YZ_PIPSATOR_EURGPB - inspiration from championship results - page 16

LeoV >> :

Got it. There are enemies all around and everyone wants to screw us over. Well, that's a valid point of view too......))))

On the contrary, there are nice polite people around who don't burden others with their problems.

"How are you? - Fine!"

"Be ready! - Always ready!"

"Liquidity problems? - No problem!"

And a smile, because Fine! with a long face doesn't inspire confidence in anyone.

One more thought: you probably didn't talk to the CEO of the company, but to the customer service or the sales team, who may not be aware of the true state of affairs. But they are instructed to answer the standard questions of potential customers. And the CEO will never tell the truth, not even to his own wife.

That is, the only one who wants to rip you off is yourself, when you draw conclusions based on answers to such questions. This is self-deception.

One of the causes (and also a consequence) of the current financial crisis is the total mistrust of financial institutions towards each other, since no one can know who will fall next. No one is immune to collapse.

Sorry for the intrusion. Having lived in the West for more than 10 years, I can make the observation that even here, businesses of all sizes are willing to teeter on the edge of legality to achieve/preserve profit (the same Coca-Cola gives bribes in 3rd world countries). I.e. "fine" doesn't really mean anything. The employee would have been dismissed immediately if the answer was something like "yes, people are flocking away from us" - all phone calls are monitored for "for quality and training purposes"...
timbo писал(а) >>

On the contrary, there are nice polite people around who don't burden others with their problems.

"How are you? - Fine!"

"Be ready! - Always ready!"

"Liquidity problems? - No problem!"

And a smile, because Fine! with a long face doesn't inspire confidence in anyone.

One more thought: you probably didn't talk to the CEO of the company, but to the customer service or the sales team, who may not be aware of the true state of affairs. But they are instructed to answer the standard questions of potential customers. And the CEO will never tell the truth, not even to his own wife.

That is, the only one who wants to rip you off is yourself, when you draw conclusions based on answers to such questions. This is self-deception.

One of the causes (and also a consequence) of the current financial crisis is the total mistrust of financial institutions towards each other, since no one can know who will fall next. No one is immune to collapse.

You put your money in a bank, the bank crashed; you went outside, a brick hit your head; you installed an Expert Advisor in MT4 to trade, the Internet went down; you fixed the Internet, the computer crashed, and so on. You have to understand that playing with the market is always a risk. Trading the financial markets is a very risky undertaking, but the returns are huge. The risk is not only in the market itself, but also there are associated risks - Internet, computer, brokerage company you are working with, your wife, who is constantly distracting you, your child who can pull out the plug, etc. You can not gamble and not take risks - sit at home and drink tea. As they say, "fear the wolves, do not walk in the woods. Of course you need to have your head on your shoulders and analyze the situation. But the fact that there is a switchover of investors from one market to another is an undeniable fact - what I wanted to say. It is clear even without their comments. But any move is a risk. You drive a car, you risk getting into an accident, if you walk down the street a car might fly out and hit you, if you fly a plane, you run the same risk and so on. What do you do? Lock yourself in your house? Don't go out? It's also a risk - it could collapse or the neighbour's gas could explode. But he who doesn't take risks doesn't drink champagne. I like champagne, that's why I take risks. And these brokerage companies are much more reliable than some lefty Russian ones registered in an offshore company in the Bahamas. ))))) And in general, "it's not good to live - you die from it" ))))

LeoV >> :

But it is an undeniable fact that there has been a re-trubbing of investors from one market to another - which is what I wanted to say. It is clear even without their comments.

Investor re-turbation is a separate story. During the crisis investors do not move from risky stock markets to even more risky forex. On the contrary, investors are looking for a safe haven. This is what the rise of the dollar and the yen in recent weeks is related to, investors are moving out of international markets into their native cache, and the biggest investors are the Americans and the Japanese. Plus the whole world is buying American bonds. They have no yield at all, but people are buying dollars to buy bonds. It's the safest paper today.

I have already said about "their comments" that they do not contain any useful information, irrespective of their level of sustainability in the crisis. I didn't urge to run away from risk, but I advised to avoid stupid decisions based on "their comments".

By the way, if you compare an American DC with a Russian one, there is no comparison at all - Russian DCs go to the garden in orderly columns.

In general, there are no statistics on who went where. Maybe 99% of investors rushed to buy these bonds, while 1% decided to take a risk and go to forex. That's how they felt about that 1%. Of course, you have to think with your head first. One said one thing, another said another, and a third said fuck all and put the money under his mattress ))))

LeoV >> :

Maybe 99% of investors rushed to buy these bonds and the 1% still decided to take a risk and go into forex. That's how they felt about the 1%.

That is to say, faith in the words of the salesman is unshakable. If they themselves... (name of bourgeois brokerage company of my choice) told me personally that the client will go to them, so just go. Well, it's logical: bourgeois dealing center never lies (especially its department of potential clients), and in a conversation with me personally (the potential client) it would not lie twice.

Don't get upset, this behaviour is typical of many investors. There is even a market model which is based on such irrationalities in investors' behaviour - the Behavioral Asset Pricing Model - a very promising direction.

timbo >> :

That is, faith in the words of the salesperson is unshakable. If the.... (the name of bourgeois DC of choice) personally told me that the client is going to them, then he is definitely going. Well, it's logical: bourgeois dealing center never lies (especially its department of potential clients), and in a conversation with me personally (the potential client) it would not lie twice.

Don't get upset, this behaviour is typical of many investors. There is even a market model which is based on such irrationalities in investors' behaviour - the Behavioral Asset Pricing Model - a very promising direction.

It's hard to disagree.Such questions are usually asked to reassure themselves and confirm their beliefs.But don't overestimate all these employees.I.e. there is a division into "them" and "us" ... They always know more about us than we do about them. Every person (group) is part of the system and cannot account for everything. To be aware of everything, you have to leave the system, but it is impossible.

timbo писал(а) >>

That is, faith in the words of the salesperson is unshakable. If the.... (the name of bourgeois DC of choice) personally told me that the client is going to them, then he is definitely going. Well, it's logical: bourgeois dealing center never lies (especially its department of potential clients), and in a conversation with me personally (the potential client) it would not lie twice.

Don't get upset, this behaviour is typical of many investors. There is even a market model that relies on such irrationalities in the behaviour of investors - the Behavioral Asset Pricing Model - a very promising direction.

Basically, this is a conversation about nothing. Everyone jerks off however they want. I just gave an example without claiming to be the absolute truth, and then everyone decides for himself whether he needs it or not )))).

Pluralism of opinion above all!

Freedom to Yuri Detochkin! (с) )))

timbo писал(а) >>

... Plus the whole world is buying US bonds. They have no yields at all, but people are buying dollars to buy bonds with. Because it's the safest paper today.

The safest paper is the one you use to go to the bathroom with. It's the soft, sturdy one.

Now, these bonds don't come close to being the most reliable.

Timbo, don't be fooled, you're not a bad analyst. People are not buying bonds...