I'm not a programmer at all, - page 5


1. Mathematicians are awarded the Nobel Prize, but in other categories.

2. Nobody claimed that the Nobel Prize is awarded in the field of mathematics, because see point 1 - it is awarded among other things in the field of mathematics. 1 - it is awarded among others for services in the field of mathematics and among others to mathematicians, but in other categories.

Reshetov girl,

If in other nominations, it is no longer for mathematicians, but for others. People who are really gifted are not bad, they go beyond one science.
Kantorovich won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1975 for linear programming methods, and is himself a pure mathematician.
Landau was also a mathematician, however ....

It turns out there's a lot of fluffers around here. I step away for a moment and there's a whole discussion. And it's all mathematicians.

Intelligent, sedate, respectful people. They treat each other with care and understanding)))))

Kantorovich received the 1975 Nobel Prize in economics for linear programming methods, and he himself is a pure mathematician.

The boy knows best. No mathematicians are allowed within a point of view when the Nobel Prizes are awarded. He said that they don't award them to mathematicians, but to other fake third parties. The week before all the mathematicians and all the people seen with the Pythagoras table, the slide rule or the Bradis table and who answered "four" to the question "how many times two is two" are caught in all neighborhoods and back alleys and put in a dog box. And after the prizes have been awarded, all those suspected of knowing mathematics are released until the next ceremony.

And Kantorovich was probably a nerd, wasn't he? He pretended to be a hoser, so to speak. That's why he won the Nobel Prize.


It turns out there's a lot of fluffers around here. I step away for a moment and there's a whole discussion. And it's all mathematicians.

Intelligent, sedate, respectful people. They treat each other with care and understanding)))))

Faggots treat each other with respect and understanding. But mathematicians are mean, scandalous and quarrelsome (better not to get in the way, they will be killed with a slide rule) and understand only dry formulas and rigorous proof.

No hypotheses (c) Newton


The 3.14 is a very understanding and caring attitude to each other. But mathematicians are very quarrelsome, scandalous and quarrelsome (better not to get in the way, they'll kill you with a slide rule) and they understand only dry formulas and rigorous proofs.

))) But it's better to be gay. Maths is maths, but trading teaches you restraint.)


Maths is maths, but trading teaches restraint)

I haven't noticed anything about restraint. But I had to learn some maths in some areas in connection with trading. Anyway, trading without maths is gambling.


It turns out there's a lot of fluffers around here. I step away for a moment and there's a whole discussion. And it's all mathematicians.

Intelligent, sedate, respectful people. They treat each other with care and understanding)))))

Faggots treat each other with respect and understanding. But mathematicians are quarrelsome, scandalous and grumpy (better not to get in the way, you'll be killed with a slide rule) and understand only dry formulas and rigorous proof.

Hypotheses are not invented (c) Newton.

(Newton would have remembered the Bradis table...9-digit)))


So, I was blown away by the first of the volunteers.

At the point of outlining the point. I mean, I didn't even have time to articulate exactly what needed to be done.

What a reaction!

Apparently, my level is way below the plinth.

Nevertheless. Any volunteers? I need to bluntly program what I need, anywhere, whether it's MT or Omega. Although I added Omega for the sake of red words, tried to install somehow, failed, my hands are crooked or Omega is a bourgeois bitch, and I may be a communist at heart.

I've already realised that's my karma.

Nevertheless willing to pay real money, although I'm sure it won't help. Anyone who's read "The Altist Danilov" will understand. No matter how hard you try, you won't get any results. You have to go to the lair. If only we knew where the lair is.

So, volunteers! I'll give you the bait. Whoever writes an advisor wins the championship. And if he doesn't win, I'll give him a case of 5-year-old Sarajishvili. They don't sell it in Moscow, so I'll go to Ukraine on purpose.