What do you think of the demo report? 330x deposit increase in 2 hours - page 19


Well people...) Isn't the micro-real for you with a withdrawal to the interbank anywhere?)) And how do you even imagine a transaction lasting from a few seconds to a few minutes anywhere? I do not understand who wants to "mislead" whom, DC you, you DC... But most likely you are yourself. The destiny of pip trading - grab before someone pays attention to you, and put your feet in your hands if you can, there is no other way ...


So much optimism ))))

Figar0 писал (а) >>

Well people...) Isn't the micro-real for you with a withdrawal to the interbank anywhere?)) And how do you even imagine a transaction lasting from a few seconds to a few minutes anywhere? I do not understand who wants to "mislead" whom, DC you, you DC... But most likely you are yourself. The destiny of pipsips - to grab before someone pays attention to you, and legs in hand if possible, there is no other way ...

Deals lasting even half a millisecond are real. The biggest brokers do it this way: they receive quotes from 10 banks - the broker sends the best ones to the terminal and as a result the deal is opened in one bank (for example, buying) and closed (selling) takes place in another bank ... that's 0.5 seconds for you.


Where's the rest of the banquet? Why all the silence? I'm so curious, has the author bought the island or not yet?

Where did he go? Probably got his personal secretary to call his personal manager to personally bring him Angelina Jolie and J.Lo, so they personally gave him a Thai massage of his personal heels ... Oh, man... People, don't drag it out. It's interesting and there's no sequel.


Who can send this expert?

It's just interesting to load it under the market press on the micro. I will let you know the results.

P / S There is a brokerage company without a spread (I do not know about micro). If you do not know about the micro spread you will see the results.

The point is that the brokerage companies can buy you at 1.9890 and immediately sell you at 1.9891. That is why they show you 0 and then take only a few pips. The Interbank Volume is not our volume and the brokerage companies will always earn.

Many brokerage companies have their own currency and you basically trade with your brokerage company. When there are enough buy or sell requests they withdraw the difference.

This is when Vasya bought 1000 pounds for quid from Pete and Kolya wants to buy pounds too, BC can sell them until the moment. And if there are many of these Kohl's, they will sell them on the interbank.

And I wonder if a broker, let's say, 10 000 clients will rush to buy the pound for dollars with only 2000 dollars on the account, where the broker will pay the margin?

BARS писал (а) >>

And I wonder where the broker has 10 000 clients going to buy the pound for dollars with only 2000 dollars on the account.

The bank does this. Banks have the right to lend (including margin) an amount up to 10 times (depends on the legislation of the country - sometimes more and sometimes less) than they have in their accounts.

meta-trader2007 писал (а) >>

The bank does this. Banks are allowed to lend (including on margin) an amount 10 times (depending on the laws of the country -- sometimes more sometimes less) than what they have in their accounts.

This is a misunderstanding of the requirements for banks.

Banks are required to have at least 10% of their own money to do business.

I.e. if a bank has 1 million of own funds (value of buildings, shares of some companies, cash), then it can do business to the extent of no more than 10 million. If the bank has, for example, 5 million depositors at 5% per annum, and it gives out 5 million in loans at 10% per annum, then its balance sheet converges perfectly 5 in plus, 5 in minus, in result we have stable income of 5% on 5 million, life is great. However, he can no longer take deposits and/or issue loans - the business stops. The way banks get out of these situations (combined with other reasons) has led to the sub-prime crisis which is shaking up the world markets.

How much to lend and at what margin is a bank's own business, it is not regulated in any way. To buy real estate, for example, you can borrow 105% of the price of that property, i.e. a negative margin deposit altogether.


На мой взгляд все эти сделки сумируються и отправляються на межбанк без всякова плеча. 10 000 клиентов *2000$ залога уже на 20лямов тянет а если с учётом маржи ? 1/100 = 10 000 пиплов*2000$ (залог по каждому)*100( маржа)=2 милиарда. или 200 ордеров по 10 лямов. А теперь 2 вопроса: 1.Готов ли будет банк на 2 милиарда кредитов выдать сразу.

2.If it happens like when the pound plummeted in the soros, there will be a lot of clients wanting to sell. What then? Over 2 billion. What do we do then?

and yet, isn't it time to share at least a readonly pass with the public? all that is said and done with fewer and fewer words...
gzomin писал (а) >>
It's time to share with the people at least a readonly pass...all these words are less and less...

I support it because it's all talk and no action!!!