What do you think of the demo report? 330x deposit increase in 2 hours - page 6


Let's go over the source code and see how DC reacts ( I have a mini account for $100 somewhere).

I will show the report in the evening


By the way, branch author, try to run it on DAX, for example in WHC, it also runs very fast and has very fluffy quotes.

It would be interesting to see the result.

olltrad писал (а) >>

Let's go over the source code and see how DC reacts ( I have a mini account for $100 somewhere).

I will show the report in the evening.

This script is absolutely useless on real trade. The profit less than 3-4 pips will not be paid as it is always 1-2 pips loss for brokerage companies unless the account is more than 10, and in some brokerage companies it is 50 thousand $. But even they will hardly let you trade like that.

LeoV писал (а) >>


What do you mean?

It won't go any further than the demo.

You could, of course, dilute it with another p.f. 2

You could filter it by only committing every hundredth.

it all comes down to how much money a brokerage can afford to give

you could run around all over the place

it looks like there will be clones coming in with the same results

and after a while, the dots will start looking for new tricks to protect themselves

and that's where they'll send the squadron of crazy minds...

I have trades that close in an hour with a profit of about 0.

I don't like this...

people are quietly fishing and there's guys with dynamite...

The reaction of the fishermen is unpredictable.

There is a simple way to put yourself in the place of the owner of the dz (lake)

Please explain briefly how it works, because I can't get into it.
Red.Line писал (а) >>

In real life this script is absolutely useless. A profit of less than 3-4 pips will not be paid because for a DT it is always 1-2 pips loss, unless the account exceeds 10, and in some DTs it is $50k. But it is unlikely that even there they will let you trade.

I don't know, it's interesting to check it.

Jesus Christ! It's as old as life... How much talk has there been about pipers on this forum, has anyone counted? Once again I strongly advise article-writers in the community to write a FAQ for novice programmer-traders

folks, has anyone tried to analyse the data, at least from the first (most noisy) post

looked at alpari, at 2008.06.24 23:04 oscillations amounted to only 1 point, while the author had 5 times a minute for 4 points, and that's without the spread

but the interesting thing is that the price was never close to the one mentioned in the report

just a question mark...

Ticket Open Time Type Lots Item Price S / L T / P Close Time Price Commission Taxes Swap Profit

3759727 2008.06.24 23:03 sell 837.20 eurgbp.1 0.7912 0.7963 0.7862 2008.06.24 23:03 0.7908 0.00 0.00 0.00 65 964.67
3759751 2008.06.24 23:04 sell 857.00 eurgbp.1 0.7912 0.7963 0.7862 2008.06.24 23:04 0.7908 0.00 0.00 0.00 67 514.46
3759761 2008.06.24 23:04 buy 877.30 eurgbp.1 0.7908 0.7858 0.7958 2008.06.24 23:04 0.7912 0.00 0.00 0.00 69 106.68
3759771 2008.06.24 23:04 sell 898.00 eurgbp.1 0.7912 0.7963 0.7862 2008.06.24 23:04 0.7908 0.00 0.00 0.00 70 744.44
3759779 2008.06.24 23:04 buy 919.20 eurgbp.1 0.7908 0.7858 0.7958 2008.06.24 23:04 0.7912 0.00 0.00 0.00 72 421.93
3759795 2008.06.24 23:04 sell 940.90 eurgbp.1 0.7912 0.7963 0.7862 2008.06.24 23:05 0.7908 0.00 0.00 0.00 74 120.34
3759827 2008.06.24 23:05 sell 963.20 eurgbp.1 0.7911 0.7962 0.7861 2008.06.24 23:05 0.7908 0.00 0.00 0.00 56 919.34

Ravend писал (а) >>

looked at alpari, at 2008.06.24 23:04 it was only 1 pip, the author had 5 times a minute for 4 pips, and that's without the spread

but the interesting thing is that the price at that time was nowhere near what it said in the report

Why would you look at Alpari? :) You need to look to the brokerage company this statement refers to. Firstly, the time may be 1-2 hours different in different brokerage companies. Secondly, the quotes in different brokerage companies are also different. Probably Alpari filters them better and therefore they are not so "noisy" as at that brokerage company. However, of course I did not check this statement for reliability, but I do not think it is real, because the person had posted here and invested the password to his demo account, what would be the point in lying?

olltrad писал (а) >>

I don't know, that's what's interesting to check. I should make something like that for myself, at least for the sake of the championship. although the author never showed a report for several months.

No comment. :)