Do they pay taxes on profits? - page 8

blend >> :

It's just that this article is an outdated one and it has been posted on this forum many times. If only it were something serious, but the man sat in the kitchen by the window and made it up, as he wrote himself, nothing about aliens, however, minus

One should ask PrizmaL about aliens.

KimIV >> :
Invest in immutable values: family, education... and a year's worth of non-perishables (flour, cereals, salt, sugar)...

Shit! They used to make flats with storage rooms!

I took the pantry apart in 2000 because it was useless,

Who remembers soviet times, everyone in their right mind kept a pantry in the flat

because it was impossible to go out and buy something.


the storerooms were taken apart!

I don't buy bags of potatoes now


There's a crisis!

The shops in England have bought up safes!

And in Russia, we'll be building pantries again!


Who hasn't taken the pantry apart! He's looking a couple of trends ahead!

He just wiped the cobwebs off it! And stocked it up!


Yura, you're on. Well, the pantry is a timeless value in Russia. But why did the Brits need safes? To fill them with gold - or with securities, which are now only used to paste up the walls?

I did not dismantle it, there is a beautiful pantry between the floors ! Only someone in our house apparently decided before the new year to poke around in the pantries and opened everything, man . I can imagine the look on his face (or better face) when he found there the trash from last year's repairs :)))
Mathemat >> :

Yura, you're on. Well, the pantry is a timeless value in Russia. But why did the British need safes? To stuff them with gold or with securities, which are now used only to paste up the walls?


I was just watching on Channel 1 watching the Brits buy safes in shops.

The crisis, they're not trusting the banks anymore.


Yes, shop safes are safer than bank safes, that's for sure (no one else has the same keys). And a good tip for local thieves: if a person buys a safe, it means there's something to get away with.

xrust >> :
I have not dismantled, there is a beautiful pantry between the floors ! Only in our house someone apparently decided before the new year to poke around in the closets and opened everything, man . I can imagine his expression (or better face) when he found there the trash from last year's repairs :))))


>> now get a good lock, maybe even an alarm!

it's going to be a tough year, i think.

Mathemat >> :

Yes, shop safes are safer than bank safes, that's for sure. And a good tip for local thieves: if a man buys a safe, it means there's something to get.

I think the English gangsters have been prepared for a long time.

It's hard for them too! The crisis isn't good for them either.

We need to reorient ourselves. We need to find new sources.


I think not only British, and not only gangsters.... worth the news about permission to carry traumatic guns in ukraine

from the new year - the authorities are signalling: fuck off as you like....

xrust писал(а) >>

what is the news about permission to carry traumatic pistols in ukraine

since the new year - the authorities are signalling: fuck off as you like....

>> rubber pistols? Like IZh-79-9T?