Question for MATHEMATICS

Is there a mathematical way to determine the success of a programmer? AND EFFICIENCY? Not to be confused with productivity.

This is probably a question best addressed to the administrators of large programming projects. Of course, there must be some criteria, but I don't know what they are.

I don't know about the programmer, in psychology some years ago there was just a coefficient of success of a person.

First formulate (at least for yourself) what you understand by the term "success" and how it differs from "efficiency" and the like. Then it will become clear how and in what it can be "measured".

For some people success is a lack of syntax errors in code, for others it is the number of sold programs, for others ...... Well, go on and fill in the details yourself - a range of natural numbers, thank God, is unlimited :)

P.S. If it's no secret - why did you need THIS? all problems have been solved and only this one remains ;)

Helen писал(а) >>

What factors can you use to judge the success of, for example, the programmers you know here?

By their ability to solve the problems you set for them.


Let's put it another way: you are interested in success in terms of achieving your goals ;)

If you have achieved your goal, you are successful. If someone else achieves the same result but faster, they are more successful.

What is your goal?


I asked you specifically.

Какова ваша ЦЕЛЬ?

What do you personally need from a programmer? Let's assume that you somehow determine that I am more successful than someone else by 20 calabados :) so what next? write a review in a newspaper? or place an order?


Knowledge of the subject of coding, experience and awareness of the topic. A communication interface (understanding) appropriate to you. Or. Model of mobile phone, car, area of residence, place of last holiday, etc.

Helen >> :

It's just funny how you're drawn to primitivism. That's not it.

You can tell you're not a programmer. Primitivism comes from the term primitive, i.e. THE SIMPLE. If you cannot solve a SIMPLE problem (to formulate your goal) for yourself, it is too early for you to take on more complex tasks (evaluation of someone else's success).

Before you use a variable - you have to DECLARE it ;)

Declare what "success" is - then there will be a subject to talk about, otherwise it all degenerates into meaningless gibberish.

The criterion is simple - according to the amount of money earned through the profession. 1. Bill Gates, then Norton, and so on.
Helen писал(а) >>

I'm talking about mathematical criteria, not emotional criteria. Are there mathematical evaluation criteria?

Mathematical: a set of test tasks with an appropriate grade depending on the difficulty.