not a bad way in principle for an intrade - page 9


AUD/CAD Australian Dollar/Canadian Dollar 0.8287 0.8282 0.8292 1.1%
AUD/HKD Australian Dollar/Hong Kong Dollar 5.2877 5.2864 5.2889 0.95%
AUD/JPY Australian Dollar/Japanese Yen 68.455 68.43 68.48 1.04%
AUD/SEK Australian Dollar/Swedish Krona 5.3091 5.3054 5.3129 1.3%
AUD/USD Australian Dollar/US Dollar 0.6818 0.6816 0.6819 0.91%
CAD/JPY Canadian Dollar/Japanese Yen 82.6125 82.575 82.65 -0.02%
CAD/SEK Canadian Dollar/Swedish Krone 6.4062 6.4024 6.4099 0.21%
CHF/AUD Swiss franc/Australian Dollar 1.2694 1.2688 1.27 -1.05%
CHF/HKD Swiss franc/Hong Kong dollar 6.7119 6.7106 6.7131 -0.18%
CHF/JPY Swiss franc/Japanese yen 86.9095 86.89 86.929 -0.06%
EUR/AUD Euro/Australian Dollar 1.9075 1.9071 1.9079 -1.38%
EUR/CAD Euro/Canadian Dollar 1.5807 1.5802 1.5812 -0.31%
EUR/CHF EURO/Swiss Franc 1.5026 1.5024 1.5028 -0.26%
EUR/GBP Euro/Pound Sterling 0.7857 0.7853 0.786 0.44%
EUR/HKD Euro/Hong Kong Dollar 10.0857 10.0844 10.0869 -0.43%
EUR/ILS Euro/Israeli Shekel 4.9377 4.9365 4.939 -0.54%
EUR/JPY Euro/Japanese Yen 130.585 130.55 130.62 -0.32%
EUR/NOK Euro/Norwegian Kroner 9.0099 9.0074 9.0124 -0.21%
EUR/NZD Euro/New Zealand Dollar 2.1361 2.1348 2.1373 -0.69%
EUR/RUR Euro/Russian Ruble 34.8092 34.8042 34.8141 -0.29%
EUR/SEK Euro/Swedish Krona 10.127 10.1245 10.1295 -0.07%
EUR/SGD Euro/Singapore Dollar 1.9384 1.9374 1.9394 -0.02%
EUR/USD Euro/US Dollar 1.3004 1.3003 1.3005 -0.45%
GBP/AUD GBP/Australian dollar 2.4288 2.428 2.4295 -1.77%
GBP/CAD GBP/Canadian dollar 2.0128 2.0119 2.0137 -0.7%
GBP/CHF GBP/CHF 1.9133 1.9126 1.914 -0.66%
GBP/HKD GBP/Hong Kong Dollar 12.843 12.842 12.844 -0.82%
GBP/JPY GBP/JPY 166.2715 166.258 166.285 -0.72%
GBP/NOK Pound Sterling/Norwegian Kroner 11.4733 11.4703 11.4763 -0.62%
GBP/SEK Pound Sterling/Swedish Kroner 12.8815 12.877 12.886 -0.59%
GBP/SGD Pound Sterling/Singapore Dollar 2.4688 2.4684 2.4691 -0.4%
GBP/USD Pound Sterling/US Dollar 1.6559 1.6557 1.6561 -0.84%
HKD/SEK Hong Kong Dollar/Swedish Krone 1.0041 1.0026 1.0056 0.22%
JPY/HKD Japanese Yen/Hong Kong Dollar 7.722 7.697 7.747 -0.13%
NZD/SEK New Zealand Dollar/Swedish Krona 4.741 4.737 4.745 0.6%
NZD/USD New Zealand Dollar/US Dollar 0.609 0.6086 0.6093 0.26%

USD/CAD US Dollar/Canadian Dollar 1.2155 1.2153 1.2158 0.16%
USD/CHF US Dollar/Swiss Franc 1.1555 1.1553 1.1556 0
. 2%
USD/HKD US Dollar/Hong Kong Dollar 7.756 7.7557 7.7562 0.03%
USD/ILS US Dollar/Israeli Shekel 3.7967 3.7867 3.8067 0.11%
USD/JPY US Dollar/Japanese Yen 100.42 100.42 100.42 0.13%
USD/NOK USD/Norwegian krone 6.9235 6.9185 6.9285 0.15%
USD/RUR USD/Russian rouble 26.7734 26.766 26.7809 0.24%
USD/SEK USD/Swedish krone 7.7826 7.7776 7.7876 0.3%
USD/SGD USD/Singapore dollar 1.4911 1.4905 1.4917 0.47%

for now it makes sense to hold short - if there is


Apologies for the off-topic.

to Oligarh Isn't that you on this link participating ?

Only the nickname is oligarx


YuraZ писал (а) >> for the time being it makes sense to hold short - if there is

again yesterday's forecast worked ...


as of 7am Moscow time

AUD/CAD Australian Dollar/Canadian Dollar 0.8365 0.836 0.8371 -0.1%
AUD/HKD Australian Dollar/Hong Kong Dollar 5.1587 5.1575 5.16 -0.32%
AUD/JPY Australian Dollar/Japanese Yen 64.855 64.83 64.88 -0.57%
AUD/SEK Australian Dollar/Swedish Krona 5.2507 5.2469 5.2544 0.29%
AUD/USD Australian Dollar/US Dollar 0.6653 0.665 0.6656 -0.33%
CAD/JPY Canadian Dollar/Japanese Yen 77.538 77.493 77.583 -0.43%
CAD/SEK Canadian Dollar/Swedish Krona 6.2771 6.2734 6.2809 0.4%
CHF/AUD Swiss franc/Australian dollar 1.2925 1.2919 1.2931 0.36%
CHF/HKD Swiss franc/Hong Kong dollar 6.6673 6.655 6.6795 0.02%
CHF/JPY Swiss Franc/Japanese Yen 83.8215 83.793 83.85 -0.22%
EUR/AUD Euro/Australian dollar 1.9277 1.927 1.9284 0.24%
EUR/CAD Euro/Canadian dollar 1.6122 1.6114 1.6129 0.13%
EUR/CHF EUR/Swiss franc 1.4913 1.4911 1.4914 -0.06%
EUR/GBP EUR/USD 0.7891 0.7887 0.7895 -0.13%
EUR/HKD Euro/Hong Kong Dollar 9.9422 9.9401 9.9444 -0.07%
EUR/ILS Euro/Israeli Shekel 4.9704 4.9692 4.9717 -0.12%
EUR/JPY Euro/Japanese Yen 124.99 124.98 125.0 -0.3%
EUR/NOK Euro/Norwegian Krona 9.305 9.302 9.308 -0.1%
EUR/NZD Euro/New Zealand Dollar 2.1642 2.1633 2.1651 -1.75%
EUR/RUR Euro/Russian Rouble 34.5696 34.5656 34.5736 -0.08%
EUR/SEK Euro/Swedish krone 10.12 10.115 10.125 0.52%
EUR/SGD Euro/Singapore dollar 1.9254 1.9244 1.9264 0.03%
EUR/USD Euro/US Dollar 1.2821 1.2817 1.2825 -0.09%
GBP/AUD GBP/AUD 2.4425 2.4415 2.4436 0.35%
GBP/CAD Pound Sterling/Canadian Dollar 2.0433 2.0424 2.0442 0.27%
GBP/CHF GBP Sterling/Swiss Franc 1.89 1.8892 1.8907 0.05% 0.05%
GBP/HKD Pound Sterling/Hong Kong Dollar 12.598 12.578 12.618 0.05%
GBP/JPY GBP/Yen 158.382 158.363 158.401 -0.2%
GBP/NOK Pound Sterling/Norwegian Kroner 11.79 11.787 11.793 0.02%
GBP/SEK Pound Sterling/Swedish Kroner 12.7995 12.796 12.803 0.57%
GBP/SGD Pound Sterling/Singapore Dollar 2.4399 2.4389 2.4409 0.15%
GBP/USD Pound Sterling/US Dollar 1.6246 1.6243 1.6249 0.03%
HKD/SEK Hong Kong Dollar/Swedish Krona 1.0179 1.0164 1.0194 0.45%
JPY/HKD Japanese Yen/Hong Kong Dollar 7.954 7.939 7.969 0.24%
NZD/SEK New Zealand Dollar/Swedish Krona 4.6762 4.6545 4.698 2.36%
NZD/USD New Zealand Dollar/US Dollar 0.5925 0.5922 0.5929 1.8%

USD/CAD US Dollar/Canadian Dollar 1.2575 1.2571 1.2579 0.22%
USD/CHF US Dollar/Swiss Franc 1.1633 1.163 1.1635 0.02%
USD/HKD US Dollar/Hong Kong Dollar 7.7545 7.7542 7.7548 0.02%
USD/ILS US Dollar/Israeli Shekel 3.875 3.87 3.88 0.01%
USD/JPY US Dollar/Japanese Yen 97.495 97.48 97.51 -0.21%
USD/NOK USD/Norwegian krone 7.2576 7.2566 7.2586 0.01%
USD/RUR USD/RUR 26.9691 26.9678 26.9704 0.04%
USD/SEK USD/Swedish krone 7.8944 7.8908 7.898 0.6%
USD/SGD USD/Singapore dollar 1.5017 1.5015 1.502 0.12%





short positions on XXXUSD are preferable

Closer to Europe it would be good to be more precise.


Yuri. I am willing to participate in your test of this 'system'. BUT I need to have an indicator. And I will have slightly different conditions. I have a small depot. I will use only this "system" to trade on it.

Please devise another indicator taking into account my and Yuri's corrections. Thank you for your understanding and support.

I will start trading as soon as the indicator is ready.

olyakish >> :

Apologies for the off-topic.

to Oligarh Isn't that you on this link participating ?

Only the nickname is oligarx


No, that's not me. There is no interest in participating in such events.

Oligarh писал (а) >>

Yuri. I am willing to participate in your test of this 'system'. BUT I need to have an indicator. And I will have slightly different conditions. I have a small depot. I will use only this "system" to trade on it.

Please devise another indicator taking into account my and Yuri's corrections. Thank you for your understanding and support.

Once the indicator is ready I will definitely start trading.

1 I have a dealing desk with a huge number of instruments.

2) It is possible to trade here and not necessarily there

3 You may trade and I think it is necessary to do it with more than one pair.

( very useful at times to trade a pair that has broken away from the pack - excluding USDJPY )

today NZDUSD

sell 09:26 on dealing


Moscow 17:55

DTs 15:55


it was in the green zone 1.8% in the morning with a falling trend on XXXUSD and green zone all over usdxxx


YuraZ >> :

1 you need a dealing desk with a large number of instruments

2 it is possible to trade and not necessarily there

3 Trading is possible and I think it is necessary, not only one pair.

( very useful sometimes to trade a pair that has broken away from the pack - excluding USDJPY )

today NZDUSD

sell 09:26 on the dealing desk


Moscow 17:55

DTs 15:55


in the morning it was in the green zone 1.8% with a falling trend on XXXUSD and green zone all over usdxxx


Dilling Br*co. Waiting for an indicator to score valpars in it.

OK, I'll try to finish it.

Trial run without an indicator.

sold the eura at 1.2791

According to the website everything points to a sell. Let's see.

Oligarh писал (а) >>

Trial run without an indicator.

sold the eura 1.2791

According to the site all points to a sale. Let's see.

:-) great...

analysis interval from midnight to the start of the euro


the group market analysis is just one of the criteria to confirm your choice

it is possible for the other criteria to have confirmation

Once determined, sell on covvergence... it is better to sell on M5 M15 M30

these are the points from which you can quickly break even


i did not have time to post the state of the pairs, i am busy at work

( don't hesitate to post it in the format shown above with crosses)