Why is access to www.mql4.com blocked? - page 2

Renat, I'm not trying to look innocent (in my previous post, there was a smiley after the words "I downloaded something"). I've already written that I got to the page with MQL documentation through the link. I had no idea which site this page belonged to. I've tried to copy the documentation not for the purpose of enrichment but only for offline studying MQL. I really didn't know that it is punishable. If I had known that access to the website is blocked, I would never have done such a stupid thing. Once again I ask your pardon. It won't happen again. Please give access back! As an exception.

Hello, Administrator!

I'm new to this site, I've just started to learn MQL4.

Much to my regret, I didn't know that I'm not allowed to download the documentation and articles by robot.

I just decided to download everything on my handheld and lie in the bath to read the docs.

And that was a bummer.

At first I did not understand why all of a sudden everything stopped and the site stopped responding; then I figured it out and found the saved files via Yandex.

forum pages on this subject.

Now I am writing through a proxy server in the hope of restoring normal access,

as there was no malice.

At first, the CHM tutorial did not open in any browser. So I decided to download all the pages of the tutorial, and at the same time the doku and articles. :(

You might have to write somewhere more clearly on the site that you can not download, because it seems a lot of people have to stumble on this.

And a big request to restore access, such an error will not happen again.



Thank you! :)



Same request - unban IP

Circumstances of being on the banned list:

I decided to study MQL4. At first I searched on the Internet for books on the subject and did not find any. Then I hooked onto your website. Obviously, I immediately found a link to a CHM file of the book. I downloaded the file. Unfortunately, my computer XP sp2 this CHM file can not read - the font size of 1 pixel. I tried to decode CHM to HTML. I tried 3 different programs and unfortunately the structure is getting lost in html files and pictures are getting lost. Of course it can be fixed, but it takes too long. I remembered about directory downloader from site (about 2 years ago I used teleporter). The structure of directory is OK. I put myself offline explorer and tried to scan the directory https://www.mql4.com/ru/ to evaluate the work to be done to download the book. Halfway through the scan I was banned... I was not aware of the fact that you can't do a mass download or scan of the site and neither were the others who got banned. That's actually all... By the way, an hour after the ban I found the MQL4 book in pdf format... But now you can't read the forum or look at scripts in MetaEditore...



Please remove my ban on MQL5.com. IP:

I got the error "403 - banned. Access denied." , I haven't used any software - I just went to English forum and switched pages from the beginning.

I suspect that too often, so I got banned. In any case I think the threshold for a ban should be raised...


Come on, just pretend to be "downloading something". They mass-downloaded an entire website - as if the logs didn't show it. In both cases there was an undisguised mass download.

No more blockages will be lifted.

I agree, mass DownLoads should not be missed ))))


Please remove my ban on MQL5.com. IP:

For more than a day an error "403 - banned. Access Denied. , didn't use any software - went to English forum and switched pages from the beginning.

I suspect that too often, so I got banned. In any case I think the threshold for a ban should be raised...

I also confirm this bug - I've seen it many times

Why are my posts being deleted????? What the fuck!!!!! Can't install EA on the server because your shitty site isn't working because of some blockage!!!! I wouldn't need it for 100 years if it wasn't for EA. Look at them, they also delete posts with threads!!!!
Why are my posts being deleted????? What the fuck!!!!! Can't install EA on the server because your shitty site isn't working because of some blockage!!!! I wouldn't need it for 100 years if it wasn't for EA. Look at them, they also delete posts with threads!!!!
It works exactly as intended.

The entire Zomro subnet provider has been blocked for massive fraudulent activity from its subnets.

Stop being naive already. You knew exactly why you wanted this particular ISP.
Renat Fatkhullin:
It works exactly the way it's supposed to.

The entire Zomro subnet provider has been blocked for massive fraudulent activity from its subnets.

Stop being naive already. You knew exactly why you wanted this particular ISP.

I don't know anything. Any fraudulent activity is bullshit! As many people as I know, everything works.