Forex systems - page 4

Regulest123 >> :

... ... You don't need to know much, all you have to do is to translate it into MQL4. I could do it myself in 3 days.

You've been torturing this method #3 for over a year and you couldn't find 3 days for coding?

Regulest123 >> :

Whoever is the first to translate this expert and post it here does not need to buy it or the methods of obtaining accurate forecasts.

I do not understand:

If the Expert Advisor is posted here, why do they have to buy it?


By the way, if you still want to code by yourself, there is a useful function in MQL4

DayOfWeek () returns the day of the week so the client or coder does not have to read the calendar for 10-20 years.

Regulest123 >> :

Roulette as a business is based on the fact that the probability of winning is close to 0...

Sir, you are an ignoramus.

The probability of winning on roulette when betting one number is 1 in 37, with a winning size of 36 to one. I.e. the expectation of winning size is 36/37, for every dollar bet the player gets 97 cents back. Roulette as a business is based on the theory of big numbers and these 3 cents of profit for every dollar bet.

With red/black betting, the probability of winning is 18 to 37, i.e. 48.6%, but the winnings are only 2 to 1, the expectation for the player is the same 3 cents minus.

timbo писал(а) >>

Sir, you are an ignoramus.

The probability of winning on roulette when betting on one number is 1 in 37, with a winning size of 36 to one. That is, the expectation of winning size is 36/37, for every dollar bet, the player gets 97 cents back. Roulette as a business is based on the theory of big numbers and these 3 cents of profit for every dollar bet.

When betting on red/black, the probability of winning is 18 to 37, i.e. 48.6%, but the winnings are only 2 to 1, the expectation for the player is the same 3 cents minus.

Am I ignorant? Your words are confirmed by 2 hypotheses at once

1) Among those responding to the theme fx-forums percentage of employees, whose task is to bring down our already low probability of success 0.5 towards zero, playing on the psychological factor, and may be absolute. You communicate with hundreds of traders, brokers do not trust a penny, and they are all brokers.

2) As a consequence of confirmation of the first hypothesis I`ve confirmed my opinion, that the employees of brokerage companies are as a rule casino inhabitants, and all that these demonic vampires can do is to bite people and drink their financial blood to death.

Well, there's nothing to talk about the unreliable wife, who plays games with her husband in the evenings when he gets home from work, mostly to get money. On that basis, the director of a casino or a brokerage company, contrary to the legends, is always a woman. The physical weakness of women is nonsense, in her games she can give any man such a kicking that he will roll over in the air 7 times and never know the reason for his failures. These lahoos confuse everybody in such a way that the doctor-patient psychologist is advised to get treatment, the professor is told that he is a lunatic, in general he should leave, I say it may be out of 20 opponents to one trader.

Regulest123 >> :

Am I ignorant? Your words confirm 2 hypotheses at once

1) The percentage of employees answering the fx-forum theme, whose task is to bring down our already low probability of success 0.5 to zero, playing on the psychological factor, may be absolute. You communicate with a hundred traders, brokers do not trust a penny, and they are all brokers.

Yes, you are ignorant. 0.5 probability of winning is "not enough" for you. What do you want, 2 or 5?

Talking about probability without mentioning mathematical expectation makes no sense. Roulette is a completely fair game (minus the spread). Assert the opposite can only dumbass not familiar even with the basics of statistics.

Do you want a 99% probability of winning on Forex? I can do it very easily.

timbo писал(а) >>

Yes, you're an ignoramus. The probability of winning 0.5 is "low" for you. What do you want, 2 or 5?

Talking about probability without mentioning the mathematical expectation makes no sense. Roulette is a completely fair game (minus the spread). Assert the opposite can only dumbass not familiar even with the basics of statistics.

Do you want a 99% probability of winning on Forex? I can do it very easily.

Am I stupid? I am a Russian merchant, I am in the Tsar's treasury a golden ruble, he only needs to show me and he will buy something that no money can buy - influence over kings, influence in academia and financial markets. All brokers are just servants of slot machines.

If autoscripts opened positions arbitrarily, the probability of their profitability would be 0.5, but they open them by indicators, and my forecasts table is an indicator based on data for 10 years of quotes history, it is based on the principle of scientific certainty. Therefore, any MTS, as long as it is based on some Febonacci's numbers or Eldiot's wave theories, should be beaten by my indicator with a large margin.

And the way brokers cheat traders can be judged by what the "self-learning expert" known to many people shows, on the 3rd or 4th time in the tester, sit and wait until he learns to trade on a real account the same way, Pinocchio hoped the same, when he buried five gold pieces under a tree on the advice of his best friends. And the actor, who was playing Pinocchio, was not very lucky in life, he had to chew with his forehead. You know, like the beggars at the pavement, they put a piece of bread on the step and crumple it with their foreheads, no one has any teeth, and when they start complaining, they all say: "I've been homeless for 3 years!"
And about casino customers who hope nobody knows about their non-traditional sexual orientation, while their wives like to play in the ass, what can I say, and all the rich people with gold client cards go to casinos, and the reputation is all the same, "His wife likes to play in the ass!

Why do forums praise my trading system, while it is clear that it is the most profitable, or the only one of its kind in the whole world? Because the white shark does not care what to grab, it bites an iron anchor, iron bars bite, wood logs bite, teeth of course while it always break (ie managers to work with clients), but they rows of new grow as an assembly line. So Forex is not bluffing when it refutes the profitability of my indicator, and this shark is trying to get a tooth on steel, copper, iron and iron items of my intellectual equipment. Foolish fish, what to make of it. Poor traders, whose deposits are like seals, hunting for fish (profitable deals), are themselves the main object of hunting white sharks (brokerage companies). There's a financial storm like 7-9 points in the ocean, all the ships are either in ports or sunk or still in distress, but I'm all boo-hoo-hoo, not only am I at sea, but I haven't slowed down or deviated from the course. It may be that my computer is in the epicenter of the storm, as the main reason, by the way who will give his opinion about the reasons of trends of the major currency pairs 250-350ps, so it coincides with mine, I will consider him a candidate of humanities. It's explicitly stated on my forum. You may be a Lack of Science today and tomorrow you may become a PhD, that's why Forex may be praised as an intermediary.

With respect.


Yeah. Turns out this forex director has already been written about.

I wish the author of this method hadn't even shown up here. He ruined the whole impression...

FX-Systems Co Ltd<br / translate="no"> Alexander, development consultant. wrote >>

Hello Alexey!
I've been waiting for your ToR, but haven't received it yet. I saw its resemblance in the MQL4 forum.

"If you are an MQL4 adept, translating the contents of a ready script and preparing it for compilation can take at least 1 hour. "Actually it's not correct to estimate the amount of other people's work, especially since the ToR is far from being formalized. I know Lukyanov who spent over a month on solving the mysteries of your coding, but never got to the bottom of it. And he is not a stupid man. So it is absolutely incorrect to talk about 1 hour in this kind of ToR.
I am not trying to question the profitability of your TS, but I need proof. And the fact that your TS is about a year old and it is not applied in real trading - it is very confusing. This leads to two assumptions:
1. You do not need the money. But then why all this PR?
2. In real life TC is used, but the results are far from positive.

Hope that someone on the forum will make you an MTS for your far from transparent TOR, you can, but the chances are not many. It is not customary to work "for an idea" when it is not confirmed by facts of profitability. And if some beginners decide to do it for the sake of training, the result is likely to be far from what you expect.

Winning demo contests does not count. The idea has to work in the real world. For example, Better won the last Championship-2007 leaving all the competitors far behind. At that time his TS was considered to be a perfect one. Everyone rushed to study neural networks. But what happened to his TS after the Championship? After a month or two it started to stumble, after another month
In another month or two it started to fail and in another two months the trader has withdrawn it from trading without waiting for complete failure. Now I have launched a completely different Expert Advisor. Have a look at monitoring:

I don't have a passion for experts. It's simple.

I tried to create an autoscript based on my prediction tables before the start of the Championship 2008, such a script can show high results. When I decided to unsubscribe from this championship, I created a new forum topic, because every post, every email needs a reply.

Lukyanov did not understand everything, because he is a university student and lives in Novosibirsk. If my methods had been about hunting in the taiga or gold mining, he would have succeeded. I used the knowledge I picked up in the library of the Pedagogical University in Moscow, reading books by academics in his library next to alumni university professors. The rank of a student's reflection cannot be higher than that of a teacher, or a researcher.

I just explained on the MQL4 forum why any MTS is no better than my indicator. But why should I need an Expert Advisor that is only half of Method N3, it can't take into account the effects of two other forecasts, because one Expert Advisor on three charts at the same time can't be attached. I don't have a server that runs for a year without rebooting and internet connection interruption. I have a personal computer that would need such an Expert Advisor for 30 minutes, I do it manually in 10 minutes, but it would be handy for beginners of the method. And most importantly, the test result for 4 months, even a half-script Method N3 would still show profitability of the trading system. I do not have enough patience for a fortnight to trade on the method, where can I get proof of its profitability, except for wins in competitions.

I don't know why I decided to copy and paste this script to the market and it did not work, I had some errors there. I don't have any reason to study MQL4, after that all I have to do is to object, question, debunk and go either way, like everyone else.

In 2004 having estimated the market opportunities I suggested on ForexClub forum to manage funds from 300 thousand $ for 3% of profit, as a first-time beginner, they started to trade on 3%. I left - you can find fools everywhere, what for do I need them, and now I establish a bank with my methods as its analytical core and start managing large funds. You see, interest profits grew by 30 times in 4 years, and I am sure it will get better.

Regulest123 писал(а) >>

You see, in four years the percentage profit has increased by a factor of 30, and there's more to come.

A $6,000 advance payment and we will program any of your ideas, if you are able to explain them. And we'll bolt it to at least five charts and it'll work just like you tell us.

sergeev писал(а) >>

Yeah. Turns out this forex director has already been written about.

I wish the author of this method hadn't even shown up here. He spoiled the whole impression...

You have not read this on my forum. You can win not only GBPUSD segment from queen that brokers don't like to upset, but also many other things. I'm not a trader at all, just an observer, there will be money - everything will happen.

//////// My help to the Russian team could only consist of reading the textbook "Psychology of Sports" by N.P. Rudick, running around the stadium, winning traders' contests with company offices in London, working on forums and the fact that my father's pennant "also called Vympel" has had a bronze medal for labour achievements in light industry hanging on it for 14 years. And because I reported on the WHC forum that I was appointed Diplomatic Attaché in Berlin on September 3, 2003, you would have thought that I had also paved the way for the Germans to qualify for the final, and at the end of the Championship, I went straight into the role of a Counsellor of Embassies, bypassing the Third Secretary, the Second Secretary, the First Secretary, because I re-influenced the councillors of 52 countries during the championship, except for Spain and Germany, who regulated their national teams during the away game, and I applied for the Championship of Automobile Councillors, that championship began on October 25, 2006, the prize for the third place in the championship - 5000 c.u.е., they may appear in my bank account even tomorrow if the Championship organisers consider it a prize application if they need it, personally I don't work for money - I'm a careerist, they don't give a shit about that money, I'm for barter deals, 5 kg of potatoes for 1 kg of sugar, and those who just have money neither, and there is even a project to create a barter market, and even an all-Russian barter exchange, to keep the whole country safe from the rich. ///////

Since old posts have been touched, once again I authoritatively advise you to give your MTS to a moderator. There are better trading strategies.

Prival >> :

A $6,000 advance payment and we will program any of your ideas, if you are able toexplain them. And we'll bolt it onto five charts and make it work the way you tell us.


It's time to dot the i's and cross the t's.

A VERY BIG PROBABLY to Saltunov: let you finally explain your method to us, as 99.99% of people who have read about it don't understand it without any explanations. So many questions remain.

Let us begin from simple to complex with less water and more concrete, numbers and mathematics.