easiest thing to do here is to break that amount down into several small pieces and through different banks...

and the beloved city, and me included, can sleep easy!

There are several types of taxation: on turnover and on profits.
Integer писал(а) >>

As a sole proprietorship.

Do you mean as a sole proprietorship, or are you actually a sole proprietorship? Did you open a sole proprietorship specifically for this purpose, or is it just a general activity? USNO6% of income or 13% - expenses?

I am. On purpose. 13% of the turnover.
Integer писал(а) >>
I am. >>Specifically. 13% of the turnover.

1. if it is not a secret, what is the OKVED?

2. and 13% is it your deliberate? why? how do you generate paperwork on expenses? i assume that you do not fill out the income-expense book by word of mouth?

3. Do you transfer to the bank account of your PE or a "Physical Entity"?

4. What is the purpose of payment (to you)? "Currency exchange services?" or? :)


67.13.3 )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Too many questions

Many questions, many answers, but no one has answered me about the blue-red graphs. I think I need a separate topic for this.

This is an empty argument. It is up to everyone to decide whether to pay or not. If you decide to pay, the general principle is that income generates tax, whether it is in cash, a bank account or webmoney.

You can pay as an individual, submit a tax return with documents confirming the source of income, which will be provided to you by the DC. It will most likely say

about securities transactions, this is OK with the tax office. If this is your main source of income like (I hope) Integer's, set up a sole proprietorship.

Ideally, the bank DC, which itself pays your taxes as a tax agent, and gives you a certificate of 2NDFL, then you do not even need to file a return.

But this is all nonsense, technique, you would do better to explain to me how to make that money, taxes from which you are so hotly debated.