5 points/day or 100 points/month - page 6

MOLET писал (а) >>

The reason why 5 pips a day is so stable is because the market is always moving! The market moves ~43200 pips a day. Why should we not have only 5 pips? People! Think about it!

If this is your belief, I assure you, it's wrong. It's all so good and logical in theory, but in practice - the drain of the cabbage..... Forex is mostly practice, not theory.)))))

MOLET писал (а) >>

How do you feel about consistently receiving 5 points every day?

Answer options:

- good (I wouldn't mind);

- bad (it is not enough for me);

- bad (it is impossible);

Certainly bad. Even fantastically bad. For example my average profit per day trading is 360 pips.

For me 5 pips profit per day is simple idleness :) because even swap on position roll is bigger :-) .

Here is the locked account: http://www.onix-trade.net/?act=stat&id=3440

LeoV писал (а) >>

If this is your belief, I assure you it is a mistaken belief. It's all so good and logical in theory, but in practice it's all a waste of cabbage..... Forex is mostly practice, not theory.)))))


When you see a 500-800pp trend on the chart, I remember my first impressions as if a suitcase full of money went in front of my nose :)

But when the same trend killed my first deposit, I had to come down from heaven to earth.

meta-trader2007 писал (а) >>

... I have an average profit per day trading 360 pips.

Cool!!! That's where the Russian Soros are lurking.

Except that equity is below the initial balance :(

meta-trader2007 wrote (a) >>

For me 5 pips profit per day is just idleness :) For me even swap for position rollover is bigger :-) .

For which pair +swap >5p?

meta-trader2007 писал (а) >>

Of course it's bad. Even fantastically bad. For example my average profit per day trading is 360 pips.

For me 5 pips a day is just a slack :) Because even the swap on position roll is bigger :-) .

Here's the frozen account: http://www.onix-trade.net/?act=stat&id=3440

What is the achievement?

In the sinking of $ 750 for 22 days?

I was draining more and in a much shorter time frame.

geopoint писал (а) >>

What's the achievement?

Draining $750 in 22 days?

I've been draining more and in a much shorter period of time.



meta-trader2007 писал (а) >>

Of course it's bad. Fantastically bad even. For example my average profit per day trading is 360 pips.

For me 5 pips a day profit is just slacking :) because even swap on position rollover is a bigger amount :-) .

This is not a correct answer. You cannot think this way. Let me give you an example. Initial deposit of 1001 dollars. Your TS shows 360 points per day with a drawdown, suppose, of 100 points. Then we can open with 1 lot maximum (without margin). Then your income per day will be $ 3600. And if we take an order, which gives 5 pips per day, but with a drawdown of 1 point, you can open with 100 lots (again, excluding margin), and the daily income will be $ 5000. Therefore we can draw the opposite conclusion, that the TS with 5 pips return is better. )))))))))

P.S. I took an approximate calculation, without taking into account the stock of money on the depo and without margin.....

LeoV писал (а) >>

That is not a correct answer. That is not the way to think. Let me give you an example. Initial deposit of $1001. Your TS has 360 pips per day with a drawdown, let's assume, of 100 pips. Then we can open with 1 lot maximum (without margin). Then your income per day will be $ 3600. And if we take an order, which gives 5 pips per day, but with a drawdown of 1 point, you can open with 100 lots (again, excluding margin), and the daily income will be $ 5000. Therefore we can draw the opposite conclusion, that the TS with 5 pips return is better. )))))))))

P.S. I took an approximate calculation, without taking into account the stock of money on the depo and without margin.....

Trading a whole depo is nonsense!

1/2 is the minimum!

goldtrader писал (а) >>

Cool!!! That's where the Russian Soros are lurking.

Except that equity is below the initial balance :(.

For which pair +swap >5p?

I entered the trend when it was already ending (I've been pulling back for half a month now) . That's the drawdown. Also, the risks of the TS are doubled, because the deposit is small and the profit is low.

And I mean swap from several positions --> 5 positions of 1 pip of swap and 5 points of profit per day secured.

Although here: USDMXN swap 9.97 Pips (at Alpari), killing the spread = 70 Pips.

geopoint писал (а) >>

What's the achievement?

Draining $750 in 22 days?

I've been losing more and in a much shorter period of time.

Where's the drain? The balance sheet's growing. Just one losing position. And drawdowns are drawdowns -- everybody's got drawdowns.

MOLET wrote (a) >>

Trading a whole depo is bullshit!

1/2 is the minimum!

Did you mean to write "maximum"? :)

LeoV wrote(a) >>

This is not a correct answer. That's not the way to think. Here's an example. The initial deposit of 1001 dollars. Your TS has 360 pips per day with a drawdown, let's assume, of 100 points. Then we can open with 1 lot maximum (without margin). Then your income per day will be $ 3600. And if we take an order, which gives 5 pips per day, but with a drawdown of 1 point, you can open with 100 lots (again, excluding margin), and the daily income will be $ 5000. Therefore we can draw the opposite conclusion, that the TS with 5 pips profit is better. )))))))))

P.S. I took an approximate calculation, without taking into account the stock of money on the deposit and without margin.....

You can't think, but you can trade, and that's the main thing.

"And if you take a TS, which gives 5 pips per day, but with a drawdown of 1 point" Well, take it and go on the road on the real. ;-)