Interesting article - page 5

This would be correct if the money supply were a perfectly elastic stationary substance, where the analogues of the physical laws of conservation of mass, momentum, etc. would work. But it is not. Money is printed, kept under the mattress, destroyed, lost, buried in the ground, put into different forms (like web-money), lent, etc. It's a living system on a planetary scale. And your profit is not necessarily someone else's direct loss.
Vinsent_Vega >> :

so what i'm saying is that in order to be profitable, you still have to be better than "the guy" who opened in the opposite direction... just a question of who that guy is :)

You just need to be able to take advantage of the opportunity the market gives you, not think about who you're opening against at the moment. :)

rsi писал(а) >>

"He who is not with us is against us!" (C) There is no such antagonism here. Imagine that your intelligence was as good and you made the same deals as they did, but on a smaller scale - and you and they are on the plus side! And if you did not make 38, but 100%, it would not mean that they got less from it (due to your success, victory over them).

But the advantage, at whose expense? At the expense of third players who are other "them" but put in the other side.

Not necessarily the players. There are not necessarily players, but rather, for example, the Central Bank of a country whose purpose is not to make a profit, but to maintain the exchange rate of the national currency.
StSpirit >> :

You just need to be able to take advantage of the opportunity the market gives you, not to think against whom you are opening at that moment. :)

Yes, that's just one way of working (predicting) is to think about who you're playing against... according to game theory, in order to win in an antagonistic game you need to know (predict) your opponent's strategy... But the difficulty here is that forex is not an antagonistic game as such... And knowing (correctly predicting) the strategy of "that guy" does not necessarily result in a profit...

The root in your phrase is "...the opportunity the market provides..." In order to take advantage of it, you need to have a clear (as clear as possible) idea of what the market is and how it works... which is what we are now trying to clarify...

Who cares exactly who we are winning from - as long as there is sufficient liquidity? Our common enemy is the quotation curve. That is what we are playing with.

take an example from biology - insects, i.e. ants, they simply and painstakingly build their anthills, but they have no idea,

that an elephant will come and trample on them... that's why it's better to think only about the curve of the quotes!

Mathemat >> :
Who cares who exactly we are winning from - as long as liquidity is sufficient? Our common enemy is the price curve. That's what we're playing with.

If only we could clearly identify who is affecting this curve... Then we can predict (or at least try to predict) the strategy of this "influencer" and, as a consequence, the curve itself...

Vinsent_Vega >> :

Yes, that's just one way of working (predicting) is to think about who you're playing against... according to game theory, in order to win in an antagonistic game you need to know (predict) your opponent's strategy... But the difficulty here is that forex is not an antagonistic game as such... and knowing (correctly predicting) the strategy of "that guy" does not necessarily result in a profit...

The root in your phrase is "...the opportunity that the market offers..." In order to take advantage of it, you need a clear (as clear as possible) idea of what the market is and how it works... which is what we are trying to clarify now...

It depends on the time frame and the TS, for example the way I work (intraday), I don't really care which way someone opened, I'll open in the direction my TS shows me and won't even think about who is on the other side of the market, because intraday trading has no time to think about it. In this kind of trading it is important to quickly evaluate the current price movement and jump in the "train". I will not care who moves the market or what the cause of this movement is. I am interested in the result of this movement. I assume that with a depo of less than one mio we can only join other people's moves. And if so, what difference does it make who or what initiates that movement.

Exactly, it could be that Renaissance is on one side of the market and the European Central Bank is on the other and who cares which side is which.

PraVedNiK >> :

take an example from biology - insects, i.e. ants, they simply and painstakingly build their anthills, but they have no idea,

that an elephant is going to come and trample on them... so it's better to think only about the curve of the quotes!

>> wise