[WARNING CLOSED!] Any newbie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't go by. Can't go anywhere without you. - page 31

Chatlanen >> :

let's say I have 5 different positions open (they have no TP and SL), as soon as the total profit will be +$100 or -$100, I need to close all orders, regardless

Whether they are on the plus side or minus.

if(MathAbs(AccountProfit()) >= 100) closeAllOrder();


this process is called decompiling... go to search engines for the phrase "decompiling ex4"...

locals do the reverse process ...

keekkenen >> :

if(MathAbs(AccountProfit()) >= 100) closeAllOrder();

Thank you, but I do not understand mql, I need an advisor to perform these functions, I cannot write it myself...

If anyone has one, please share it...

xruss >> :
Is there a handy compiler somewhere that would count birds? It's very hard to count errors in code((

The code is done correctly, but it is advisable to do switch case constants in descending order and sleep(1) is a pause for 1/1000th of a second.

And about the scope of "{...}", you just have to be careful.

Chatlanen >> :

Thank you, but I do not understand mql, I need an advisor to perform these functions, I cannot write it myself...

If anyone has one, please share it...


I have a xxx.log file that won't fill up. maybe there's a checkbox missing in the settings?

Good afternoon. Dear Professionals, how to write a function to compare 2 last highs on RSI indicator.

I want to get the following - if RSI > 70, compare maxima 1 and 2, if 1< 2 - close all purchases.

amur >> :

Good afternoon. Dear Professionals, how to write a function to compare 2 last highs on RSI indicator.

I want to get the following - at RSI > 70, comparison of maxima 1 and 2, at 1< 2 - closing of all buys.

Look for maxima among the x nearest neighbours of the indicator values and compare them


Dear traders and MQL4 programmers.

Can you please advise whether it is possible to call your own procedure written in C from MQL-advisor?

And if so, how?


show how it doesn't work