I'm not a programmer at all, - page 6

And here it's like the nine layers - the full structure of society.
From the chandelier to the lift spring (chapter by Altiste D. not included in the book).

Let's go straight for the box, and win the championship yourself!


Whoever writes the advisor will win the championship.

It is the author of the idea, not the implementer, who wins the championship.

In most cases it is much harder to find a working TS than to implement it in code.

If you have a convincing argument (test results, login to the demo account...) or the idea itself seems promising, I can do it. I will not take any money. I can only guarantee your confidentiality and only in words.


All at once.

////And here, as in 9 Layers - the complete structure of society.
From the chandelier to the lift spring (chapter by Altiste D. not included in the book).///

I would be grateful in any format, if there is one in electronic form.

/// Let's go straight for the box, and win the championship yourself!

Too complicated for me, the meaning is not grasped. But just in case, I'll say, "You've got... that... !! (с)

/// It's the author of the idea, not the implementer, who should win the championship.
In most cases it is much harder to find a working TS than to implement it in code.
If you have a convincing argument (test results, login to the demo account...) or the idea itself seems promising, I can do it. I will not take any money. I can only guarantee confidentiality, and that only in words.


My email is in my profile. Or I write myself, if the forces will be collected, sleep at last want to.

I have a login to a real account... but you're not gonna like it. I almost lost my mind myself when I saw what a two hour layover would be like if I stood for the yen, like today...

Feel sorry for me (to everyone). I lost a lot more today than it costs to write an EA.


to xant

What does the yen have to do with it.
Ginger dragged everyone today. China....In 15 minutes swissy, +5 yen, another 30 eurodollar, and only the pound....
My point is that the mathematicians(to Mathemat) were in charge of this train)))

And you knock in person, just do not answer. Wait'c.


So, I was blown away by the first of the volunteers.

At the point of outlining the point. I mean, I didn't even have time to articulate exactly what needed to be done.

What a reaction!

Apparently, my level is way below the plinth.

Nevertheless. Any volunteers? I need to bluntly program what I need, anywhere, whether it's MT or Omega. Although I added Omega as a red word, tried to set it somehow, failed, my hands are crooked or Omega is a bourgeois bitch, and I may be a communist at heart.

I've already realised that's my karma.

Nevertheless willing to pay real money, although I'm sure it won't help. Anyone who's read "The Altist Danilov" will understand. No matter how hard you try, you won't get any results. You have to go to the lair. If only we knew where the lair is.

So, volunteers! I'll give you the bait. Whoever writes an advisor wins the championship. And if he doesn't win, I'll give him a case of Sarajishvili, 5 years old. They don't sell it in Moscow, so I'll go to Ukraine on purpose.

Actually it's simple. In V.Orlov's book. "The Altist Danilov" has all the answers to your questions.

= Who will do the job you suggested? And on what terms?

"TV-educated nincompoops"?

= Or what kind of responsibility will a pro take?

"As he walked away, he glanced at the confused young ladies, taking pity on them. The young ladies were cute now. 'All right,' promised Danilov, 'so be it. I'll see to it... However, let them fast for now." Just in case, he found out which innocence had been restored to the girls - eternal or temporary? It turned out that it was temporary, lasting no more than three years. But immediately Danilov received additional information. Temporary was temporary, but no man but Danilov could overturn his decision even after the term had expired.

= Danilov himself ... "takes coffee beans only from the heated Arabian soil, and haughtily despises Brazilian ones, finding their taste too languid and sourly bitter."



I've had open to the south for the yen and the dollar and the pound. That's not the problem. The problem is that you can do everything right and profitable for as long as you want,

but then you get to a point where for some reason you do it wrong. In person, in person. But who to? I will definitely go to the saviour. Gold trader.

I'm sure it's not a hokey-pokey.

It's a fun forum you got here. I think I'll stick around for a while.

By the way, I can drive up to the Radisson Slavyanskaya, there's an exhibition or something.


That's not the point. The problem is that you can do everything right and profitable for as long as you like,

But then comes the moment when for some reason you do everything wrong.

The surprising thing would be the absence of such a moment at the most inopportune time. This can only mean one thing: the sneaky moment is waiting in ambush at an even more inopportune time.

We have been over this many times before and we will be over it many times again, when the market starts to change and the most successful strategies so far become defeated.

Sometimes it is better to miss the moment.


Gold trader


Not golden yet :)

Gold would be goldentrader.

So far, I am a gold trader. I like to walk on gold with my hands - it is a highly technical instrument, however.


to goldtrader

That's what I'm saying. China promised a hint of something, and the ginger first, followed by the swissy...That's how.... and the other dumb ones stood for almost an hour.

I can't get enough of it.