YZ_PIPSATOR_EURGPB - inspiration from championship results - page 24

YuraZ >> :

You have to have them in another country first :-)


what we're fighting for

Serj_Che писал(а) >>

I've heard about the 600,000, but I haven't come across it.

That's interesting. On the subject of the topic. If we make a 600 roubles pip, the government will interfere and there is no way out for DC?

Three days on demo.

The state will just take an interest in your bank transactions - when you start to move the money through the bank! so much withdrawal

if you create 2 IMIMO with 10k in three days you will be the first one .... a different structure ...

Just kidding :-) let it be for example BAFET !

466 in three days you will not make

i can offer you to take part in some traders' contests - where they have good prizes

or try your luck in the championship 2009

and you'll appreciate your TS right away!


monitoring 600tr is no threat to those who earned money the honest way...

YuraZ >> :

You are throwing around generalities but can't give a coherent reasoning ...

Let's talk about the MASS and not individual cases!


(On a normal wage or income 13% will be withheld + - and other stuff.)

13% is the usual minima on income ... A natural person ... you would not argue that income tax is not withheld from a natural person

The tax on casino winnings is not 13% but more...

( tax exemptions omitted )

I'm not talking about the tax code... and tax evasion schemes, you can find great schemes in it

or circumvent it... through passports and other illegals

we're talking about legal schemes.


actually i'm talking about something else, that your finances are easy to trace

and if you have withheld income you can easily be traced, especially for large sums.

that's the key information!

the rest of it is just parallel! - (I mean what percentage of income is withheld and how it is withheld - we will leave this to tax authorities)

what do you disagree with?

That 600Tr is not monitored?

Or that every financial move you make is easily monitored?


and if you move the amount of 600 cents or more - you can be sure that you will be monitored!

And sooner or later, the government - the IRS will get to know you - if you are not law-abiding.


if you start splitting transactions, i.e. do not spend more than 600k, splitting it into smaller transactions

you'll still be traced as harbouring large transactions through a splitting scheme.

which is just as easy to trace

Working $100 to $1,000, maybe they won't come looking for you for a while.

but you know, sooner or later something will turn up... The history of transactions in modern structures in databases is stored for a long time!

2NDFL is also a good source of information.


It's not like you bring cash to forex and take it away :-) you go through the cashless payment procedure anyway

... and the amount will show up ---


Never mind about the amounts in the vicinity of $ 100 - $ 1000

i will repeat the sums over $600K are clearly visible!

but smaller amounts will also remain in the memory of your bank, RCC ... including DCs

1. To "throw phrases", once again I ask you - at least read the "Tax Code of the Russian Federation".

2. Your phrase.

>>:-) I know it not from books, but in practice at work.

On working for the fiscal authorities? :-)

YuraZ >> :

The state will simply ask about your banking transactions...

..monitoring of 600tr is in NO WAY a threat to those who have earned their money honestly...

I had some real experience with the bank and the tax authorities on this, and I was in an informal relationship with them, so I got a comment on what was going on.

I can report a few observed features of monitoring financial activities of individuals and legal entities.

- No one needs us in the hell, there is no interested targeted work to find those who earn money (up to a certain level of Abramovich's class).

- But! Accounts are monitored continuously, banks are informed on a daily basis not only about the amounts transferred but also about circumstantial evidence (frequency of

of transfers, repetitive wording, suspicious recipients, signs of money laundering, simple doubts about the integrity of the work). Banks get poked in the nose during inspections

for under-reporting, so the bankers apologise, warn customers, but knock on the top on a very wide spectrum.

- Tax authorities do not obtain information from banks directly, but only through an instruction from above. The tax authorities may request and receive this information from the bank if they carry out their own checks.

The reason for the inspection of a natural person who is not an entrepreneur may be a signal or instruction of a higher authority; there is no direct monitoring.

So, sleep easy and pay your taxes (ideally automatically via a banking DC). Until it comes to green millions, we may only be of interest to the

local "forest rangers" may be interested in us.


Thank you, Victor, for the useful practical advice.

They don't write such things in books and they don't teach them in academies.

"and since policemen are equated with children" (O.Bender (c))
-children believe in fairy tales,
don't tell me you're a goddamn trader
I live on a street where you can get punched in the face for saying that word. Not for a pancake, of course. :))
Probably in the face - for the word "you"? I can't believe the word "trader" would conjure up such dirty associations...
granit77 писал(а) >>

I have had some real experience with the bank and the tax authorities on this, and I have had informal relationships with them, so I have received comments on what is going on.

I can tell you a few things I have noticed about controlling the financial activities of individuals and legal entities.

- No one needs us in the hell, there is no interested targeted work to find those who earn money (up to a certain level of Abramovich's class).

- But! Accounts are monitored constantly, banks submit information on a daily basis, not only in terms of amounts transferred, but also in terms of indirect indicators (frequency of transfers, recurrence of wording, etc.).

of transfers, repetitive wording, suspicious recipients, signs of money laundering, just doubts about the integrity of the work). When banks are audited, they are thrown in the nose

for underreporting, so bankers apologize, warn customers, but knock on the top of the very broad spectrum.

- Tax authorities do not receive information from banks directly, but only through an instruction from above. They can ask for and obtain this information from the bank, if they do their own checks.

The reason for checking a natural person who is not an entrepreneur can be a signal and instruction from a higher authority, there is no direct monitoring.

So, sleep well and pay your taxes (ideally, automatically via a bank's DC). Until it comes to green millions, we may only be of interest to

are the local "forest rangers".

that's the way it is, absolutely right


no one really wants us - that's always been the case everywhere.

But when requests come in, they are processed.

The banks are just an extra burden. They have a different job to do.

but since banks are usually very obedient in following instructions, and non-compliance threatens them with fines and even revocation of licenses

the government has found it very convenient to use them as a tool

"snitching" is voluntary informing (usually anonymously).

Customers know that amounts over 600 are monitored and do not give a damn

by the way, similar measures are taken to stop terrorist financing

member countries of the Anti-terrorism watchdog do the same thing, some even more strictly

the U.S. now wants to check the contents of personal computers when crossing the border

because they monitor accounts even more tightly

Home and aeroplanes have been blown up and not just in the US, financial monitoring is necessary and appropriate ...

Without financing such actions no terrorist attacks would occur ...

people are searched upon boarding planes too... Doesn't anyone have a problem with that...

That's why I wouldn't call it snitching or some low action.


Of course, one can sleep easy, but only for taxpayers ;-),

Honest people should not be afraid to go to the "toilet" - inspired by a famous expression of Vladimir Putin

It is NOT the honest and not the good who should be afraid of going to the "toilet"!

YuraZ >> :

..So I wouldn't call it snitching or some kind of low action...

..Of course, one can sleep well - but only for those who pay their taxes ;-),

Honest people should not be afraid to go to the "toilet", I was inspired by a famous expression by Vladimir Putin.

It's NOT the honest and not the good who should be afraid! And the "forest dignitaries".

I took a semantic liberty with the knocking, you are right.

But it is still necessary to be afraid. Fear is the basis for survival in the wild, and our nature is still wild.

Right now I am watching the process of the tax authorities stripping a big businessman at the request of a rival MP.

And who can guarantee that your increased prosperity will not come under the scrutiny of the orderlies? I assure you, the representatives

The law will be much more liberal to their hit-and-runs than they are to your winks. They have genetic corporate solidarity,

are united by their affiliation with the security forces, and we non-combatants are an alien element.

That is why I do not consider the law the main danger, it is not our enemy, but unfortunately not our protector either.