Forex systems - page 13


How about something stronger? Absinthe? For a better understanding.....)))))

"Helicopters! Even in the most secluded of places, even in the peace and tranquillity of some paradise, they will find a drunken man, they will penetrate into the most protected and hidden of private estates. It is impossible to hide from them! You can run away from your friends from some banquet. You can run away feeling full of energy and thinking that today you managed not to drink too much, that a few glasses of champagne and then cognac, quite a lot of cognac, but a good one!... It's OK... To escape from everybody, to rush in a taxi and rush to the woman who is waiting... But as you lean back in your seat and close your eyes, you are overtaken by helicopters. They come as a squadron, hover over the taxi and whirl you, the car, and the city... And you are never expected anywhere else today.
Or you come home drunk and tired after a long talk and... more talk. The house is quiet, clean, cool. It's summer! The curtains are fluttering by the open balcony door. You praise yourself for not having brought anyone with you... You think you'll wash up tomorrow, you'll shower tomorrow; now you need to go to bed immediately. And you throw off your clothes right on the floor and fall into a cool and fresh bed... But as soon as the back of your head touches the pillow, helicopters fly into the room, the balcony door, the window shade, tearing down the curtains. And if you open your eyes, it doesn't get any better... Not anymore! You can't keep your eyes open for long... and the helicopters carry out another raid... Which means that in the morning you will suffer and be alone in that suffering."
Andy_Kon >> :

Opponent is silent for now, we wait.

I'm not an opponent, but "after the fridge" ........ it occurred to me to reread the classic "The Dancing Men" ....... otherwise it's all from the category: see - do not read, read - do not read, read - do not think.......... another version of "Ward No.6" :(

Mathemat >> :

Pardon me, folks, I've still got some beer left to grind.

The unforgettable LB used to say: Degrees cannot be lowered!!!!!!!!!



The helicopters will find you for sure, you don't stand a chance. Even on a nice spring day. You leave the house to go for a walk with your friends - and you go for a walk. And the lilacs! And the smell, and the warmth, and you drink beer everywhere with your friends, then you have lunch somewhere and drink vodka, and then you go for a walk again and drink beer again. And then you meet her and go out with her and drink the same thing she drinks, which is something so sweet and gooey. And close to midnight you take her to her house, take your jacket off her shoulders with one last move and walk home, humming something, sit down on a bench to have a smoke. But just as you lean back on the bench and let the smoke out of your mouth and close your eyes, immediately helicopters fly out from behind the lilac bushes. They shoot down the lilac flowers with their propellers and your bench begins to twist out of the ground in a counterclockwise direction.


KimIV >> :


The helicopters will find you for sure, you don't stand a chance. Even on a nice spring day. You leave the house to go for a walk with your friends - and you go for a walk. And the lilacs! And the smell, and the warmth, and you drink beer everywhere with your friends, then you have lunch somewhere and drink vodka, and then you go for a walk again and drink beer again. And then you meet her and go out with her and drink the same thing she drinks, which is something so sweet and gooey. And close to midnight you take her to her house, with one last move you take your jacket off her shoulders and walk home, humming something, sit down on a bench to have a smoke. But just as you lean back on the bench and let the smoke out of your mouth and close your eyes, immediately helicopters fly out from behind the lilac bushes. They shoot down the lilac flowers with their propellers and your bench begins to twist out of the ground in a counterclockwise direction.



all of this is called a funny word "obsumoron" ...... like "to suffer a landslide victory" .....


still "offtop" ))))

and if you'd like to add to that - how can you run the terminal on the server without the "application server" and "iis" as a service...... it means that there are cases when a server goes down because of power supply and then comes back up, but until you log on the terminal will not come up..... :( did i make myself clear? ...... it's chutzpah today :)))

Got it..... crossed out :(((
rider >>: the unforgettable LB used to say: you can't bring the degree down!!!!!!!!!

I wondered and wondered. No one other than Leni Brezhnev came to mind. And about lowering the degree - like this: after drinking cognac, would you refuse from beer with tiger krevedko, if your wife informed you about it?

Mathemat >> :

I guessed and guessed. No one other than Leni Brezhnev came to mind. And about lowering the degree - like this: after drinking cognac, would you refuse a beer with tiger krievkos if your wife told you about it?

no)))))))))))))))))....... such is our contradictory nature and life )

two threads here, suddenly merged into one