5 points/day or 100 points/month - page 12

Serg_ASV писал (а) >>

The man is trading normally and this is not relevant to point 6. In case you didn't understand - he just converted a regular account to micro...

He did not transfer anything ... and even if he did he got 100% a month for six months ... reala... At this rate the Forbes will soon be full...

I'm a LOSER. Well done kid, I envy you, but it's nice to know someone can do it.

LeoV писал (а) >>

Sorry, of course, but I have no idea, on this onyx - real or what?


Serg_ASV писал (а) >>

In case you didn't get it - he just converted a regular account into a micro one

>> It doesn't look like it.

On what date?

geopoint писал (а) >>

It doesn't look like it.

On what date?

Look at his profit line item by item, he's had 5,000 pips of profit in 5 months... 1,000 a month... he obviously didn't transfer...

what the hell...


there's also an inbox.

geopoint писал (а) >>

It doesn't look like it.

On what date?

He had 300 quid - traded on it at first - lost some. Transferred the rest to micro, came out to 270,000 and change. And he moved another 100,000 somewhere.

geopoint писал (а) >>

There's also an inbox.

>> do you think if you knock on the door, he'll open it just to ask if he translated it?

Serg_ASV писал (а) >>

He had 300 quid - he traded with it at first - he lost some. He converted the rest to micro - it came out to 270,000 and a penny. And then he transferred another 100,000 somewhere.

If he did that, he'd have a starting balance of 300,000.

how did the balance grow gradually in such conditions?

zero писал (а) >>

>>do you think if you knock, will it open? Just to ask if he translated or not?

I wouldn't answer. I'd get cocky. Unless I said, "get lost, losers."

Serg_ASV писал (а) >>

He had 300 quid - he traded with it at first - he lost some. He converted the rest to micro - it came out to 270,000 and a penny. And then he transferred another 100,000 somewhere.

Yeah, it looks like you did. I was a dumbass =((...)

Change Balance | Equity 86.77% | 81.94%
Profit: in deposit currency | in pips $56,004.08 | 4,957
Annual 209.75%

I'm really confused... Profit in pips 5000 pips but annual 210%... never used these things... i may or may not have transferred... i don't know.