[WARNING CLOSED!] Any newbie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't go by. Can't go anywhere without you. - page 1052

What's not clear? I'm all over it.
I don't see it. What do you mean by average profit? What number do you divide it by to get the arithmetic average? There is no information
average profit means the arithmetic average of the profits on all first 5 minutes of all available days of the story. divide by the number of trades:)
Average profit means the arithmetic average of the profits on all first 5 minutes of all available days in the history.)
So, the 5 minute candlestick has the opening price, closing price, min/max and volume, all other candlesticks have the same volume, so what kind of profit are we talking about?
and profits where? to buy...to sell, ? - and the other - and WHY would you want to do that?

although true, you don't need it :D

You need to know the maximal price movement within the period, i.e. MathMax (Low[iLowest], High[iHighest] - Open 5 min.)


and then find

the average stroke of the first 5 minutes,

the average stroke of the second 5 minutes and the other 5 minutes of the day,

average stroke of 10 minutes, shorter than n minutes, n = 5 to 120 minutes in increments of 5

the question so far is how to take certain information from the log

Log is a file :) open it with a simple editor and watch...

The second option - write an indicator (advisor) that will write to another file the data you need - for a period, in the loop - even in several files....

So it should be written to a file that can be read, although not necessarily with files, but you need to remember every five minutes of the entire available five minute history in order to find the average.

Why? You want to know the average for the day, don't you? (By the way, why don't you consider Hi-Lo 5 minutes?

Get an array of values :)

288 5 minutes a day,

144 10 minutes.

etc... Put the data in and calculate the average - then output all arrays in Deinit and look at the data :)

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