Help me learn how to trade! - page 8

Swetten, if you need to, then write to my website, via feedback... it's not good to post a soap here... Not many of us!
Helen >> :
Not many of us!

>> I can count them on the fingers of one hand.)

>>Rabduce to be many ;)

Foreh is a highly inhospitable environment for breeding girls. And the exceptions only prove the rule.
Mathemat писал(а) >>
Foreh is a highly inhospitable environment for breeding girls. And the exceptions only prove the rule.

"The environment is first and foremost in the head. And then everything else.


Well, yes, in the head - we are talking about girls. A girl who has been playing the Foreh (here, not the stock market) for a long time and successfully is a remarkable phenomenon. I am not trying to talk about women's economic freedom and other platitudes like emancipation; what is in the mind of such a strange girl can hardly be attributed specifically to women.


You are contradicting yourself.

Although you certainly know better.

Helen писал(а) >>
Swetten, if you need to, then write back to my website, via feedback... It's not good to post a soap here... Not many of us!

But what they are! -

Swetten писал(а) >> You're contradicting yourself.

Svetlana, I am not against girls on the Foreground. It's just that there are things that no declarations of sexual equality can resolve. The girls are not against Forex, it's just that there are things that cannot be solved by any declaration of gender equality.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

Well, yes, in the head - we are talking about girls. A girl who has been playing the Foreh (here, not the stock market) for a long and successful time is a phenomenon, one might say, extraordinary. I am not trying to talk about women's economic freedom and other platitudes like emancipation; what is in the mind of such a strange girl is difficult to refer to the feminine.

Svetlana, I am not against girls on the Foreground. There is just something that no declarations of gender equality can not destroy. Well, let's say, a principled attitude to the ratio of profit and risks, which generally lend themselves to evaluation with great, very great difficulty.

Alexei, with all your delicacy, all the same it turns out: "You're insane and women... with difficulty!" It didn't hurt, I understood your point, I hope Svetlana did too. But I want to make something clear. You men are trying to drive us under your own understanding of us! Everything you've written comes from that. I understand a woman, for many men - a caress for him, loyalty to him, no brains for him (he is smarter, at least next to her he should feel smart?), always beautiful for all and only him, soft, once again - no brains, a figure, no brains, family, children, slippers and ass... acorns under the window. And if that's not the case, it's already - oddities. I assure you that the background in no way distracts me from the "main", male-defined and nature-defined, not weird, specifically female purposes.

As for the gender differences in Forex, I can tell you this... Out of more than fifty students in two years, nine of them are women - from 15 to 52 years old. Eight of them work on the market permanently and as far as I know from regular contacts they're not going to quit as there's no sense in it. Of the men in the market, twenty-two remain. Another part is in a mad search for grails, although we found their systems for them and they started to trade quite successfully. Others have stated that it is my fault that they are dumb, while in fact they are practically geniuses, but because of me they are losing, and I have not explained in time - how many days in ten-day average and so on. There are guys who have thanked me for my work and courageously admitted that it's not their path. Respect... So equity is not in favour of men. Well, maybe I'm a bad educator, I'm not saying anything.

Behavior during bidding... Well, that's a separate song, I could sing for a long time... But, briefly. Girls are not subject to panic and other emotions in a critical situation to the extent susceptible to it men! Girls' self-control was immeasurably higher, as it turned out. But guys were so oblivious, even in our presence, that... But I'm sympathetic to this kind of temporary weakness - social and overall status, self-esteem are important for guys, they need more opportunities for self-actualization, a lot of responsibilities they have been given since childhood, a lot of ingrained complexes, etc., and Fora is a real and easily accessible, as they thought, way to achieve the desired goals. In their eyes flashing Ferraris, Bahamas, naked mermaids, fat wallet. So you men need a lot more character to work in the market than we do. Be strong if you want to stay in the market. My wish is sincere, with respect.

But it's easier for us in this respect... The market is an environment with constantly changing conditions. A woman adapts better and faster to any changing environment. It's a known fact. Didn't you know that? Then it's understandable why it turns out to be a totally female environment... and not for women. And there's nothing strange about it.

I don't get it about risk. All my girls are different, just like the men. There's no fundamental difference. I, for example, work aggressively. My men taught me this: risking less is cowardice, risking more is adventurous. I balance it.

So, Alexey-aka, raise your hands and give up!

Girls, ladies, grannies! Forex was invented especially for us. Fact.

Helen >> :

Alexei, for all your delicacy, it still turns out: "You are insane and women... with difficulty!"


Girls, ladies, grandmothers! Forex was invented especially for us. Fact.

Helen, +100! )))