Help me learn how to trade! - page 10


You women's advocates are making me even sicker.

I read Helen's last post again... she's full of crap.

She mentioned men's complexes and adaptability to the environment.

Why don't men apply for female professions and have no complexes about it?

It's women who make men feel complexes because of their status and financial status.

just like men are made to feel complexes because of their appearance

Женщина лучше и быстрее адаптируется к любым переменчивым средам. Это - известный факт.

Yeah, tell me about it. On the road in all weathers and at major crossroads...

kulbas писал(а) >>

Helen You're in trouble I remembered another incident from my life )

I went jumping with some friends... a girl got nervous that day...

unconscious, of course, the harness hadn't been pulled and she went down on two leotards.

They called an ambulance to make her feel better.

I even dug up a picture of it right now.

No, she didn't. You'd be surprised, but I went skydiving. Not much. I laid the parachute myself. Д-6. On the device. And I remember everyone's reaction before the first jump. You don't have to be such a pain in the ass. I wrote that a man in front of a monitor and on the market is under more mental strain than a woman, so...

In general, you indirectly confirm my deductions. I wrote my post with a smile, in a spiteless manner and without any extra emotions. And to question the courage and bravery of men was not in my thoughts, you what? I wouldn't dream of such idiocy. A girl in a car, in the case given by you, does not remember anything, not out of fear but because she really did not notice anything - because nothing terrible had happened, and perhaps she covered her eyes just in case :))

But it's true, my post was written as an answer to some hurtful skepticism about girls by boys and that's all.

Helen >> :

No, I didn't. You'd be surprised, but I've been skydiving. A little bit. I laid the parachute myself. Д-6. On the device. And I remember everyone's reaction before the first jump. You don't have to be such a pain in the ass. I wrote that a man in front of a monitor and on the market is under more mental strain than a woman, so...

In general, you indirectly confirm my deductions. I wrote my post with a smile, in a spiteless manner and without any extra emotions. And to question the courage and bravery of men was not in my thoughts, you what? I wouldn't dream of such idiocy. A girl in a car, in the case given by you, does not remember anything, not out of fear but because she really did not notice anything - because nothing terrible had happened, and perhaps she covered her eyes just in case :))

Well, my post was written as an answer to some hurtful scepticism about girls from the boys' side and that's all.

Contact a women's investor club in Germany. It will make you feel better.

kulbas писал(а) >>

3,14159 you're blushing and not blushing))

Don't be so hard! ) If I take on women's complexes, there will be more coddling on their part. But you're really missing the point of women's strengths and weaknesses. About crossroads, I'm not a girl, but somehow I prefer not to get in a car with jerks either.


Helen, decent answer and no hard feelings, thanks.

Я понимаю, женщина, для многих мужчин - ласка для него, преданность ему, без мозгов для него [...] ещё раз - без мозгов, фигура, без мозгов, семья, дети, тапочки и жо...

No, no, not there, Lena. Let's go point by point, calmly, without any hint of sexism. I had already abstracted from that before (I should have emphasized it properly, but I didn't do it hard enough).

Kovalevskaya and Sophie Germain were much more difficult in their day: having broken into men's holy of holies, they had to prove their equal worth to men in terms of mental capacities in the first place. In fact, they didn't have to prove anything - they were just so interested, and that was their real life. The "proof" of their lives was made by the men themselves - not without benefit to themselves, hehe. Like, look, people, here they are, beautiful, emancipated girls... in short, exceptions that confirm the rule. Well, yes, these "proofs" turned out to be too selfless, with deprivation in the feminine. Well, they didn't have a personal life.

That's not really what I'm talking about now (and not even that at all). I'm not questioning women's ability for logical analysis: the average IQ is exactly the same for both men and women and equals 100. True, the curves of IQ distributions are still different in dispersions (there are significantly more idiots and extremely talented men than women, precisely because of the different "widths" of these curves - but the reason lies elsewhere, in nature's experimentation on men). Roughly speaking, it turns out that men deviate significantly more often than women from the average (in both directions), and that is their fate. And they die at wars much more often, and they win Nobel prizes much more often, and there are much more imbeciles among them than girls. That is how nature intended it. The girl has to have a baby, run a household and not risk much to please the boy, i.e. not too far from the average standard, while the boy has to be a hero, look for deviations and investigate them in every possible way, even at the cost of tough risks to his life. That's exactly the risks I'm talking about. To quote you further.

Out of over fifty students in two years, nine are women from 15 to 52 years old. Eight of them work permanently in the market and, as far as I know from regular contacts with them, are not going to quit, as there is no point. Of the men in the market, twenty-two remain. The other part is in a mad search for grails [...] So the equity is not in favour of men.

I admire you, Lena, without irony. It's a very curious example, but... unconvincing. Let me try to illustrate. Let's take a million girls and a million boys each. Let's now select from them those who wouldn't mind studying to become a trader. Let's assume that they are all equally prepared from the media materials for what awaits them (including the risks). How many boys and how many girls will turn out? We will reject the emancipation factor at once, because only very ambitious persons will pay attention only to a possibility to work at a very and very risky Forex Market and emancipation does not play a significant role in what follows. All the girls there will undoubtedly be emancipated.

The boys get... well, 20,000, and the girls... 5,000 at the most (actually an overestimate; here's where the deviation from the equal-probability statistics begins, which we haven't talked about before). Now let's mix them all up (25 thousand) at random, blindfold you, and let you pick out 50 of them yourself, not knowing what gender they'll turn out to be. Statistics say that with a high probability you'll get roughly the following numbers: girls 9-11, boys all the rest, about 40. We already know the results after your training: about 80-90% of the girls recruited into the group continue to trade successfully, while only half of the boys are left. The rest have already dropped out (with a profitable strategy!), have gone astray and are unsuccessfully looking for the grail! Have you ever wondered where it comes from, this skewness?

I have already explained the reason for this skewness. It's the different variance of the curve distributions for boys and girls! Boys and girls simply have different psychological attitudes to risk. Boys are more prone to them and take much higher risks. Among girls, who see the same ultra-high risks, there are at least 4-5 times fewer of those who are willing to acknowledge them in their daily work. In other words, the group that comes to you for training is already inherently much more sober-minded girls than boys (due to the same statistics). In your group, they are ready for exactly the same risks as boys, but their "quality" is much higher, because they have already raised their own level of responsibility for risks much higher than reckless boys did.

Well, everything else you wrote below about girls being more adaptable to Foreh, in light of these explanations is exactly the opposite. Girls are much less adaptable to Foreh in general (if you take a million girls) - but of those who come to you to learn how to make cabbage on speculation, girls are clearly in favour, because they have made this choice much more sensibly than boys!

What weaker sex? Have you ever tried giving birth? (Neither have I :) But even the sight of it makes us swoon.

Generally speaking, only immature men can talk about the 'weakness' of women. You'll find that they're just a little different. Remember the joke:
Girls ask a man if it hurts more to give birth or have an abortion. The man scratches his head and says: "Have you ever been hit in the balls with a beer mug?"

Mathemat, judging from your last post, as I wrote earlier - I got the previous ones right.

Ковалевской и Софи Жермен было намного труднее в свое время: им, вломившимся в мужскую святую святых,.....

with female deprivation. Well, that's where their personal life didn't work out.

No, no, of course there is no "deprivation of the feminine", for a lady working in the intellectual field, for a long time now. It is even possible to compare a lady-trade with businessmen, who, unfortunately, are often stuffed with some male style and who have very little time for personal life, and understand that a lady-trade's work is much softer and much freer.

Well, everything else you wrote below about girls being more adaptable to Foreh is exactly the opposite in light of these explanations. Girls are much less adapted to Forêh in general (if you take a million girls) - but of those who will come to you to learn to make money on speculation, girls are in favour, because they have made this choice much more consciously than boys!

Generally speaking, there is a bit of a stretch in reasoning about the same "masses" of boys and girls, Alexei. And of all the masses of conditions we have only one - forex. " fair to the contrary" only "in the light" of some narrow, or so, mass. I, on the contrary, am speaking only about people who have already bound their interests to Forex - so calculations will be more accurate and fair. Well, who is interested in the boys and girls who do not give a damn about Forex? And we wrote to Svetlana, who has already decided.

And not only her! Do you know how many girls read this forum? And the traders' ones? They are just too shy to come and ask, find out, ask for advice. I'm sure you know or guess why.

Of course I know where the bias you write about comes from and in my post I only touched lightly on this phenomenon and you wrote in more detail.

What's the statistic you write about? I haven't come across it. Give me a hint.

Helen >> :

I'm talking only about people who have already connected their interests with Forex - so you will be more accurate and fair. Well, who is interested in boys and girls who are deeply purposeless about Forex? And we wrote to Svetlana, who has already made up her mind.

Exactly in that sense - yes, you're right, girls are in favour. Svetlana, you have many times more chances to become a successful trader than all the boys who are hanging out here, simply because you are a girl who chose Forex.

Do you know how many girls read this forum? And the traders' ones? But they are shy to come and ask, to find out, to give advice.

And this is the 21st century, not the 19th (the girls are different, and the boys are not so chauvinistic). Well, yes, I understand the boys are tough - too naive newcomers just like that, snout on the table, not even a puff. And still the forum is very popular - at least in terms of automation of trader's tasks and direct contact with developers. I have seen the level of discussion on other forums. Not the same.

Next. Those girls who have already chosen Forex, surely they must have laid on these risks accompanying the process of becoming a lady trader as well? I mean, they are much higher in their "quality" in the female masses than the boys are in theirs. By the way, there are already a few girls on here who didn't say "fi" after the kicking and stayed.

What's the statistic you're writing about? I haven't come across it. Tell me.

I haven't come across either, but it's probably not hard to find that information on the internet. Apparently it's somewhere in sociology to look. They gave us data on IQ curves back in the second year when I was getting my top one. And this lecture was given by a very charming girl from the Marxist philosophy department (diamat was the only Marxist subject that really got me; I had almost a solid D in History of the Communist Party and Scientific Communism, because I despised them outright).

Here's a question for you, Lena: have you seen a single girl on this forum posting a picture of another grail rocket from the pips/martin series? Why?

Mathemat >> :

Here's a question for you, Lena: have you seen a single girl on this forum posting a picture of another grail missile from the pipsqueak/martin series? Why?

May I answer?

>> First of all -- because there are very few decent female programmers.

Secondly -- and in the main -- because they look at things more realistically :) and measuring is a more masculine trait.

kulbas >> :

You women's advocates are making me even sicker.

I read Helen's last post again... she's full of crap.

She mentioned men's complexes and adaptability to the environment.

Why don't men apply for female professions and have no complexes about it?

It's women who make men feel complexes because of their status and financial status.

just like men are made to feel complexes because of their appearance

Yeah, tell me about it. On the road in all weathers and at major crossroads.

What difference does it make who plays roulette... whether it's a man or a woman... I don't think the casino's luck is divided on the basis of gender!