not a bad way in principle for an intrade - page 15



Rate of Change (ROC) is one of the simplest and very effective oscillators, which shows the percentage change in price from one period to the next. The Rate of Change, as an indicator of acceleration, allows you to watch the smoothed rate of price change. As a rule, the ROC indicator is slightly ahead of the basic price trend and reaches its maximum or minimum earlier than the price does.

The Rate of Change indicator is calculated as the comparison of the current price with the price of the previous period, which is N periods apart from the current one. Periods of ROC indicator can always be intervals from a minute to a month.

In modern textbooks, there is disagreement about the Rate of Change formulas.

The ROC indicator formula (Murphy's "Technical analysis of futures markets"):
ROC = 100 x P0 / P-n

where P0 - closing price of the current period;
P-n - closing price of today N periods ago;

There is one more variation of ROC calculation (Akelis "A to Z Technical Analysis"):

Ordinary ROC
ROC = P0 - P-n

ROC normalized indicator
ROC = 100 x (P0 - P-n) / P-n

The latest version of the calculation is used in Metastock and CQG software packages.

the stop on the eu was triggered. That makes two stops in a row. :(

Please explain: is it actually possible to write the system as an expert and test it in Metatrader, or will it not work because there are many currency pairs?

Oligarh >> : I think it's more convenient. And by the way, you can ask them in an inbox how this Change (%) counts

Thank you!

>> it's a very nice picture here!

And by the way I have numbers that agree with the calculation formula.

Oligarh wrote >>

Normalized ROC indicator
ROC = 100 x (P0 - P-n) / P-n

And it's the same one we use :)

So I think we are on the right track.

Choomazik >> :

Please explain: is it actually possible to write the system as an expert and test it in Metatrader, or will it not work because there are many currency pairs?

Yes, they say it will be possible in the next version,

I suggest to output the data of closing prices and data of the indicator into excel and to look at the statistics.

sergeev >> :

Yes, they say it will be possible in the next version,

If you do not know what the price is, you may have to give it to the traders.

I should probably just upload the price quotes by pairs to EXCEL and run it there.

Is everyone down on the eu today or is it just me?
Oligarh >> :
Is everyone down on the eu today or is it just me?

m_a_sim >> :

Great! Can you post this indicator?

I see you're not time-sensitive. What is your indicator based on?