Dedicated to co-founders and beginners - page 34

Xadviser >> :

Intrigued... Porridge is good and can be cooked....

I meant the peculiarity of my theme - it is good on the flat and on the rising trend, but you can not play it down.

Xadviser >> :

What's the bottom?

The bottom of the "instrument" I work with (directly correlated to major economic indicators, e.g. oil price).

But that's not the point. A very specific question - where would you conservatively invest your spare cash for a period of one or two years right now?


When oil gets to 35-30, we'll invest. Tea is not much left (41 now). Of course, it is not known in advance what price the futures speculators will actually bring it to. What guarantees can there be in a world which is essentially a speculative bubble - even for oil, gold and wheat?

Mathemat >> :

When oil gets to 35-30, we'll invest. Tea is not much left (41 now). Of course, it is not known in advance what price the futures speculators will actually bring it to. What guarantees can there be in a world which is essentially a speculative bubble - even for oil, gold and wheat?

It might as well be ...
>> Yes, it could take a year. Wouldn't you, preparing to wait a year in such, shall we say, an unusual period, think about the fate of the "great" dollar and consequently the fate of your money?

mamma писал(а) >>

I meant the peculiarity of my theme - it works well on the flat and on the rising trend, but you can't play it down.

Even more intrigued. I was thinking a little bit differently. I think on any instrument one can play both ways. True, there may be issues with liquidity.

The bottom of the "instrument" I work with (directly correlates with major economic indicators, e.g. the price of oil).

What kind of instrument is so "interesting"?

But this is not the main point. Where would you invest your free money for one or two years?

Are you sure that one or two aren't 10?

You and I are thinking a little differently. So my suggestions may seem inappropriate to you.

You should not invest money in something, but in (using it to organise) the production/realisation of some utility/need. After all, a finished business is always worth more than just assets.

It also depends on the amount.

Think about what the immediate needs are.

1. Buy a field and a tractor, plant them a couple of people, then you will not be weaned from those who want to buy potatoes and you from the business :-) 2.

Transport (not car sales). Oil is getting cheaper, gasoline too, people will travel anyway so they need to service cars.

3. Communication. It is a low-resource-cost area. It would be developed during the crisis as well.

4. Conservative. But this is no longer a crisis=opportunity. Buy gold in bullion. It's not a business, but a highly liquid liability. Protection against inflation. You can always (at almost 100% of the value) take out a loan.

By the way, in 98, all the jewellery stalls emptied in a week.

What is wrong with forex? It's the best way to save, if not multiply. I am working on a program that will automatically select the necessary currencies. I attached the pictures above.

Xadviser >> :

I am working on a piece of software that will automatically select the right currencies. I attached the pictures above.

to mamma.

Just enough for the software...

Xadviser >> :

What kind of tool is so "interesting"?

To be honest, I wouldn't want to go into detail... There will be more questions.

Xadviser >> :

Consider what the immediate needs are.

1. Buy yourself a field and a tractor, put a couple of people on them, then you will not be taken away from those who want to buy potatoes and you from the business :-).

Transport (not car sales). Oil is getting cheaper, gasoline is getting cheaper too, people will travel anyway so they need to service cars.

3. Communication. It is a low-resource area. It will develop during the crisis as well.

Other businesses don't interest me, as most traditional ones involve permanent employment, but at the moment I just make periodic decisions, I can be anywhere, like a trader, or an investor or something. And I'm confident in it, I've been on the subject for almost twenty years now.

I.e. for me the opportunity in times of crisis is just to get in at the bottom. I can wait a few years. Gold is falling so far. Looking at your pictures. "We'll keep looking." ...

mamma писал(а) >>

To be honest, I wouldn't want to go into detail... More questions will come up.

You sure know how to pique your interest. Well, that's up to you.... although maybe a private message.

Other businesses don't interest me, as most traditional ones imply permanent employment, but at the moment I just do occasional decision-making, I can be anywhere, like a trader, or an investor or something. Yes, and I'm confident in it, I've been on the subject for almost twenty years now.

That's the kind of business you have to hang on to, the main thing is that it doesn't hold....

I.e. For me, the opportunity in a time of crisis is simply to get in at the bottom. I can wait a few years. Gold is going down for now... Looking at your pictures. "We'll keep looking." ...

Is that a drop? It's a correction... :-) Actually, what I meant was that if you want to maintain the current status quo, keep half your funds in dollars and half in gold. The dollar will go down-gold will go up and vice versa. With such an episodic approach (as preserving and even slightly increasing) it makes sense to pay attention to currencies and not to bother with sitting near the monitor every day, but once or twice a week you can make a deal even with 1/1 leverage. With this frequency, the spread of 300 pips is practically irrelevant as it is a standard bank spread for clients. Here is an example of how the Aussie went down and the Yen went up, in just over a quarter the difference was 100%! If you catch not the bottom, but at least the bottom third, you can sleep well. And the software showed a fantastic 25% in two days. And in the short term, the major currencies are unlikely to disappear from the face of the earth. The only weak point is the bank where you will keep it.

Thank you, I will think about it.

A little scepticism on a Saturday afternoon

as much as I know traders - there are no or almost no millionaires among them.
"almost" should be understood this way:
a long time ago the concept of a millionaire is when income minus a year exceeds a million.
If this is the case - "minus incomes" - then it is difficult to find a millionaire among these traders.
Add to this occupational risk and early adrenaline-related old age.
= we obtain a portrait of a trader in the form of an ordinary working market.

However, most traders are employed at their main place of work.
They must be able to testify ? the benefits of trading? the benefits of employment as a non-trader?
At least there is no outflow of skilled workers into the stock market.
....MQ celebrated its 8-year anniversary, mini FOREX is 5 years old, and where ?
where is the new generation of stock market millionaires? (25% a day)))
Living on FOREX income is like becoming a professional athlete and living off their high personal achievements.
Again, these professionals do not spend their whole lives kicking the ball.
So, someone may turn out a pro and someone else, alas - cannot))))
As for software that earns good money, well, it's the same stock sport but only technically.


Brother hearts help a novice trader:)

Decided to play on the news and cashed out - stupid but I ran out of money :(((

WMR R266873268087

The result of collecting on the site Kapilochka . napod . r u

Such misfortunes happen :((((