Toys from Vinin - page 12

Mathemat >> :

...despite its being proven...

Has it been proven?! Completely? I have heard something about a proof for certain degrees, but for any n e N...

sayfuji писал(а) >>

I'm not good at maths, Fermat seems to have had a few theorems. By any chance did not a^n+b^n=c^n for n>2 proved?

P.S. I don't want to be retarded. You know, shrimps and bears. You can't keep up with them.

доказана в 1995 году


Yes, 130 pages is a fundamental work. It comes close, but did not lead to the original proof, which only one person knew.

Fduch писал(а) >>

Has she been proved?! Completely? I have heard something about a proof for certain degrees, but for any n e N...

Yes it was proved completely in just over 100 pages, so there was a point of contention as Fermat wrote "a simple way of proving it" so the search didn't stop

However, everyone here seems to know about this Ferme's problem ))

The Farm is clear - Aren't there any more toys? : (((((((

fxxx писал(а) >>

The Farm is clear - Aren't there any more toys? : (((((((

The toys are elsewhere.

fxxx писал(а) >>

Yes, but they are not all available. Some are in locked partitions. And some are on the home computer.


А часть на домашнем компе.

Well, why reveal secrets, now all the forum hackers will break in. So don't be fooled by all the incoming files from strangers)))